• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語が得意な方、問題をお願いします。)


  • I started to get worried when I discovered that my passport was missing from my handbag.
  • Making education more widely available is necessary in some countries.
  • The first typhoon is approaching the Philippines right now.


  • ベストアンサー
  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

1. I started to (get) worried when I discovered that my passport was missing from my handbag. パスポートがハンドバッグからなくなっていることに気づいて心配になった。   2. (Making) education more widely available is necessary in some countries. 教育を広く行き渡らすことはいくつかの国々で必要なことである。 3. The first typhoon is (approaching) the Philippines right now. 最初の台風が今フィリピンに接近しています。 4. Can you please (tell) me what time the show begins? ショーが何時に始まるか教えてください。 5. A : Didn't you [go] there to see her yesterday?   B : ( ) I met her there and we went to the party together. [go] と補って、(4)Yes, I did. A:彼女に会いにそこに行かなかったのか。 B:いいえ、行った。彼女にそこで会ってパーティに一緒に行った。   6. Since I forget to pay the annual fee, this membership card (expired) last Monday. 年会費を支払うのを忘れたので、この会員権は前の土曜に無効になった。 7. Emily was (about ) to go out when the telephone rang. 電話が鳴ったときはエミリーは出かけるところだった。 8. The telephone (has been ringing) for almost a minute. Why doesn't someone answer it?  およそ1分も電話が鳴っている。どうして誰も出ないのか。 9. The movie (will have ended ) by the time you finish that huge bucket of popcorn.  あなたがポップコーンの大きな箱をたいらげるころには映画は終わっているだろう。 10. When I was a child, my mother (would often ) say, "The only thing you can't keep is a secret !"  私は子供だったころ、母親はよく言ったものだ。「あなたが守れない唯一のものは約束だ」 11. You might as (well) leave early because there is no more work to do today.  本日はこれ以上仕事がないので帰って早めに帰って良い。 12. The president said, "All of you (are expected ) to attend this meeting."  社長は言った「あなた方全員、この会議に出席することになっている」 13. All of us know Mr. Ichiro Suzuki well. = Mr. Ichiro Szuki (is well known to all of us ).  鈴木一郎氏は私たち全員に知られている。 14. Is it possible that his death might not have been accidental ? Could he have (been pushed ), Dr. Winkel ?  彼の死が事故によるものでなかった、という可能性はあるのか。彼は押されたということはあるのか。 15. (As) a matter of fact, I have been to London four times.  実際のところ、私はロンドンに4度ほど行ったことがある。 16. Her sister makes money by playing the violin:(in other words), she is a professional musician.  彼女はバイオリンを弾くことで金を稼いでいる。言い換えれば、彼女はプロの音楽家である。 17. It (makes) a difference whether you vote or not.  あなたが投票に行くか行かないか、重要なことだ。 答えと訳(の例)ですが、要望があれば解説を付加します。



ご回答ありがとうございました。 参考になります^^ これ以上お手を煩わせるのは申し訳ないので、解説は大丈夫です! お気遣いありがとうございます。


その他の回答 (1)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. I started to get worried when I discovered that my passport was missing from my handbag. パスポートが私のハンドバッグからなくなっているということを発見したとき、私は心配になり始めました。 2. Making education more widely available is necessary in some countries. 教育をより広く利用できるようにすることが、いくつかの国々では必要です。 3. The first typhoon is approaching the Philippines right now. 最初の台風が、たった今フィリピンに接近しています。 4. Can you please tell me what time the show begins? そのショーがいつ始まるか教えてもらえますか? 5. A : Didn't you go there to see her yesterday?   B : Yes, I did. I met her there and we went to the party together. A: あなたは、昨日彼女に会うために、そこに行きませんでしたか? B: はい、私は行きました。 私は彼女にそこで会って、私たちは、一緒にパーティーに行きました。 6. Since I forgot to pay the annual fee, this membership card expired last Monday. 私が年間料金を払うのを忘れたので、このメンバーシップ・カードはこの前の月曜日に有効期限が切れました。 7. Emily was about to go out when the telephone rang. 電話が鳴ったとき、エミリーは出かけようとしていました。 8. The telephone has been ringing for almost a minute. Why doesn't someone answer it? 電話が、1分近く鳴っています。 誰かそれに出たらどうですか? 9. The movie will have ended by the time you finish that huge bucket of popcorn. あなたがその巨大なカップに入ったポップコーンを食べ終える頃までには、映画は終わっているでしょう。 10. When I was a child, my mother would often say, "The only thing you can't keep is a secret !" 私が子供のころ、「あなたが守れないのは、秘密だけね!」と、母はよく言ったものでした。 11. You might as well leave early because there is no more work to do today. 今日はする仕事がないので、あなたは早く帰ってもよいです。 12. The president said, "All of you are expected to attend this meeting." 「あなたたち、みんなが、この会議に出席することになっています。」と、会長は言いました。 13. All of us know Mr. Ichiro Suzuki well. = Mr. Ichiro Suzuki is well known to all of us. 我々全員は、鈴木一朗氏をよく知っています。 = 鈴木一朗氏は、我々全員によく知られています。 14. Is it possible that his death might not have been accidental ? Could he have been pushed, Dr. Winkel ? 彼の死が偶発的でなかったかもしれない可能性がありますか? 彼は押されたかもしれないのですか、ウィンケル先生? 15. As a matter of fact, I have been to London four times. 実は、私は4回、ロンドンに行ったことがあります。 16. Her sister makes money by playing the violin: in other words, she is a professional musician. 彼女の姉(妹)は、バイオリンを演奏してお金を儲けます: 言い換えると、彼女はプロの音楽家です。 17. It makes a difference whether you vote or not. あなたが投票するかどうかは、影響を与えます。






