English: How is Your Driving? Practice and Aston Martin DB9
Looking for English translation for a message about driving, practice, and an Aston Martin DB9. Also discusses a potential ride in Belgium and visiting Osaka together.
Appreciating emails and improvement in English skills. Excited about meeting in Japan. Casual question about preference between running and shopping.
No need to apologize for replies. Willing to make time despite being busy. Looking forward to exploring Osaka together.
Oh how is your driving?(運転はどう?) Did you already get some practice?(もう何回か練習した?) I attached a picture of the car of a neighbor. It's an Aston Martin DB9 ... do you know this car?(この車知ってる?) James Bond was driving a similar car Aston Martin DB5 in Casino Royale. This is a Sports car with capital "S" ... my TT is a sports car with small "s" ... :(
Maybe when you visit Belgium you ask he can take you for a ride? I'm sure he won't be able to say no to such a beautiful girl :) But I have the to・disappoint you ... I think he is 70+ years old ... hahahaha
Thank you for being so considerate,(気遣かってくれてありがとう) but you are also working!(だけどあなたも働いてるでしょ)・Although I will be very busy and I will also work some weekends ... I will make time for you!・(あなたのために時間を空けるよ)
Thank you for offering to come to Osaka(大阪に来るって言ってくれてありがとう) ... maybe I can show you some things in Osaka.(多分) I have been there 6-7 times already. And I know many nice places to eat ...(いい食事のところ知ってるよ) but please show me some other restaurants. (だけどまた違うレストランを教えて)I'm really looking forward to discover Osaka with you!(あなたと大阪を散策するのが楽しみ!)
There is no need to apologize for your reply.() I'm always looking forward and very happy to receive an email from you.(いつもメールがくるのが楽しみで、メールがきたら凄い嬉しいよ) I understand it must take a long time to write an email to my in English. I really appreciate it.(本当に感謝してる) And I can see that your English is getting better!(あなたの英語はだんだんよくなってきてるよ)If you send 10 emails and get 1 email back, that is ok for me :)
Enjoy your holiday and have a nice weekend,
See you in Japan!日本で会おう!
ps: what did you enjoy more? The running or the shopping ... hahahaha I think I know the answer :)
bakansky様 いえいえ、とっても助かりましたm(__)m 本当長文なので‥ ありがとうございました。