• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英Times紙のコラムの一節・Be that face and~)

Be that face and tremendous power will be transmitted through you


  • ベストアンサー
  • Hideto123
  • ベストアンサー率30% (126/420)

う~ん、難しいですね・・・。 直訳すると、 そのような顔をしてごらんなさい、するととても神秘的な力が あなたから放出されるでしょう、あなたへ投げかけられる祈りを そのままあなたへ祈る人々に反射してかえすことによって。 こんなかんじになるんでしょうか?? オバマ氏をみて、勝手に「救世主」だと思い込み、 現在のアメリカの状況から自分たちを救ってくれると いわば一方的に熱狂している人たちに向かって、 彼と同じような顔(表情)をしているだけで、 実は自分では何もしていないのに だれでも神々しく見える と皮肉っている ということでしょうか? 私にはうまい日本語にはできません。 参考にもならないレスで申し訳ないです。 <(_ _)>ペコリ



レスありがとうございます。 当初、自分の思い描いていた訳とほとんど同じなので、自分の解釈に安心することができました。 つまり、Be that face が命令文で、そのあとの and と相関関係がある。大学受験英語などでおなじみの、「命令文 + and」(~しなさい、そうすれば~)のパターンですよね。 この解釈に100パーセントの自信がなかったので、確認したかったわけです。 「皮肉っている」かどうかまではよくわかりません。皮肉っているとしたらむしろオバマ氏自身を皮肉っているように自分としては感じますが。 いずれにせよ、大変参考になりました。ありがとうございました。


  • and that について

    いつもお世話になります。 次の文はいずれもBreaking News Englishというサイトからの引用ですが 文中のand thatはいずれも「しかも」という意味で良いのでしょうか? (1)Mr Wang said newspapers in other countries often report the bad manners of some Chinese and that this damaged the image of all Chinese people. (2)He added that non-Chinese tourists must also behave better in China, and that all countries have citizens who behave badly abroad. (3)President Obama said the U.S. would now only use drone strikes as a last resort, when there is a "continuing and imminent" threat to the American people, and that there must be "near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured". eプログレッシブ英和中辞典に and that「しかも,それも. ▼前文の全体あるいは一部を受ける」 He speaks English, and that fluently.という例があります。 (1)(2)(3)ともthat以下が副詞でなくS+V、(1)はandの前にカンマがありません。 and thatのthatは代名詞ということを考えると(1)(2)(3)は名詞節のthatが 複数並んでいると考えた方が良いのでしょうか? 教えてください。よろしくお願い致します。

  • わかりやすい日本語にしてください

    1.Which certain guide will go with you on tours we will know the day before your trip. 2.And you can be sure that transport and guide will be ready for your tours! 3.And please don't change your plans for the tour with us as we prepare transport, guides and our schedule for you.

  • Financial Timesのコラムの一節

    今回は Financial Times からです。 上記ウェブサイトの経済コラムの「アメリカ資本主義の終焉」と題する文章の一節で意味がわからない部分があるので教えて下さい。 全文は以下のサイトで読めます。 http://blogs.ft.com/maverecon/2008/09/the-end-of-american-capitalism-as-we-knew-it/ ここから2つの段落だけを引用します。 Even where private deposit insurance exists, this is only sufficient to handle bank runs on a subset of the banks in the system. Private banks collectively cannot self-insure against a generalised run on the banks. Once the state underwrites the deposits or makes alternative funding available as lender of last resort, deposit-based banking is a license to print money. That suggests that either deposit-banking licenses should be periodically auctioned off competitively or that depostit-taking banks should be in public ownership to ensure that the tax payer gets the rents as well as the risks.The argument that financial intermediation cannot be entrusted to the private sector can now be extended to include the new, transactions-oriented, capital-markets-based forms of financial capitalism. 2番目の段落の文章 That suggests that either deposit-banking licenses should be periodically auctioned off competitively or that depostit-taking banks should be in public ownership to ensure that the tax payer gets the rents as well as the risks. を訳していただけないでしょうか。(特に悩んでいるのは the rents の意味ですが。rents の解釈についてだけでもかまいません) よろしくお願い致します。

  • 訳してください。

    1. If you receive the shoes and find them unsatisfactory you will still be able to return them. 2. Our policy for returns is that we provide this as a free service for XXX.COM よろしくお願いします。

  • この文章を日本語に訳してください。

    この文章を日本語に訳してください。 Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Everything we have in stock for ebay will be listed in our store. While not all of our inventory is listed on ebay, you are welcome to check our website (www.mycomicshop.com) if you would like, for a more extensive selection of titles. We also have an online Want List, if you are interested in signing up. If an item is not in stock on our site, you can add it to your want list, and you will be notified as soon as a copy becomes available. Please understand that ebay orders and orders from our site can not be combined.

  • 訳してください!

    We had a question for you. We were thinking of going on vacation in December and wondered if this is something that interested you. We were thinking of going on a cruise to the Caribbean. Do you know your plans for Christmas? Are you going to be staying here or are you going home? Can you please let us know if you would like to travel with us and if your parents would like you to have this experience. If you are not interested and will be travelling home to Japan, that is good too. We will plan our holiday around what you would like. Can you please let us know your plans? この日本語訳をお願いします! だいたいはわかるのですが、 We were thinking of going on vacation in December and wondered if this is something that interested you.と、 If you are not interested and will be travelling home to Japan, that is good too. の訳が分かりません

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You will attain a marriage partnership, that will be permanent, solid, and secure. A marriage that will be worth waiting for and enduring some emotional or physical hardship for. This obstacle is shown by the planet Saturn who is retrograde and just on the border of the horoscope area where he could have a mild influence, so the obstacle is not as deep and difficult as you may fear. It may just be that the courtship is very slow to move forwards.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Our little baby is done with surgery. She did well and will make a full recovery - her nose is going to be a little shorter. But she will be fine. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. This is a good time for thoughts and prayers. This is an appropriate thoughts and prayers scenario. Not after a massive nation rocking multiple fatality active shooter event. That’s the appropriate time for outrage and action. Anyways Cassidy thanks you for thinking of her. She’s a good girl.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    INDIEGOGO UPDATE: Most of you have, but if you haven't received your perks yet they have been shipped and you will be seeing them in the mail shortly! We apologize for the delay but the process was complicated due to our being on the road and coordinating the shipment of certain items that had to be signed. If you don't receive your package in the next 10 days, please message us here. ALSO, the $5 raffle we had up on indiegogo is going back up on our official site starting November 5th and will be running through the month of December. Winner will be announced on our Facebook, Twitter, and Official website early 2014... those who have already entered in the raffle when up on indiegogo, your entries have been recorded and will automatically carry over.

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。助けて!

    Dear Taku, Pls see the attachment for the Specs received from the Supplier and refer to our email correspondence with them below. They have confirmed that they will work with us and supply, no problem. As discussed on phone, pls advise how we will be able to secure our interest from your side as we will be introducing to the manufacturer directly whereby you will be able to negotiate on prices and shipments. We will advise you the mode of payment for this transaction, TT preferably or LC ( Letter Of Credit ). We will advise the travel plans once we secure firm offer from our manufacturer. