• 締切済み




付け足しですが、「分かっていない事」より「気付かずにいること」か「知られていないこと」の方が "realize" に近いと思いますが。


  • 急いでいます、訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の訳・解説をお願いします。 (1)What they don't realize is that the first electric car appeared in 1873, thirteen years before the first gasoline car. このWhatは関係代名詞ですか?isの後ろのthatはどういった役割なのでしょうか。 (2)the performance of gasoline cars improved rapidly,and,as it did so,demand for electric car declined. 特にas it did so がどういうことなのかよくわかりません。このasは何でしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 長文訳至急お願いします;;

    この文を自然に訳して頂ける方。よろしくお願いします;; People say that the 19th century was the era of steam energy, and the 20th century was the era of gasoline engines. Now they say that the 21st century will be the century of electronic energy. We can expect that by 2025,all passenger cars will be electric or hybrid. Interestingly, many small companies in Europe and Asia are putting environmentally friendly affordable electric cars on the market. The Reva Electric Car Company is England, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Ireland. They are going to be marketed in Australia, Switzerland and Germany soon. Norway also has electric car manufactures. One is the Think Company. It made and sold over 1.000 electric cars there in the late 1990s. Now it is going to expand its market to include America, which already has other companies like Myers Motors, which makes the three-wheeled NmG-1 car, and ZAP. Chinese companies, too, will soon be entering the international electric automobile manufacturing market. However, we should note that the future of the electric car will depend on the development of lighter and longer-lasting batteries and the increase of plug-in stations so that we can travel a long distance in these new cars.

  • 訳を手伝ってください。

    yes they are terrorists, but they had a family, some of them commit these terrible acts because they are told their families will be taken care of if they do, or they truly believe they will go to heaven for it. I don't agree with terrorism, I don't mean to imply that - but you can't ignore the factors of life and society that lead a person to commit such violent acts. It's all around us. In a society of billions of people, it's inevitable. The world can be extremely scary once you realize what humans are capable of. I honestly can't say I understand that type of mentality - willing to take another human's life. But then, my life is very easy.... アメリカ人とメールのやり取りをしてるんですけど辞書で調べてもなかなかうまく訳せません。 解らないところを詳しく言いますと、they are told their families will be taken care of if they do の文です。 それとThe world can be extremely scary once you realize what humans are capable of. これは何をいいたいのかさっぱりわかりません。 最後に最後の文のmy life is very easy.... すみませんがどなたかお願いします!!

  • 訳がわかりません・・

    お願いします 私の以下文について先生から返事がきましたがどうも訳がわかりません 下記「先生の返事」の「 In America, most car dealers ask for more money than they expect to get because they know that people will try to "talk the price down."」意味は 「アメリカでは、ほとんどのカーディーラーお客さんが期待している値段よりも値段を高めに設定します、というのもディーラーはお客さんが値引きを求めてくるのを知っているからです」でいいでしょうか よろしくお願いします 私が出したメール My one of my family, he is an eye doctor. He knows how to discount prices.Several years before he bought a car, he negotiated a price of it.The car dealer showed \2,300,000 ($23236.77) first, but my relative, who beated down the price to \2,000,000 ($20205.89)!! Consequently, he had car price discounted. Someday I would like to ask him how to discount. I think that he knows something like magic word. 以下先生の返事 Your relative certainly does know how to barter! I think it's mostly a matter of confidence. If you appear to be confident and show the other person that you will not buy if you don't get the price you want, you will succeed. In America, most car dealers ask for more money than they expect to get because they know that people will try to "talk the price down." Is that common in Japan, too?

  • 和訳を教えてください

    和訳を教えてください In regions where they have a lot of water,they don't realize what a real luxury it is to those who live where they have little water. よろしくお願いします

  • 簡単な訳ですがニュアンスもわかりません

    あなたはあのサイトで何を求めていたの?友達?恋人?結婚相手になる人?ときいたら i don't know... first a friend..then we will see from there.. what about you? とかえってきました。この訳を教えてください。 わからない・・・最初は友達・・・・・・・あなたはどうなの? わかりませんでした

  • 英語和訳など

    海外の人からこのように聞かれたのですが、大まかにしか意味は分かりません>< 和訳とこれに対する返事を大体でいいので教えてくれませんか? I have question. Recently I watched video about woman who worked in japan. She said that she and other employees are working very long but with low effectiveness because if they done something before work ends they can receive other work to do that they won’t realize because they don’t have enough skill to do that. Is it true?

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    次の英文の日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Heart disease is responsible for about one-quarter of the deaths in the U.S. each year. (2)One reason the number of deaths from heart attacks is so high is that when people experience chest pain, they don't realize they may be getting a heart attack and wait too long before going to the hospital. (3)sweating may accompany the pain

  • とても分かりづらい英語ですが訳を助けてください!

    訳を見てほしいのですが、ちょっとわかりづらい英語で困ってます。おしえてください。ちなみに相手mの方はアメリカンなんですが英語がちょっと自己流な感じです・・・ 分けました。 (1) I told myself That I well send you a email before I go to sleep so you well know me alittle more. This email maybe long or not, I don't know right now LOL. But what I want to say is. Alot of time when I think I know the woman or girl I can see myself marring. 寝る前に君にメールを送るということを話したけどもう少し私がわかる。このメールが長いかそうじゃないかいまはわからない(笑)でも私が言いたいこと。。。?? 私が考える多くの時間は・・・・・・・??? (2)I have to hold back what I feel and what I really want to say. I don't want that girl or woman run away of me because she think that I'm moving to fast. It is just all of my friends but one are married. And they are happy. And there is me, fun, kind, caring, a joy to be around. But a little sad. But for the good news! I do hope that are that one person I do end up with. And yeah I well be happy. 私は・・・私の感じること私が本当に言いたいこと・・・??私から逃げる女の子はほしくない。なぜなら彼女は・・・・・れは私の友達でも一人だけ結婚してる。彼らは幸せだ。・・・・・でも少し悲しいでもいいニュースだ。・・・・

  • 訳を手伝ってください。

    長文を読んでいて疑問となる文が3つあり質問させてください。 1.she could actually see what she looked like in the mirror. she lookes like in the mirrorの部分の訳がわかりません。 鏡を見るとありましたが、likeはなぜついているのですか? 2.I don't know what it's like to have naturally perfect vision --- my mother can't understand the concept of having bad eyesight either ---- but I imagine it's something like having really comfortable , really powerful contact lenses. 最初のI don't know what it's like to haveb naturally perfect vision の部分、特にit's like to の部分がどう訳せばよいのかわかりません。 3.I've come to realize that other people treat you differently depending on whether you wear glasses. この文の構文がとれません。どれがSでどれがVなのかわかりません。 訳はだいたいわかります。 以上3つの疑問に答えてくださる方質問に答えてください。 お願いします。