Opinions on Female Bodybuilders

  • Opinions on female bodybuilders and their femininity can be extremely shallow and narrow-minded.
  • Bodybuilding can be seen as a form of rebellion, although it wasn't the initial intention for many.
  • The trend of altering the natural body line with breast implants in women bodybuilders is unfortunate.
  • ベストアンサー


英語の得意な方、翻訳をお願いします! 翻訳機能などを使ってみましたが、綺麗な日本語にならなくて困っています お願いします What do you say about people who say female bodybuilders aren't even women? I think such opinions are extremely shallow. To look at just one aspect of a person, such as the fact that they have a lot of muscle, and then say that that person is not a woman constitutes an extremely narrow viewpoint. Is bodybuilding to you in any way a rebellion? That didn't have anything to do with why I started bodybuilding, but I must say that it has been a constant battle since then. As my muscles got bigger and I got stronger, people around me started to change. That's when it started becoming necessary to fight. What do you think about the trend for women bodybuilders to alter the natural body line with breast implants? I think it's a very unfortunate trend. It looks to me like the women are being manipulated by men's wishes. It's like a fitness version of Playboy. I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do.The way I see it, God made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it's a good thing to have all different types of people.Each person has his or her own individuality, own character, and it's the most important thing is to express that.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

女性のボディビルダーは女でさえないという人たちについてあなたの意見はどうですか? 私はこの様な意見は非常に浅薄なものだと思います。例えば筋肉がたくさん付いていると言ったことの様な、ある人のほんの一面だけを見て、その人は女ではないと言うことは、極端に狭い見解になります。 あなたにとってボディビルは多少なりとも反抗ですか? そのことは私がボディビルを始めた理由と何も関係は無かったのですが、その時以来それ(ボディビル)は絶え間のない戦いとなったと言わざるを得ません。私の筋肉が大きくなり、私が強くなるにつれて、私の周囲の人たちは変わりだしました。闘うことが必要になり始めたのはその時です。 女性のボディビルダーが胸に移植をして自然なボディラインを変える傾向についてどう思いますか?私はとても不幸な傾向だと思います。私には女性が男性の願望によって操られているように見えるのです。それは『プレイボーイ(誌)』のフィットネス版のようです。 日本では特に女性は自分自身についての考え方が非常に狭いと私は思います。あなたはどう思いますか? あなたは自分自身をもっと大切にし、自分の考えていることや自分のしたいことを大切にしなければなりません。私の考えでは、神様はとても多くの人をおつくりになった。なぜでしょう?様々な違ったタイプの人がいることは良いことだからです。それぞれの人にはその人自身の個性、性格があります、そしてそれを表現することが一番大切なことなのです。


  • 2センスある日本語訳できますか?

    2センスある日本語訳できますか? What do you think about the tend for women bodybuilders to alter the natural body line with breast implants? - I think it’s a very unfortunate trend. I t looks to me line the women are being manipulated by men’s wishes. It’s like a fitness version of playboy. I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? - You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do.

  • 翻訳と英語について教えてください。

    日本語に翻訳してください(>_<) 話していて内容がごちゃごちゃで意味がわからなくなってしまって... それと、 もしかして相手は私と付き合いたいといっているのですか? Likewiseと言ってしまったのですが 相手はもうこれで付き合ったと勘違いしているでしょうか? ちなみに相手はイギリス人男性です。 相手I would love to be more than friends with you... is that something that might interest you? 私Likewise 相手Really? What have you got in mind gorgeous? ;) 私what do you mean? 相手 I mean, when i say more than friends, and you say likewise, what do you think i mean?

  • 英語が得意な方へ!

    英語が得意な方へ! 和訳お願いします。 Needless to say I have been very very busy. Not so much with my work (well not more than or times).. but with house hold chores. Cooking, cleaning, dishes, laundry ... living all by yourself is a lot of work ... I sympathize with all the women out there :) But help is on the way ... I'm planning to hire a cleaning lady so she can help me clean my house a couple of hours a week. And for the cooking ... I actually like to cook and I think I'm getting quite good at it. But my sister is a bit worried about me. She calls and asks me how I'm doing. And then I tell her what I prepared for diner ... and it turns out that everything I make is either a Japanese or Chinese dish ... or at least I try to. So my sister complains that I'm not from Belgium any more and that I don't cook real food ... hahaha. Then I need to remind her that in Japan and China there are many people eating this food and that they are very genki ... :)Oh well ... eating waffles every day is also not good. Oh speaking of waffles I was passing by one of these vans that sell waffles. And I thought I had to take a picture for (私の名前) :)Something else ... now that my ex wife has left I'm also rearranging some things in my finances. In short I need to set up a new company and I thought I of creating giving it a Japanese sounding name. People over here get totally confused when they hear it ... but I like that :). Do you know of a nice name? My doryo suggested "matsu" ... I kind of like it. What do you think? Do you have a nicer name? That new company will own my house and all my money and I will keep it for maybe the rest of my life. So if you find a name ... I'll probably think of you for the rest of my life ... hahaha No don't take it that seriously ... but I think you're good in finding names. Please let me know your opinion. Maybe you can see my last run: as you can see I still need a lot more training :( メールの相手、会社を興そうとしているのでしょうか?長文読んで下さりありがとうございます。

  • 日本語訳教えてください。

    日本語訳教えてください。 You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do. The way I see it, Got made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it’s a good thing to have all different types of people. Each person has his or her own individuality and character, and the most important thing it to express that 

  • 日本語訳教えてください。

    日本語訳教えてください。 You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do. The way I see it, Got made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it’s a good thing to have all different types of people. Each person has his or her own individuality and character, and the most important thing it to express that 

