• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Sweet_Pie
  • ベストアンサー率34% (42/122)

>購入をしたいのですが、 ということはまだ購入手続きはしていないという段階なのですね? そして、そこは信頼できるサイトですか。 まず質問に先に答えると、 向こうが必要といっているものは、Paypal経由の支払いじゃない限り、次のいずれかが必要(PayPal経由の人は2のものを提出)。 1.最後の4桁がわかる状態でのクレジットカードのコピーおよび運転免許証あるいは同等の類の身分証明書のコピー  あるいは、 2.銀行などあなたへの毎月の請求が郵便で来るところからの請求書のコピー(あなたのクレジットカード請求先の住所と一致している住所が確認できるものであること) ただ、ふつう、ネットショッピングって、まず決済します。じゃないと向こうが普通はものを送ってきません。 あなたがあとでしか支払いたくないと言ってこういうふうになったのであれば話は違いますが、ちょっと一般的には思えません。 まして、 > so if you have no idea what we're talking about, don't sweat it. この書き方って私たちが通常、友達とかに書くような書き方で全く正式的からはあまりにも程遠いし… ネットショッピングのカテゴリーがあるので、英語とは別に、そういう状態だという投稿をして相談してみたほうが良さそうに思います。 第一、ふつう、そんな大切なもの、コピーであろうが情報が流れてしまうわけで(暗号化してようが相手先に伝わってしまうじゃないですか)を送りますか? そんなの請求してくるところ、全く始めて見ました。もう少し前後の事情も書かないと答える人も判断しかねると思います。



分かりやすく訳して貰ってありがとうございます! とあるSNSでのニュース記事の紹介サイトなので信頼はできると思います。 (記事を書いた人も購入できているので) 状況としては、サイトで必要事項記入(後で支払いたい云々の項目はなかったと思います)→注文→確認メールという感じです。 実はメールの最初に「最も早く確定する方法は電話をしてやりとりをすること」とありました。ですが、英会話にまったくの自信がないため、メールでの確定方法の部分を質問文に載せました。 助言通り、ネットショッピングのカテゴリでも質問してみようかと思います。 アドバイスありがとうございました。


  • 個人輸入してメールを英語で返信しなければなりません。

    以下の英語の意味を教えてください。翻訳をとおしましたがよく意味がわかりません。 Acceptable verification information includes one of the following: (1) A copy of the credit card used to order, with only the last 4 digits showing AND a copy of your government issued ID (Credit Card orders only) (2) A copy of a statement from a service provider or financial institution, that shows the billing address submitted during checkout (Credit Card or PayPal orders) For the security-minded among you, we are able to accept PGP-encrypted emails. It is not mandatory to encrypt your response, so if you have no idea what we're talking about, don't sweat it. Further information, including our public key and fingerprint, can be found at the following

  • 個人輸入で商品を購入して英語がわからなくて困ってます。翻訳してください

    個人輸入で商品を購入して英語がわからなくて困ってます。翻訳してください。 If you are unable to contact us via telephone or your order is over $150, you may also provide verification via email or fax. You may reply to this email with appropriate verification information or fax it to 650-248-2023. If you are faxing the information, please make sure to reference your order ID on the coversheet. Acceptable verification information chose one of the following: (A) (Credit Card orders only) A copy of the credit card used to order, with only the last 4 digits showing AND a copy of your government issued ID. OR (B) (Credit Card or PayPal orders) A copy of a statement from a service provider or financial institution, that shows the billing address submitted during checkout. For the security-minded among you, we are able to accept PGP-encrypted emails. It is not mandatory to encrypt your response, so if you have no idea what we're talking about, don't sweat it. Further information, including our public key and fingerprint, can be found at the following link: http://www.thinkgeek.com/help/encryption.shtml ---------------- クレジットカードの下4ケタだけ出した写真と、運転免許証の写真をメールで送ればいいんでしょうか?

