• ベストアンサー



  • masaqq
  • ベストアンサー率32% (10/31)

あなたの訳も、いいと思いますよ。 とくに日本語訳だと、答えとピタリ一致する方がまれです。 ただ、どうしてもおさえておかなければいけないポイントがあって それをはずしていなければOKなんです。 今回はあなたは正しく英文を理解して訳すことができていると思います。



こんばんは。 ご回答ありがとうございます。 なかなか答えどおりに書けずに苦労していました。 >ただ、どうしてもおさえておかなければいけないポイントがあって  それをはずしていなければOK なんですね。何がポイントかがわからないとだめなんですね・・ > とくに日本語訳だと、答えとピタリ一致する方がまれです。 ということもわかりとても参考になりました。 少し勉強がすすみそうです。 ありがとうございました^-^


  • so ~ that に変えられないtoo ~to

    He is old enough to drive. ×He is so old that he can drive. のように、enough to 不定詞を so ~ that に書き換えられないものがあることはわかりました。 それでは、too ~ to 不定詞の文で so ~ that に書き換えれないものはあるでしょうか? あれば教えて下さい。

  • too ~ to .. と enough to .

    He is too old to drive a car. He is old enough to drive a car. という文は両方とも正しいと思います。 しかし、so that に書き換えると、 He is so old that he can't drive a car. ×He is so old that he can drive a car. となって、一番下は成立しません。 He is too 形容詞 to 不定詞. He is 形容詞 enough to 不定詞. のように、同じ形容詞、不定詞を使って、しかも、so ~ that に書き換えることができる例文があったら、教えてください。よろしくお願いいたいたします。

  • この解釈は間違えてますか?

    He was to her old too. He is too old for her. He was too old for her too. この三つの意味は違いますか? 「彼は彼女には年寄りすぎる。」 と、解釈してるのですが、 もしも違ってたら教えていただけますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    長いですがよろしくお願いします。 Your zodiac sign is Pisces and his is Sagittarius. This is water and fire. These are opposite quality’s,. You need security in love and life. You are sensitive sympathetic, steady patient loyal, thoughtfull, inclined to dwell on things inwardly, far more than you show outwardly. Kind stubborn, dutiful and realistic. You have good ideas and work hard. You are intuitive, but prone to escapism, to evade or avoid issues and problems in life. He being a fire sign likes independence. This too will slow the relationship. You are both cautious about how to proceed. Being born under Sagittarius, he has an enthusiasm for life that is seldom dulled for long. He moves forwards at a faster pace, with things, leaving you uncertain. You ponder more, while is careless and doesn’t always stop to think or consider. Familiar situations are comforting to you psychologically You take on responsibilities willing and duty. You do the right thing, the honest thing But there can be too many straws on your back that burden you, and depress you, and you seek escape from stress and pressure of life. While he is more likely to move on and leave problems behind, he is less responsible, but more progressive You both have dreams for the future, big ideas You both work hard and have the stamina to see these through. Though you have less energy than him. Because things affect your emotions more and drain you at time... His ambitions, include getting on in life. Having more money. There is a practical down to earth side of him, that is not lead away by dreams and ideals, but moves too fast, sometimes slips, sometimes takes a wrong chance. It is difficult to say if he learns from his mistakes, because he doesn’t dwell on the past, even though he may return to it.. He is close to his family, loyal to his friends. But he doesn’t always show his best side to strangers. He is slow to anger but also quick to forget his irritations and temper, and expects other to do the same.. There is compatibility but both in your different ways tend to make the relationship interesting

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    下記の文章を訳してください! 宜しくお願いします。 He may like travel, and likes peace and quiet in a relationship, dislikes quarreling. He is kind hearted, and is very sensible in a crisis, and able to cope, but in his every day life is the opposite, being indecisive and often uncertain what he really wants, willing to let others influence him or make decisions for him. He is patient and persevering in a quiet way. He is good tempered, a little touchy, his anger become more turned inward than expressed outwardly. He may be inclined towards ideals or else to good causes. He is very honest and hates unfairness cheating or lying or underhand dealing in others. His main fault is too much thought too little action in his life.

  • He is not too old to work.

    1.not too ---to--と 2.too---not to--の訳し方で いつも混乱しています。 1.He is not too old to work. 2.The boy is too bright not to be able to do arithmetic. 1は「それほど年をとっていないので働ける」 2は「とても頭が良いので計算ができる。」  これで合っていますか? 今後 忘れないようにするには どう理解したらよいでしょうか。 notの場所とtoo--to--の関係など 文法的に解説していただけませんか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • This computer is too old for you to

    This computer is too old for you to use. この文をso~thatの文に直すとどうなるんですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • マーチ付属高校の入試問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)Can you use this machine? Do you know (    )(    )use this machine? (2)I got to the bus stop in ten minutes. It (    )(    )ten minutes to get to the bus stop. (3)He went to Tokyo at the age of eighteen. He went to Tokyo(    ) he(    ) eighteen. (4)This is the most interesting story that I have ever heard. I have(    )(    )(    )(    ) interesting story. (5)Health is the most important thing in our life. (    )is(    ) important as health in our life. (6)No other boy in the class is so clever as Jonny. (Jonnyを主語にして比較級を用いて) (7)She has visited Korea twice.(下線部が答えの中心となる疑問文に) (8)This tea is too hot for me to drink. (So~that 構文を用いて) (9)Everybody will laugh at him.(受動態の文に) (10)Who broke this window? (受動態の文に)

  • 英文の意味の違いを教えてください。

    彼は床に時計を落として壊してしまった。 He dropped his watch on the floor and damaged it. He dropped his watch on the floor and has damaged it. 上の二つの英文の意味の違いを教えてください。 その前に確認したいのですが下の文は文法的には正しいですよね? 過去形と現在完了形を同じ一つの文で使ってはいけないという決まりはありませんよね? 教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください

    上手く翻訳できません。 意訳でも構いません宜しくお願いします。 He is a man who is delicate and refined. He is given to study, and is exceptionally good at what he studies and interests himself in. A strange quiet man. He will seem aloof. He is timid and hesitant with people and quite insular underneath. Like one who has something of an inferiority complex but hides it. Well respected, but underneath he has a lot of self doubts. He gives the impression of distance. He is sensitive and perceptive, can understand the depths concealed in others and what lies behind things but can seem shy or awkward almost on the surface. He is intuitive and not very materialistic, but he will succeed in the material world, through a special subject or talent. Her may be too easily daunted by people, and this is his biggest obstacle. His inner feelings of inadequacy and the tendency to want to avoid people and problems at all costs. He has deep feeling emotions, so much more under the surface of him than he shows. Many of his decision and judgment are based on emotion. He likes to be on his own, but solitariness does not bring out the best in his character, it makes him more insular, more suspicious more inward turned and unstable and escapist. It is the sociability with others that he seeks to avoid that brings out the confidence and kindness and generosity and best in him. He is mature, not too moody or touchy despite his depth of feeling he manages to remain calm and optimism wins through in time of trouble. He is able to summon strength and endurance when he needs it most. He likes routine and familiar things and familiar patterns in his life. Not so fond of the insecurities and uncertainty of change.