  • 英語が得意な方お願いします。

    英語学習を始めたばかりのものです。次の英文の( )に当てはまる語句を教えて下さい (1)昇格に関する連絡 Congratulations on your recent (1.promotion/2.digression/3.motivation/4.proclamation) to Store Manager at the Shinjuku branch. I know how hard you have worked to promote sales at our Osaka branch , and I feel that management is very wise in (1.made/2.having made/3.have made/4.to make) this choice. (2)退職に関する連絡  It is with deep refret that we acept your(1.retirement/ 2.remembrance/ 3.resignation/ 4.remittance) as section chief of the production depart ment. We can understand the demands that this position has placed on you and appreciate the fine (1.contribution/ 2.continuation/ 3.combustion/4.combination) yu have made as team leader. (3)支払い未納に関する連絡 This letter is to inform you that we have not yet (1.accepted/2.received/3.balanced/4.made) payment of $450.50 for invoicd #06712 due on August 20th . I have enclosed a full statement of you account as of September 1st. If payment has already been sent , please (1.regret/ 2.reconsider/3.disregard/4.orward) this letter. If you have any questions about your account , please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • 英語が得意な方へ

    アメリカの質問掲示板で質問した際の、返事がよく理解できませんでした。どなたか、分かりやすく訳、または要約をしてくれませんか? 質問 I'm Japanese student studying English This time, I want to ask about subjunctive mood.If you had behaved such a way in the party, my parents would have said that ( ). In ( ), I want to insert ' I had to go home.' , but is it okay to insert this sentence? 'If I had behaved such a way in the party, my parents would have said that I had to go home.' Is this sentence correct? I can't understand the tense, therefore please tell me about how to change the tense. I'm japanese student studying English, so I couldn't write sentences well. 答え You are quite correct. The subjunctive mood is used to describe hypothetical cases, regardless of the facts of the matter. They set the scene, so to speak, and what would happen as a consequence should be delivered in the appropriate tense (which has nothing to do with mood). Thus: "They would have said I had to go home." "They would have said you were acting foolishly." "They would have said 'You are a fool,' and turned away from you." In the last example, the quote would have been delivered in the present of the hypothetical time, and should be rendered that way.

  • 英語が得意な方へ!

    英語が得意な方へ! 和訳のお手伝いをお願いします。 How are you today? I hope you're not too warm. All my Japanese colleague complain the weather is too warm. Today my boss from the US arrived in our office in The Netherlands. And later today a few Japanese team and project leaders also arrived. So the coming days we will discuss the planning of the different projects ... and I will know when I will go to Japan :). But tomorrow around 4:00pm (11:00pm your time) there is a 2-hour break, because Japan has to play football. Really today we watched The Netherlands play against Slovakia. So tomorrow it's Japan's turn. Are you excited for the game? I hope Japan does well so you will be happy! Actually the referee is Belgian ... I hope that tomorrow evening he doesn't make a mistake against Japan ... because then maybe you don't like Belgian people anymore ... hahaha. I hope you have a nice day and hope you can enjoy the game. 会議でいつ日本に来ることができるか分かる って言ってますよね?

  • 英語の得意な方、翻訳をお願いします!

