• 締切済み


この文を自然に訳して頂ける方。よろしくお願いします;; People say that the 19th century was the era of steam energy, and the 20th century was the era of gasoline engines. Now they say that the 21st century will be the century of electronic energy. We can expect that by 2025,all passenger cars will be electric or hybrid. Interestingly, many small companies in Europe and Asia are putting environmentally friendly affordable electric cars on the market. The Reva Electric Car Company is England, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Ireland. They are going to be marketed in Australia, Switzerland and Germany soon. Norway also has electric car manufactures. One is the Think Company. It made and sold over 1.000 electric cars there in the late 1990s. Now it is going to expand its market to include America, which already has other companies like Myers Motors, which makes the three-wheeled NmG-1 car, and ZAP. Chinese companies, too, will soon be entering the international electric automobile manufacturing market. However, we should note that the future of the electric car will depend on the development of lighter and longer-lasting batteries and the increase of plug-in stations so that we can travel a long distance in these new cars.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0



People say that the 19th century was the era of steam energy, and the 20th century was the era of gasoline engines. 19世紀は蒸気エネルギーの時代で、20世紀はガソリンエンジンの時代であった、と人々は言います。 Now they say that the 21st century will be the century of electronic energy. 現在、21世紀は電気エネルギーの時代になるだろうと人々は言います。 We can expect that by 2025,all passenger cars will be electric or hybrid. 2025年までには、すべての乗用車が電気式かハイブリッド式になるだろうと予測できます。 Interestingly, many small companies in Europe and Asia are putting environmentally friendly affordable electric cars on the market. 興味深いことに、ヨーロッパやアジアの多くの小さい会社が環境にやさしいお手頃な価格の電気自動車を売り出してきています。 The Reva Electric Car Company is England, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Ireland. Reva電気自動車会社はイギリス、イタリア、キプロス、スペイン、アイルランドにあります。 They are going to be marketed in Australia, Switzerland and Germany soon. その会社はオーストラリア、スイス、ドイツにも進出予定です。 Norway also has electric car manufactures. ノルウェーも電気自動車製造業が盛んです。 One is the Think Company. It made and sold over 1.000 electric cars there in the late 1990s. ひとつがThink会社です。1990年代に、1000台以上の電気自動車を売りました。 Now it is going to expand its market to include America, which already has other companies like Myers Motors, which makes the three-wheeled NmG-1 car, and ZAP. 現在、Think会社は市場をアメリカまで拡大しようとしています。アメリカには、三輪NmG-1自動車をつくっているMyers MotorsやZAPなどの会社がすでにあります。 Chinese companies, too, will soon be entering the international electric automobile manufacturing market. 中国の会社も、また、国際電気自動車製造業に進出しようとしています。 However, we should note that the future of the electric car will depend on the development of lighter and longer-lasting batteries and the increase of plug-in stations so that we can travel a long distance in these new cars. しかし、電気自動車の将来は、この新しい車で長距離を走れるように、より軽い、長持ちするバッテリーの発達と、充電スタンドの増加にかかっているということを述べておかなければなりません。 まだ学生で全然専門知識もあったもんじゃないので、間違ってる箇所もたくさんあるかもしれません。。汗 そして、自然じゃない箇所もいっぱいあると思います…。あと、固有名詞調べたりしてないです、すいません。 時間があったので、訳してみました。素人なので、へたっぴですが、お役に立てれば嬉しいです。


  • 急いでいます、訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の訳・解説をお願いします。 (1)What they don't realize is that the first electric car appeared in 1873, thirteen years before the first gasoline car. このWhatは関係代名詞ですか?isの後ろのthatはどういった役割なのでしょうか。 (2)the performance of gasoline cars improved rapidly,and,as it did so,demand for electric car declined. 特にas it did so がどういうことなのかよくわかりません。このasは何でしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文和訳

    We could further increase the value and efficiency of a Unified National Grid by helping our struggling auto companies switch to the manufacture of plug-in electric cars and save those auto jobs and renew our companies. An electric vehicle fleet would sharply reduce the cost of driving a car, reduce pollution, and increace the flexibility of our electricity grid. アル・ゴアの“Moving First Is in Our Own National Interest”の一部です。どなたか和訳お願いします

  • 至急英語にお願いします。

    It is often said that taxes will change in the 21st century. There may be new taxes on bank savings and financial transactions. Trash is likely to be taxed in the future. When you drive your car into a large city, you might have to pay a tax for that. One thing is certain: There will be new taxes for the rich and poor in countries that have fewer and fewer young people to support society.

