• 締切済み


翻訳していただけないでしょうか<m(__)m> 翻訳機だと全く意味不明で。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 I have heard that in Japan people don't vocalize opinions on anything negatively and they do what they are told. I don't think it's impressive I think it's very sad that so much is sacrificed and they have to give up so much and are told what is right and if they act out or speak up they are disowned. That is horrible. We are all made different and should be allowed to so what we feel and given the choice to see what we think is right and wrong behavior . I am sorry for your pain. I am also depressed. Everyone here has their own thing going on and I am left out. I just want other things then everyone else and I know I have to do them alone. My parents do not know and when I tell them they will not accept it but its my choice and my life and I want to live not merely exist. Does that make me selfish? I hope you are able to do that Kotoe. Only thing you can do is keep your head up and don't give up.


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

日本人ってさ、嫌って時には口には出さずに、黙って言われた通りにするんだって? それっておかしくない?そんな犠牲を払ってまでして、従わなきゃならないなんてさ。 思ってもいないことを言ったりやったりするのが正しいことなの? 悲しくならない?だって人間ってみんな一人ひとり違うし、 何が正しくて、何が間違ってるかの選択なんて個人の自由でしょ? ホント同情するよ。私だってめげちゃうよ。 ここの人はみんな好き勝手やってるの。だから私はのけ者なんだ。 両親に話したって、いいって言うわけないし、何てったって私が選んだ自分の人生。 味噌っかすみたいな生き方はまっぴらなの。 これってわがまま?ことえ、あなたにもこうあって欲しいのよ。 まずは顔を上げて、決してあきらめちゃダメだからね!



ものすごくわかりやすい翻訳をありがとうございます(T_T) 素晴らしい語学力ですね!ただただ尊敬です(>.<) どうして翻訳機は全くあてにならないのか挫折気味です…。 甘えてしまって本当に申し訳ないですが英作文にしていただくことは可能でしょうか? 『あなたはめちゃくちゃ前向きです(^-^) ジェニファーの考えは、全くわがままなんかじゃないよ。 しっかりとした意志を持った女性です。私、見習わなきゃ! 沢山励ましてもらえたおかげで、元気になったよ。 ポジティブに自分の直感を信じてお互い前に突き進んでいこうね!!!! そう!!日本人は周りの皆が右に進んだなら、例え左に進みたくてもできない…。 息苦しいよね。まるで狭い箱に押し込まれてるみたいだよ。 だから日本には居たくない…。でも私は残念ながら日本人、ははは(^-^;) 今、毎日、Skypeで英会話を頑張ってるよ! あなたともっともっと深い会話できるように頑張るから! 一度しかない人生だもんね。前進あるのみ(^_^)v ジェニファーと知り合えて私は幸せです! 本当に本当にありがとう!』 どうか英作文を宜しくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m甘えてばかりで申し訳ないです(/_;)



  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I do think it's creepy, and because thereis a connection to these characters that are fallible, and i think that is the main draw over and above the horror. I think the great connectedness is that they contradict themselves, they're full of contradictions. As we discussed earlier, no one is who they seem to be and that is kind of who we are.

  • 英語日記16 人種とは

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです So, today I want to talk about the race problem. What image(s)複数形?? do you have when you would be asked “race problems”. The population of the America consists of four major ethic groups. White and black and Hispanic then we are. I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but he has grown up in the USA. So, what do you think about oh his race?? Chinese or American or something else?? I think that he is both of them. We are a little of biological difference, and we don’t need to decide who is the most superior. We tend to decide which one is the best. We must have confidence of yourselfe. My favorite song AOZORA was mede by HIROTO. He is singer of THE BLUEHEARTS. He said in his word what of me do you understand from the colors of the color and eyes of my skin? I really agree with that. Don’t you think so?? bookaholicさんはなぜ昔に留学していたのにいまだに英語の細かい文法までおぼえてるのですか??

  • とても分かりづらい英語ですが訳を助けてください!

    訳を見てほしいのですが、ちょっとわかりづらい英語で困ってます。おしえてください。ちなみに相手mの方はアメリカンなんですが英語がちょっと自己流な感じです・・・ 分けました。 (1) I told myself That I well send you a email before I go to sleep so you well know me alittle more. This email maybe long or not, I don't know right now LOL. But what I want to say is. Alot of time when I think I know the woman or girl I can see myself marring. 寝る前に君にメールを送るということを話したけどもう少し私がわかる。このメールが長いかそうじゃないかいまはわからない(笑)でも私が言いたいこと。。。?? 私が考える多くの時間は・・・・・・・??? (2)I have to hold back what I feel and what I really want to say. I don't want that girl or woman run away of me because she think that I'm moving to fast. It is just all of my friends but one are married. And they are happy. And there is me, fun, kind, caring, a joy to be around. But a little sad. But for the good news! I do hope that are that one person I do end up with. And yeah I well be happy. 私は・・・私の感じること私が本当に言いたいこと・・・??私から逃げる女の子はほしくない。なぜなら彼女は・・・・・れは私の友達でも一人だけ結婚してる。彼らは幸せだ。・・・・・でも少し悲しいでもいいニュースだ。・・・・