    英語の得意な方、翻訳をお願いします! 翻訳機能などを使ってみましたが、綺麗な日本語にならなくて困っています お願いします What do you say about people who say female bodybuilders aren't even women? I think such opinions are extremely shallow. To look at just one aspect of a person, such as the fact that they have a lot of muscle, and then say that that person is not a woman constitutes an extremely narrow viewpoint. Is bodybuilding to you in any way a rebellion? That didn't have anything to do with why I started bodybuilding, but I must say that it has been a constant battle since then. As my muscles got bigger and I got stronger, people around me started to change. That's when it started becoming necessary to fight. What do you think about the trend for women bodybuilders to alter the natural body line with breast implants? I think it's a very unfortunate trend. It looks to me like the women are being manipulated by men's wishes. It's like a fitness version of Playboy. I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do.The way I see it, God made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it's a good thing to have all different types of people.Each person has his or her own individuality, own character, and it's the most important thing is to express that.

  • 英語が得意な方、問題をお願いいたします。

    ( )内に入る最も適当な語句を(1)~(4)から選びなさい。 また、完成した文を訳しなさい。 1. Taro was standing at the corner ( ) the people go by. (1)wathing (2)looking (3)watched (4)to look 2. A : How can I get to your house? B: Ah, it's easy. I'll ( ) you a map. (1)tell (2)inform (3)draw (4)teach 3. I don't want anyone to know. Can you ( ) ? (1)keep on a secret (2)keep it a secret (3)keep to a secret (4)keep a secret at it 4. I don't think we can come up with a solution to the problem, however long we spend ( ) it. (1)discussing (2)talking (3)to discuss (4)to talk 5. I object ( ) in such a rude way. (1)to being spoken to (2)to being speaking to (3)to be spoken to (4)to be speaking to 6. The catalog ( ) that this year's model is slightly cheaper than last year's. (1)says (2)speaks (3)talks (4)tells 7. Many wild animal species are being forced out of their current homes as the climate ( ) . (1)changes (2)will change (3)to change (4)changing 8. Can I ask you to lend me the magazine when you ( ) reading it ? (1)finished (2)have finished (3)will finish (4)will have finished 9. I have given up my apartment in Tokyo because I ( ) in the dormitory. (1)lived (2)was lived (3)had been living (4)am going to live 10. Look ! The river ( ) much faster than usual today. (1)flows (2)is flowinf (3)flew (4)will flow 11. Ten yaers ( ) since Professor Yokochi retired from his job at the university, but he still often visits the campus. (1)have passed (2)were passed (3)will pass (4)pass 12. When I went back to the village I ( ) ten years before, I found nothing changed. (1)had left (2)was leaving (3)have left (4)was left 13. Paula, you promised you wouldn't be late again, and here are, coming into class ten minutes after the bell rang. Really, you ( ) be late. It interrupts the class and annoys the other students. (1)don't have to (2)have to (3)must (4)must not 14. The English in this letter is too good. He can't ( ) it himself. (1)be writing (2)have to write (3)have written (4)write 15. She is one of those people you really respect but would ( ) time with. (1)have rather spent (2)not rather spent (3)rather not spent (4)rather than spending 16. When we arrived at the scene of the traffic accident, the cars ( ) the police. (1)were inspecting (2)had inspected by (3)had been inspected (4)were being inspected by] 17. I'm looking for Maya. She is ( ) to be around now. (1)supposed (2)participated (3)affected (4)removed 18. The man we interviewed for the new position was intelligent, but we we weren't very impressed ( ) his experience. (1)to (2)for (3)with (4)on 19. Companise should take ( ) of this wonderful opportunity to get new costomers. (1)merchandise (2)advantage (3)advice (4)industry 20. Nowadays, it is ( ) for granted that everyone has a number of rights and freedoms. (1)taken (2)gotten (3)given (4)thought 21. He decided to ( ) the rest of his life to helping young people in developing countries. (1)perform (2)promies (3)remain (4)devote 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがありましたら、お知らせください。

  • 英語の文書の書き換え問題を教えてください

    (1)Mr.Smith was our English teacher.   We (    )(    )English by Mr.Smith. (2)All these novels were interesting to me.   I (    )(    )(    )all these novels. I (    ) a(    )(    )all these novels (3)The student knows the name of the town. The name of the town is(    )(    )the student (4)We all know her well She is (    )(    )(    )us all (5)Who discovered the island? (    )was the island discovered(    ) ?

  • 英語の問題

    1: A:Could I have the tuna salad and a cup of coffee,please? B:() A:No,that's it,thanks. (1)Sure.Anything else? (2)Yes. Is that all you want? (3)The tomato salad? (4)Would you like the coffee now? 2: A:I tried to join the speed skating team. B:Oh,have you been chosen for the team? A:() (1)I hope that (2)I hope so (3)I want to (4)I want and hope it 解答と訳お願いします

  • 英語得意な方、訳して下さい(2)

    英語得意な方、訳して下さい(2) JOB INTERVIEWの内容です。 As you know, I'm here all alone in Australia and since I arrived here, I have had to solely depend on myself for a living my perents are not able to provide me with any assistance so the pressure of keeping my head above water all came down on me while I'm supposed to study in college so far, I've been performing very well in college my grades are excellent and all that while working as a cleaner in the evenings.