  • 長文ですみません!!m(__)m訳をお願い致します

    "With historically low levels of new building and net migration (while not at strong levels) likely to be more supportive of Auckland housing demand than other parts of the country, we suspect demographic pressures are slowly beginning to surface. This is also shown by increases in average rents, which at $434 per week is also a new record high." Borkin said that given the housing market's properties as a good "leading indicator" in NZ, and the Auckland region being "the consumer juggernaut" that it is, this may signal the beginnings of an improvement in the consumer spending backdrop. "We think it is too early to make a call on this yet given that household behaviour remains one of caution and deleveraging, but we are watching closely." Borkin said that evidence was gradually beginning to mount "that a more robust recovery is around the corner and this will eventually warrant tighter monetary conditions. We continue to feel this is more an early 2012 story".

  • 長文の訳お願いします(*_*)

    The eel is truly an mysterious fish. As is well known, young eels return from the sea to grow big in rivers. What no one knows is where they are born or from where they travel to Japan. They seem to come from the deep sea teaches around the Philippines, but this is not known for certain. Thus, we can't catch a lot of young eels, and there is also a natural limit on our ability to farm eels. We have finally learned how to make mature eels lay eggs, but as we do not know what young eels eat, we cannot raise them from birth. In other words, eels cannot be farmed from birth through to maturity. Today, there's some disagreement between eel chefs and sushi chefs. At eel restaurants, they will serve a strip of white meat about 5 cm long and call it baby eel. Sushi restaurants, on the other hand, deny that it is eel;they say it is baby conger or sea snake. It is hard to imagine it is baby eel, because baby eel is hard to come by in quantity. Anyway, no matter who is right, baby eels are a mystery to eel lovers. What is also strange is that although Japanese waters should be a fine breeding ground for eels, young eels are hardly ever found. On the other hand, there are countries such as Spain which have an abundance of young eels. A favorite Spanish dish is to take heaps of European baby eels seasoned with olive oil and garlic, and then cook them in clay pots. There are probably more baby eels on each plate than a Japanese will eat in a lifetime. Another strange thing is that, half a world away from Spain in Venezuela, baby eels are eaten the same way. It helps to know that Venezuela is by far the wealthiest nation in the region, and frozen baby eels are flown in from Spain. Of course, Venezuela was originally conquered by Spain in the Age of Discovery, and the privileged classes of Spanish ancestry still uphold a "Spanish diet." Europeans enjoy eating not only baby eels, but eels in many ways. The north German city of Hamburg is known for its varied gourmet cuisine, and its eel soup with fruit is very unusual. Smoked eel is commonly eaten in Europe in soup or sauteed. And remember, it's bad manners to slurp your eel soup. There is a poem in Manyoshu that goes:"Won't you have some eel? It keeps you strong in summer." The benefits of eating eel to prevent exhaustion in summer were well known in those times, which indicates just how ancient our history of eel-eating is. The Japanese have always had great faith in the benefits of eating dark-col-healthy. That is why catfish was popular. Among the varieties of dark meat, eel is especially delicious. In the Edo Period, eels that came up from Tokyo Bay into the Fuka and Kanda Rivers were considered the finest, while those found elsewhere were considered less flavorful. It's hard to imagine that the flavor of the former would be different from eel caught locally. Anyway, oddly enough, there are two big misunderstandings about eel among Japanese people. The first is that eel is a specialty of Japan. When you understand how highly valued eel is in Europe, you might eat it more often. The second is that some people hate eel, associating its shape with snakes, even though they have never tried it. If they could get rid of that senseless association, many more people would try eel.