  • 英語にして下さい!!お願いいたします。

    I know this email will come quite unexpectedly! No, it’s not about my story (yet!). But I wanted to tell you a couple of things! First of all, I hope you are not really catching a cold, I would be sad if so!Then, I’ll go straight to the reason of the email. I want to thank you for sending me those photos you took at usj. But not only this! I kept watching those photos, as I told you yesterday!The reason is…! They made me think! (about good things, don’t worry!)Of course, take what I am about to say as a compliment! They made me think that you are a really simple and gentle person! ^^ I can’t help thinking it by looking at the photo! And you look so cute and funny on that hellokitty dress :D You know what? I think I could lift you easily XD (again, take what I am saying as a compliment). It’s something I really like :D That said, I wanted to say that I also think this (being simple) is an aspect of you (amongst many others, of course!) which I really appreciate. In those photos, you look so naturally smiling! I appreciate simple people! And I appreciate you for being simple!Being simple is a really good thing on my opinion. That’s why I think you are really cute! I prefer a simple person as you are a lot more than someone who starts declaiming the whole ‘Divine Comedy’ and then behaves badly. I think, because you are simple, you can do no intentional harm to anyone! ^-^ And once more (もう一回!) I appreciate this. A lot. I don’t like complex people who have a tortuous way of thinking! Lastly, I also wanted to tell you again how much I appreciated your letter. And the fact that you made that Origami! That makes me feel warm every time I watch it (and I do it often!). Another sign of your kindness. It’s one of those little things that might seem nothing to someone. But which I really, deeply and sincerely appreciate. That touched me a lot, thank you.

  • 英語が得意な方教えてください

    1 A : How often do you go to your favorite restaurant? B : I usually go around twice month 2 A : What do you usually eat when you go there? B : I usually have ( ) 3 A : What kind of restaurant do you neve go to ? B : I never go to ( ) 4 A : What food do you always want to eat? B : I always ( ) どなたか、文章を訳せる方いらしたらお願いします。 (   )内はどんな言葉を入れてどんな使い方をするのかも教えてください。 宜しくお願い致します。 、

  • 英語がご堪能な方、翻訳をお願致します。

    以下文の翻訳をお願いいたします。 Well, I have not really dont that before, what are you thinking about and what do you think is fair price wise for me to send you those? I will have to ship them to my location first. お力をお貸しください。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語得意な方翻訳お願いいたします。

    英語得意な方翻訳お願いいたします。 job interviewの内容です。 It seems to me that your products and services are aligned with what I think I can deliver and from what I could see on your website you have been around in the market for quite and while and I would be very interested in starting out of my career with an established company that can also provide me with the opportunities I need to progress in the future and reach my goals

  • 英語が得意な方、問題をお願いします

    ( )内に入る最も適当な語句を(1)~(4)の中から選びなさい。 また、完成した文を訳しなさい。 1.The parents were against the introduction of ID tags ( ) students' names, grades, and even photos. (1)contained (2)containing (3)in which contain (4)contain 2. A lazy student stood in front of his stern teacher and said, "I'm sorry. I could not get the homework ( ) by the deadline." (1)be done (2)done (3)to do (4)doing 3. James started at Mr. Yokota, ( ) what to say or to do. (1)being no known (2)never known (3)not knowing (4)getting unknown 4. A : You have to take chances in life. B : ( ) of chances, I'd better go now. There's a chance I will miss my train. (1)Talking (2)Saying (3)Telling (4)Mentioning 5. Then, in 1912, the self - starter came into use. Suddenly, cars were as easy ( ) as electric fans. (1)start (2)to strat (3)starting (4)started 6. ( ) a plant to flourish, it must have a good supply of light, water, and minerals. (1)For (2)If (3)Of (4)That 7. She couldn't help ( ) laugh at the performance by the comedians. (1)to (2)but (3)from (4)herself 8. My sister insisted ( ) the problem by himself. (1)me to solve (2)on me to solved (3)on my solving (4)that I should be solved 9. A : What do you say to taking a taxi ? B : ( ) (1)Yes,I'll tell that to the driver. (2)We don't say "get on " a taxi. (3)Take me to the airport, please. (4)Sounds better than taking a bus. 10. ( ) they agree or not, I carry out the plan. (1)Whether (2)Either (3)However (4)Whatever 11. It will be a while ( ) I get used to the new computer. (1)after (2)before (3)later (4)than 12. Why did she give up trying, ( ) she might have succeeded ? (1)that (2)how (3)which (4)when 13. Without American infuluense, Japanese culture would not be ( ) it is today. (1)that (2)what (3)when (4)which 14. They spoke only English and French, neither of ( ) she understood. (1)what (2)which (3)whose (4)that 15. A : Which of these sweaters do you think I should buy ?  B : Buy ( ) you like. (1)which (2)whichever (3)that (4)whoever 16. We had to do ( ) petrol during the fuel crisis. (1)into (2)to (3)with (4)without 17. They say that Japanese people are punctual by and ( ) , judging from the fact that they can start their meetings in time. (1)small (2)generally (3)general (4)large 18. She borrowed my bike and never it back. And ( ) , she broke the lawnmower and then pretended she hadn't. (1)for instance (2)in spite of this (3)that is to say (4)what is more 19. It never ( ) to her that graduate school would be so difficult. (1)happened (2)occurred (3)reminded (4)seemed 20. ( ) I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not intereted in other people. (1)For the first time (2)At first (3)Firstly (4)For a start 21. She always stays calm. I'm never seen her kose her ( ) . (1)temptation (2)temple (3)temper (4)temperture 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがありましたら、お知らせください。