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    問1 次の文中の現在形が表す意味を,選択肢から選びなさい。 Three and five make eight.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問2 She teaches us English at school.     (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問3 Napoleon’s army now advances and a great battle begins.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問4 The meeting opens at nine in the morning tomorrow.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問5 It’s freezing cold today.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問6 空欄を埋めるのに最も適したものを,選択肢から選びなさい。 If this dictionary ( ) a little cheaper, I would buy it.    (1)are (2)is (3)have been (4)were 問7 I wish I ( ) French as well as she.    (1)am speaking (2)could speak (3)speak (4)were speak 問8 If ( ) the sun, nothing could live.    (1)it had not for (2)it had not been (3)it were not (4)it were not for 問9 Long ( ) the Queen!    (1)has lived (2)live (3)lives (4)may live 問10 ( ), I could fly to him.    (1)I were a bird (2)If a bird (3)Were a bird (4)Were I a bird 問11 There ( ) to be big trees around the pond.    (1)dared (2)may (3)should (4)used 問12 “Must I go so soon?” “No, you ( ) not.”    (1)can (2)may (3)dare (4)need 問13 What has become of the other men? Alas, they ( ) have been lost in the sea.    (1)must (2)used (3)shall (4)need 問14 It is necessary that every member ( ) inform himself of the rules of the club as soon as possible. (1)could (2)might (3)should (4)would 問15 The English of this composition is too good. She can’t ( ) it herself.    (1)be written (2)had written (3)have to write (4)have written 問16 He who ( ) search for pearls must dive deep.    (1)had to (2)might (3)should (4)would 問17 The teacher suggested to me ( ) the English broadcast every day.    (1)listening to (2)to listen (3)that I should listen (4)that I should listen to 問18 You ( ) the book.    (1)do not need buy (2)need not have bought (3)need not to buy (4)need not to have bought 問19 You ( ) surprised to find me in such a dark place the other day.    (1)cannot but be (2)may well be (3)must but be (4)will well be 問20 I’m sorry to hear you had such trouble. I ( ) you my telephone number.    (1)had better give (2)ought to give (3)should have given (4)would have given 問21 Will you please lend me the novel when you ( )?    (1)finish (2)finished (3)will finish (4)will have finished 問22 They ( ) for sixteen years.    (1)are married (2)have been married (3)marry (4)will have married 問23 The student ( ) absent from school for six months at the end of this year.    (1)is (2)is being (3)will be (4)will have been 問24 She ( ) across the bridge when she had her bonnet blown off.    (1)walked (2)was walking (3)will be walking (4)will walk 問25 The bird ( ) for more than an hour.    (1)sings (2)is singing (3)has been singing (4)is having sung 問26 "How did you break your arm?" "Riding a bicycle down the road, ( )."    (1)a car crashed me (2)a car hit over me (3)I was crashed a car (4)I was hit by a car 問27 What part of the country ( )?    (1)did you raise up in (2)were you brought up (3)were you brought up in (4)were you growing up 問28 Peace ( ) by everybody.    (1)desires (2)is desiring (3)is desired (4)has desired 問29 The floor was felt ( ) beneath my feet.    (1)have shaken (2)move (3)shaken (4)to move 問30 We ( ) a shower on the way.    (1)caught in (2)have been caught (3)have caught in (4)were caught in

  • 英語が得意な方お願いします。

    翻訳サイトを使ったんですが上手くいきませんでした。 かっこよく訳して下さい。 I can tell that you've never been true to me, I can smell that you're acting so fearfully, I can hear that you' re hoping I want to hear, I can feel the alarm above ringing in me, I can touch as I know you don't feel a thing, I can pray, but I know you commit a sin, I can sense now it all become clear to see, You're no good, and you mean no good, treacherously.

  • ワードの入力時に文字が表示されない現象が発生してしまいました。エンターキーを押すと文字が表示されますが、画面には何も表示されません。この現象はワード文書の設定によるものかもしれません。元に戻す方法を教えていただけませんか?
  • ワードの入力時に文字が表示されない現象が発生してしまいました。エンターキーを押すと文字が表示されますが、画面には何も表示されません。この現象が原因でワード文書を作成することができません。どのように対処すればよいでしょうか?
  • ワードの入力時に文字が表示されない現象に悩んでいます。エンターキーを押すと文字が表示されるので、いったんは閲覧モードで入力していますが、作業効率がかなり低下しています。この現象を解消する方法を教えてください。