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ジャックのだらしなさ、財務や責任に無頓着な点についてJoe Sr.はしばしば注意を促した


  • ( )に入る単語を教えてください!

    (    )の中に入る英語を教えてくださいませんか?よろしくお願いいたします。 1 You should look ( ) cars when you cross the street. ア about イ out of ウ out for エ over         ※ イかウの違いが分からず・・ 2 I ( ) reported it to the police, but I didn't. ア must have イ should ウ would エ should have ※ エ? 3 My father ( ) drink a lot but not any more. ア do イ is used to ウ used to エ was used to    ※ ウ? 4 They take great pride ( ) their old traditions. ア in イ of ウ on エ for                  ※ イ? 5 I will lend you the book when I ( ). ア finished it イ have finished it ウ will finish it エ will have finished it 6 I could not ( ) out what he meant. ア look イ make ウ set エ take ※イ? 7 彼は5行で5か所間違えた。   He made five mistakes in ( ) many lines. 8  He suddenly began to laugh. ( ) of a sudden, He began to laugh. 9 She is not such a fool as to quarrel with them. She ( ) ( ) than to quarrel with them. 10 For all his wealth, he wants more. ( ) he is wealthy, he wants more. 11 It has nothing to do with you. It has none ( ) ( ) ( ). どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 自分なりに訳してみたのですが、文章的におかしいので、わかる方教えて下さい(><)

    In 1927, Joe Sr. makes the decision to move his family to New York, partly to be closer to the Wall Street hub, and partly to make his trips out to Hollywood a little easier. ★decision…決定、解決、決意 ★parely…一部分は、ある程度は、少しは (★closer…抑え投手) ★Wall Street…ウォール街 ★hub…中心、中枢 1927年ジョーは彼の家族がニューヨークへ引っ越しする決意をさせた、一部分はウォール街の中心より近く、もう一部分は簡単にハリウッドへ旅行へ連れていかせられる。

  • 困ってます!

    The Two Turkeys Once upon a time there were two turkeys, an old turkey and a young turkey. The old turkey had been cock of the walk for many years and the young turkey wanted to take his place. “I’ll knock that old buzzard cold one of these days,” the young turkey told his friends. “Sure you will, Joe, sure you will,” his friends said, for Joe was treating them to some corn he had found. Then the friends went and told the old turkey what the young turkey had said. “Why, I’ll have his gizzard!” said the old turkey, setting out some corn for his visitors. “Sure you will, Doc, sure you will,” said the visitors. One day the young turkey walked over to old turkey was telling tales of his prowess in battle. “I’ll bat your teeth into your crop,” said the young turkey. “You and who else?” said the old turkey. So they began to circle around each other, sparring for an opening. Just then the farmer who owned the turkeys swept up the young one and carried him off and wrung his neck. Moral: Youth will be served, frequently stuffed with chestnuts. この"The Two Turkeys" のmoralには二重の意味があるみたいなのですが、その2つの意味内容をそれぞれ日本語で教えてほしいのですがお願いします。。。

  • 難しくてわかりません・・・

        Once upon a time there were two turkeys, an old turkey and a young turkey. The old turkey had been cock of the walk for many years and the young turkey wanted to take his place. “I’ll knock that old buzzard cold one of these days,” the young turkey told his friends. “Sure you will, Joe, sure you will,” his friends said, for Joe was treating them to some corn he had found. Then the friends went and told the old turkey what the young turkey had said. “Why, I’ll have his gizzard!” said the old turkey, setting out some corn for his visitors. “Sure you will, Doc, sure you will,” said the visitors. One day the young turkey walked over to old turkey was telling tales of his prowess in battle. “I’ll bat your teeth into your crop,” said the young turkey. “You and who else?” said the old turkey. So they began to circle around each other, sparring for an opening. Just then the farmer who owned the turkeys swept up the young one and carried him off and wrung his neck. Moral: Youth will be served, frequently stuffed with chestnuts. といった文章なんです。ここで、モラルに二重の意味が含まれているらしいのですがまったく見当がつきません。長い文章なのですが、どうか教えていただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味が分かりません。

    ネットで次のような文章を見かけました。 For the president, Thursday’s session was a kind of Hail Mary pass, a last-ditch effort to keep his top legislative priority from slipping out of his grasp. 医療保険改革案に関する問題で、オバマ大統領が共和党と何かもめているという内容の記事の一部です。 「Hail Mary pass」の部分はアメフトのヘイルメアリーを比喩表現として使っているのでしょうか? 「legislative priority」=「個人向け保険」? 「slipping out of his grasp」=??????? この文章が何を言っているのか分かりませんだれか教えてください。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Weiland also said that he wanted his new solo record out by Christmas but he had to tour this year for money, “Rock and roll records don't sell any more, touring is the only way to make money.”

  • 分詞構文で躓いています。

    やはり分詞構文でわけがわかんなくなってきます。 He wouldn't say any scurrilous jokes or play a scabby trick. He had no ulterior motive behind his much-vaunted expressionless look, with his unkempt clothes wrapping up his whole rotundity. His feature ranged from rubicund to pallid, exuding miasmal stench all the while. Anyhow, his attitude was not too untenable, especially after he became a puissant priest and set out for a sacerdotal mission. with his unkempt clothes wrapping--- が特にわかりません。

  • 翻訳

    翻訳お願いいたします。 some time later, when the new marriage had settled into a routine, people wondered if the piano tuner would begin to think about retiring. With a bad knee, and being sightless in old age, he would readily have been forgiven in the house and the convents and the school halls where he applied his skill. Leisure was his due, the good fortune of company as his years sipped by no more than he deserved. But when, occasionally, this was put to him by the loquacious or the inquisitive he denide that anything of the kind was in his thoughts, that he considered only the visitation of depth as bringing any kind of end. The truth was, he would be lost without his work, without his travelling about, his arrival every six months or so in one of the small towns to which he had offered his services for so long. No, no, he promised, they'd still see the white Vauxhall turning in at a farm gate or parked for harf an hour in a convent play-yard, or drawn up on a verge while he ate his lunch time sandwhiches, his tea poured out of a Thermos by his wife.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I co-signed a college loan for my grandson. Unfortunately, he didn't earn passing grades and was kicked out. He frequently misses loan payments, and I end up getting a late payment letter. I am afraid his inattention to this debt will adversely affect my credit. adversely affect my creditとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 高校英語 間違え探し4題です!お願いします!!

    (   )内より間違えのある1ヶ箇所を正しい形に直して頂いて、訳して頂きたいです! (1)Do you have (any idea) where (can I find) a Chinese restaurant (around )here? (2)A photographer (had been ) (hiring )(to take) pictures of the awards ceremony. (3)Jack gave (up )(to smoke )(for fear)( of ruining) his health. (4)(Many )people (believed) that a good college experience means (getting )an education , making friends and (prepare) for a career.