  • 訳を教えてください

    2つの文章の和訳を教えてください。主語とかが省略されている気がするのですが、1つ1つの単語はわかっても何が言いたいのか掴めません。 ★For what really is the future - but hope and dreams the way we wish things would be - not saying it will be that way. Just like the past is our perception of things that have happened in our life. ★Life is more easy and calmer for simpler people, but much more earth shattering, lip trembling, and aggressive for those who don't just take what is given to them...

  • 電気自動車の普及対策に関する小英作文の添削

    その問題を解決するために、私は3つの解決策を考えた。 To solve the problems, I suggest three countermeasures. 第1に、電気自動車を普及させるには、電気スタンドの数を増やす必要がある。 First, the number of electric car charging stations should be increased in order to make electric cars more popular. なぜなら、日本は電気スタンドの設置台数が少なく充電の手間がかかる。 Because, in Japan, the number of electric car charging station is small, and it takes time for charging. 特に高速道路のパーキングエリアは、ガソリンスタンドと比べて電気スタンドの設置台数が少ない。 In particular, parking areas on expressways have fewer electric car charging stations than gas stations. 第2に、電気自動車を普及させるには、充電時間の短縮をする必要がある。 Second, to spread the use of electric vehicles, it is necessary to shorten the charging time. なぜなら、電気自動車は1度の充電での航続距離が短く、毎日充電しなくてはならない。 Because electric car has a short vehicle range on one charge and must be charged daily. それにもかかわらず、充電に必要な時間は約8時間と長時間に渡る。 Nevertheless, the time required for charging is about 8 hours, which is a long time. 車は普段使いだという人にとって、長い充電時間は不便に感じる。 People who use cars usually find it inconvenient for long charging times. 第3に、電気自動車を普及させるには、電気自動車の価格を下げるべきである。 Third, in order to popularize electric vehicles, the price of electric vehicles should be lowered. なぜなら、電気自動車は軽自動車と比べ値段が高く手軽に購入することができない価格帯である。 Because electric cars are more expensive than minicars and cannot be purchased easily. 自動車がないと生活しづらい地方でこそ、手軽な足としての軽自動車にとって代われるくらいの価格帯が普及の鍵である。 The price range that can be substituted for minicars as easy feet is the key to spread only in regions where it is difficult to live without cars.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!!

    (1)Merkea duty to provide appropriate cash for each machine balance reports or recommendations based on the company, take out the card swallowed, filling and repair including machines on a national holiday, in touch with the vendor machine, daily visits, and must be ready to be called during an emergency. (2)Cisco's results of joint venture companies from China and the International Sinar Mas Multi Artha of Korea is also taking care of the machine entrusted to her company. (3)Our performance will be what percentage of machines that we managed to function. (4)Fortunately, that is not how it should be compared with the security side is always preferred by the company to its employees. (5)To secure all field officers who fill cash in the machine, redesigned Cisco 50 vehicle types L300 and its Panther operating in China.

  • 英文の長文、和訳お願いします

    Does the Earth have the natural resources to support this many people? Unfortunately, the answer to this question depends on information we don't have. For example, we don't know how people will choose to live in the future. We don't know what their standard of living will be. We also don't know what new technologies will be available in the future. We do know that the Earth's natural resources are limited. Fresh water, for example, is crucial for health and food production. However, more than 97% of the water on Earth is salt water, which is poisonous to both people and crops. Only 3% of the water on Earth is fresh water, and three quarters of that fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. Today, the demands for fresh water is greater than the supply in roughly eighty countries around the world. By 2025, scientists predict that forty-eight countries will have chronic shortages of water. At present, disalinization, or the removal of salt from salt water, is not a solution to the shortage of fresh water. It takes a lot of energy to remove the salt from ocean water, and that makes the disalinization process very expensive.

  • 長文の和訳お願いします!part4

    part3の続きです。 There are signs,however,that this linguistic monopoly will not survive into the 21st century. Experts have suggested that the proportion of Internet material in decade as users are given more choice of language. A recent British government report on the future of the English language argued that English will soon be joined by several orther‘world languages’,and the report's auther warned:“We are moving to a stage in which the world will be saturated with English. Every area will have it as a second language,and the most competitive countries will be those that have another world lagnage as well ' It is a warning that most British people do not yet seem to have given much thought to,despite the linguistic efforts of their Prime Minister.