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    So you can see why I believe that Americans are obsessed with time. All of the Americans I know have wristwatches, but many of my Latino friends don't regularly wear one.I don't, Americans are always setting their watches, making sure the time is 'exact.' I once heard two American students arguing about what time it was.One said, 'It's 3:45.' The other said,'No,It's not! It's 3:48, you idiot!'That's how Americans think about time.It's the most important thing in their lives. People do think about time differently after all.It seems to me,thought, that the American and Latino students do everything they're supposed to do.They work and study about the same amount. But the Latinos don't feel as pressured by time as the Americans do. It's no wonder that Americans are so stressed out.

  • 英語添削お願いします!

    インターネットさえあれば辞書や百科事典は要らないという意見についてどう思いますか。 というテーマです!  I am opposed to the idea that we access only the Internet when we look for something, and that we needn't use books at all. Of course the Internet is very easy to use and useful, because all you have to do is only retrieving the information you want. But, using nothing but the Internet is very dangerous. One of some reasons is the Internet involve too much information, of course false information. Many people you don't know use it, so information on the Internet are not always reliable and it is very difficult to choose only true information. On the other hand, books are published after they are checked closely. So they seldom have false information.  I think it is good to use both of the Internet and books, then you can get true information quickly. 

  • Because.....

    I think,female want to young and beauty for a long time. I am girl,17 years old.my height is 175cm,weight is about 60kg. I want to do it.Someday,we will be grow older.... I think female are afraid that grow older. So,they do it. But this is my opinion.Just I thought it. Do you understand? My English is little bit strange.Sorry.

  • この部分の意味がわかりません

    Don't want to hurt you.. And that is exactly what I think is happening between us. You want so much more and I just can't give you or anybody what they need and deserve until I am able to give me what I need. I worry and Oren get stressed worrying about hurting you 特にAnd that is exactly what I think is happening between us. の部分はどう訳せばいいのでしょうか?

  • 英語にして下さい!!お願いいたします。

    I know this email will come quite unexpectedly! No, it’s not about my story (yet!). But I wanted to tell you a couple of things! First of all, I hope you are not really catching a cold, I would be sad if so!Then, I’ll go straight to the reason of the email. I want to thank you for sending me those photos you took at usj. But not only this! I kept watching those photos, as I told you yesterday!The reason is…! They made me think! (about good things, don’t worry!)Of course, take what I am about to say as a compliment! They made me think that you are a really simple and gentle person! ^^ I can’t help thinking it by looking at the photo! And you look so cute and funny on that hellokitty dress :D You know what? I think I could lift you easily XD (again, take what I am saying as a compliment). It’s something I really like :D That said, I wanted to say that I also think this (being simple) is an aspect of you (amongst many others, of course!) which I really appreciate. In those photos, you look so naturally smiling! I appreciate simple people! And I appreciate you for being simple!Being simple is a really good thing on my opinion. That’s why I think you are really cute! I prefer a simple person as you are a lot more than someone who starts declaiming the whole ‘Divine Comedy’ and then behaves badly. I think, because you are simple, you can do no intentional harm to anyone! ^-^ And once more (もう一回!) I appreciate this. A lot. I don’t like complex people who have a tortuous way of thinking! Lastly, I also wanted to tell you again how much I appreciated your letter. And the fact that you made that Origami! That makes me feel warm every time I watch it (and I do it often!). Another sign of your kindness. It’s one of those little things that might seem nothing to someone. But which I really, deeply and sincerely appreciate. That touched me a lot, thank you.

  • 英語日記20 お金

    お金 今回はお金について書いてみました。やっと20までいきました。 最近あまり良い事がないですが。これからは良い事が起きることを信じて頑張ります!! すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです I would like to talk about money today. Of course, money is important for us. I would be able to do almost everything that you can imagine if I had money. What is more, requirements of marriage include money. Actually, I am still student. Of course, I don’t have much money, but I would say YES from bottom of my heart if you ask me “Do you want to be a rich guy??” This is in my opinion, someone say that we don’t need money as long as I have love. What do you think about this idea?? I think that this idea is kind of the right answer, but it is limited what they can do. If they had a baby, how can they take care of babies. Money follow us to do everything<お金はすべてのことに関係してくる>. I don’t know the idea that money is the most important. However, surely I agree with idea that money is important.

  • 英語がご堪能な方、翻訳をお願致します。

    以下文の翻訳をお願いいたします。 Well, I have not really dont that before, what are you thinking about and what do you think is fair price wise for me to send you those? I will have to ship them to my location first. お力をお貸しください。 宜しくお願いいたします。

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