  • 海外通販について

    過去に2回ほど海外通販(アメリカ)の経験があります。 支払い方法は、いずれも「PayPal」で支払いました。 私がPayPalの支払い手続きが完了した時点で、ショップ(売手)は発送手続きをして頂き 数日後に無事に商品が到着、という流れでした。 本題ですが、先日、上記とは別の海外通販(アメリカ)にて、「PayPal」で支払いましたが、 数日経っても商品が届かないので、ショップ(売手)に確認のメールをしました。 早速、返信メールが届いたのですが、翻訳サイトで翻訳しても意味が分かりません。 そのメール内容は下記なのですが、この内容が分かる方いらっしゃいますか? 何かの提示を求めているのでしょうか? Thank you for your recent [ショップ名] order. Shortly after your order was placed, we sent an email to the address on your account with the subject More Information Needed for Your [ショップ名] Order requesting you call us or send in documentation to verify your billing address. The quickest way to verify your order is to call our customer care number and verbally provide us with a few key pieces of information. Acceptable verification information includes one of the following: (1) A copy of the credit card used to order, with only the last 4 digits showing AND a copy of your government issued ID (Credit Card orders only) (2) A copy of a statement from a service provider or financial institution, that shows the billing address submitted during checkout (Credit Card or PayPal orders) For the security-minded among you, we are able to accept PGP-encrypted emails. It is not mandatory to encrypt your response, so if you have no idea what we're talking about, don't sweat it. Further information, including our public key and fingerprint, can be found at the following link: 出来れば、分りやすく翻訳して頂けると助かります。 また、海外通販の経験豊富な方にお伺いしたいのですが、 普通は、「注文」→「PayPalでの支払い手続き」→「発送」→「到着」ではなのでしょうか?       または「クレジットカードでの支払い手続き」 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 海外のネットショッピングについて教えてください。

    こんばんは。 先日、海外のネットショッピングで服を購入しようと思ったのですが、生憎自分のクレジットカードが使えなかったため友人に頼んでカードを切ってもらいました。その際、送付先の名前や住所は友人のではなく自分のものを記入したのですが、後ほど以下のようなメールが届きました。 -------- We are sorry to report that we are having problems processing your order with the information that you provided for your credit card. Please verify your credit card information, shipping and billing addresses, and identification. Please email or fax us a copy of your identification and credit card. We MUST see your credit card and identification to verify your order. Once we receive this information from you, we will ship you out your package the same day. -------- 私のしがない英語力で訳すと、名義を確認したいからカード情報を送ってくれと言っていると思うのですが、合っていますか? ならば、メールでカード情報を送るのは危険だと思うので、どうすれば良いか困っています。 また、友人のカードはもう決済されているそうです。 メールの細かい訳なども合わせて、回答の方どなたかお願いします。

  • TOEFLに多重請求の問い合わせをしました。先ほどメールがきました。お

    TOEFLに多重請求の問い合わせをしました。先ほどメールがきました。お金の事なので自分の拙い英語力で正しく理解出来ているか不安です。どなたか要約でも良いので訳して頂けないでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。 You can print your registration confirmation by choosing “View Orders” from your online Home Page, then selecting the “Print” link in the Registration Confirmation section of the View Orders page. Your test date, start time, and test center address is located on the registration confirmation. We are unable to find a record of multiple payments. It is impossible for us to identify payments that are not accompanied by registration forms, order forms, requests for service, or letters of explanation. Before we can credit your account, provide services, or issue a refund, we must have positive proof that ETS accepted your payment. Please note that a receipt or copy of a receipt is not proof that we have received and cashed your payment. If we received and credited your payment to our account, the canceled check or money order will be returned to your bank. Please ask your bank to give you a copy of both sides of the canceled check or money order and send it to us with a letter of explanation and your request for service or refund. If your bank cannot provide proof that we have accepted payment, you should ask the bank to return your money to you. If you submitted your payment by credit card, we suggest that you contact your credit card company to determine if your credit card has been charged. If you find that the payment was charged to your account, please send a copy of your credit card statement along with your request for service or request to credit your account to us. You may mail your correspondence to: TOEFL/TSE Services, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 or you may send a fax to 610-290-8972. Be sure to include your name, address, and registration or appointment confirmation number and test date.

