• 締切済み


日本語:あなたに謝りたいことがあるんだ。 あのさ、この前わたしにいろいろ相談してくれたよね。こんなわたしに相談してくれてすごくうれしかったよ。 だけど、わたしあまり英語できないから、あなたにアドバイスできなかった。本当にごめんね。 あなたに言いたいことたくさんあったんだけど、伝えるのが難しかった。変なことを言っちゃって、あなたがもっと 落ち込んじゃったら嫌だったの。(←すみません、この文わかりません) わたしがもっと英語できたらよかったのに。 でも、今でもあなたのことが心配。いつもあなたは大丈夫かって思ってるよ。 これもあなたに伝わってるといいな。 最後にもう一度言わせて、本当にごめんね。 英語:I want apologize to you. well,you consuled about many things to me.I was so glad for you consuled to me. but,I cant advice because my english not well.Im sorry. I wanted to tell you about many things.but,It was so difficult. I wish I can speak english more.but,Im worry about you ever. I always think you are ok.I hope you can understand this my english. I wanna say again at last.i really sorry. ↑一応自分なりに頑張ってみました!本当に変な英語だけ添削していただけると嬉しいです! ↓もう一つあります 日本語:忙しいのに返事してくれてありがとう。msnはあなたが暇な時やろうよ! わたしはいつでも暇だから。 それで、わたしがlesbianだって?おもしろい! だって、悪いけど私はあなたしか見えてないんだよ!(好きってことです) だからわたしはlesbianじゃないと思うな。 女のこと恋しようとは思わないよ! 英語:thans for the reply in your busy time. and,let's msn when you are free time!Im always boring. well,,,I am lesbian????????? so funnyyyy!!!haha sorry,I cant see othere than you. so,i think im not lesbian!!I dont think I love in with girl. 実はイギリスの人に、howre u 私の名前{lesbian}.>=D ってきたんです。lesbian????これはなにかニュアンスがあるのでしょうか? 長々とすみません!添削ぜひよろしくお願いします:]!!



I want apologize to you. -I want to apologize to you. well,you consuled about many things to me.I was so glad for you consuled to me. -First of all, thank you for sharing with me many things. I was so glad that you talked to me about you. (consultは専門家との時につかい、友人同士などではtalkのほうがしっくりきます) but,I cant advice because my english not well.Im sorry. -However, I couldn't advise you because of my poor English. I have to be sorry. でも私なら、、、 But nothing I could advise because of my English. I am really sorry. ---adviceは名詞でadviseが動詞です。 I wanted to tell you about many things.but,It was so difficult. -I wanted to tell you many things, but it was so difficult for me to do that. I wish I can speak english more.but,Im worry about you ever. -I wish I could speak English well. I am still worried about you. I always think you are ok.I hope you can understand this my english. -I am always thinking of you if you are doing well. I hope you understand my English. 私なら I hope you can tell what I want to say (what I am talkig about). I wanna say again at last.i really sorry. -I am sorry and thank you for sharing again. native speakersは最後にもう一度謝りたいのと言葉として言いません。thanks againなどと言います。なので省略しました。 ☆変なことを言っちゃって、あなたがもっと 落ち込んじゃったら嫌だったの。(←すみません、この文わかりません) -I didn't want you to be too depressed if you misunderstood what I meant to. thans for the reply in your busy time. -thank you for replying. (Thank you for quick replying.) and,let's msn when you are free time!Im always boring. well,,,I am lesbian????????? -I am always bored!!! Let's talk on msn whenever you are avialbe. I am always free. (I am boring. という意味は私は他人を退屈にさせる(つまらない)人間です。という意味です。もしも私は暇しているという意味の場合、I am bored.です。) -Do you think (say) that I am lasbian? No way! so funnyyyy!!!haha -That's so funny! But unfortunately, I am not... sorry,I cant see othere than you. -No one else on my mind exept you. That means you are the only one who is always on my mind. so,i think im not lesbian!!I dont think I love in with girl. -Absolutely I am not lesbian. Do not think I am interested in girls. 実はイギリスの人に、howre u 私の名前{lesbian}.>=D ってきたんです。lesbian????これはなにかニュアンスがあるのでしょうか? :Dのサインは笑いを取るため、こういうの英語ではteasingと言います。つまりからかっているということ。彼は本気で言っては(思っては)いません。なので、上記のように本気で返すのは?どうかと思います。 私だったら笑いで返します。 You think I am lesbian, right? Sound interesting! I think I should try ne(日本語の”ネ”です)! LOL LOL=Laughing out loud(大笑い) いかがでしょうか?

  • shogun884
  • ベストアンサー率22% (4/18)

こちらも本当に添削が必要な個所しか直してません。 thans for the reply in your busy time. THANKS for the PROMPT reply. and,let's msn when you are free time! and let's CHAT when you HAVE free time! Im always boring. I'm always BORED. (or I always HAVE FREE TIME.) 余計な御世話かも知れませんが、この分はあえて言う必要ないと思いますよ。 well,,,I am lesbian????????? well,,,I am A lesbian??????? so funnyyyy!!!haha sorry,I cant see othere than you. sorry,I AM ALWAYS THINKING OF you. so,i think im not lesbian!! so, I DON'T think I'm A lesbian!! I dont think I love in with girl. I don't think I AM in love with A girl. I'm always boring は「私は常に退屈な人間です=面白味のない人間です」という意味なので気を付けて下さい。

  • shogun884
  • ベストアンサー率22% (4/18)

最初の文です。希望通りに本当に添削が必要なとこしか直してません。 直した個所は大文字で表記してあります。 I want apologize to you. I want TO apologize to you. well,you consuled about many things to me. well, you CONSULTED WITH me about many things. I was so glad for you consuled to me. I was so glad you CONSULTED WITH me. but,I cant advice because my english not well.Im sorry. but,I COULDN'T ADVISE YOU because my English WAS not well. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you about many things.but,It was so difficult. まぁいいと思います。 I wish I can speak english more.but,Im worry about you ever. I wish I COULD speak English BETTER, I'm STILL WORRIED about you. I always think you are ok. I always think IF you are ok. I hope you can understand this my english. I hope you can understand my English. I wanna say again at last.i really sorry. LASTLY, I wanna say again. I AM really sorry. 落ち込んじゃったら嫌だったの。 I didn't want you to feel depressed.