  • 海外通販の返信メールの翻訳お願いします。

    件名→Order Verfication Dear Sir, We have recently received your order and it has come across to the finance depart for further verification. In our effort to protect our customers against the high rise in Credit Card fraud, we ask for the following documentation to complete the transaction. 1、Front copy of the credit card used for this transaction 2、Copy of a picture ID. 3、Please confirm and verify the billing and ship to addresses You may either, scan and email to this address or fax to 858-521-0957 Attn Finance Dept. Thank you for your immediate attention in this matter.

  • 海外で買い物をした際に下記が返信されました

    こんにちは。海外で買い物をした際に下記が返信されました。なんとなくの意味はわかるのですが確証がもてないのでご質問させてください。お手数ですがなるべく詳細にご回答願います。よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you for your recent order number *******. For your security, we ask that you confirm ownership of your credit card by obtaining the approval code received for this transaction. Please call the bank associated with the credit card used on this order for this information. Reply to this email with the approval code to verify ownership of the account. Upon verification, your order will be processed. If this information is not available, we can accept a copy of your credit card statement showing the cardholders name, billing address and account number. Also, we can accept a copy of the front and back of your signed credit card and a piece of photo ID such as a driver&#82**;s license or passport. You can send this either by fax or as a .jpg attachment in reply to this email. Our fax number is 001(253) 891-****. If you are unable to reach us via email, please contact us via telephone at 001 (253) 891-****.. To avoid delays in your order and possible cancellation, please reply by June 1, 2011. I apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to your response. Best regards,

  • 海外サイトで通販しましたがメールが届き意味が分かりません。

    海外サイトで通販しましたがメールが届き意味が分かりません。 すみませんが教えてください。 Thank you for shopping at JIMMYCHOO.COM. Your order is currently being prepared for dispatch. In the meantime, we are performing a routine check to verify your card and address details. While this may result in a slight delay in the delivery of your order, we are sure you appreciate that this procedure is set up to protect you - the customer - from credit card fraud. Once we have verified the details you have provided with your card issuer you will receive an email from us, either to advise that your order has been dispatched or alternatively requesting further information from you.

  • 海外のサイトでものを買ったのですが…

    海外のサイトでの通販に挑戦したのですが、以下のような返事のメールがきました。 私なりに頑張って訳してみたのですが、いまいちよく解らないのです。 これって、カードが使えないから、別の支払方法でってことですよね? みなさんのお力をお貸し下さい。宜しくお願いします。 Sorry, we are unable to process your order because our credit card charging program is unable to recognize and charge credit cards that have been issued or have billing addresses outside of the U.S. and Canada. Until there is a system that is able to verify foreign-issued credit cards or international billing addresses, we will have to take these preventive steps to avoid chargebacks/fraudulent transactions. This protects us all and other metal fans out there that own credit cards. But we are not denying international orders altogether. If you are still interested in our product you may send to us an International Money Order in U.S. funds to complete your order. We have customers from all over the world who send us International Money Orders regularly. ***If you are a repeat customer who has successfully completed orders with us in the past with the same credit card, please e-mail us back with information on your last order (date of order on invoice, invoice #, etc.). We will look you up in our records and process your order. If you wish to pay by International Money Order (U.S. funds only), please mail to the following address: Century Media Mailorder 2323 W. El Segundo Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 USA

  • 大至急和訳してください パート3

    For more information and reservation, please click here <<http://asiatravel.com/thailand/pickup1.html>http://asiatravel.com/thailand/pickup1.<http://asiatravel.com/thailand/pickup1.html>html> Alternatively, you can contact Pam at <pam@asiatravel.com> for reservation. Also, as hotels there enjoys almost 100% occupancy rate during the period of your booking, a credit card guarantee for the 1st day of the reservation is required to secure your room. We are sending to you separate email, a credit card form for you to fill in your credit card details and fax it to our Bangkok office URGENTLY within 3 days at the number indicated on the bottom of the form. THIS CREDIT CARD FORM IS NOT A PAYMENT. IT IS ONLY A GUARANTEE AND WILL ONLY BE USED IF YOU DO NOT TURN UP AS RESERVED OR NO NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATION IS FORWARDED TO US. PAYMENT IS TO BE MADE DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL UPON CHECKING IN EITHER IN CASH OR CREDIT CARD. Once again thank you and we look forward to receiving your credit card information soonest. Regards Anna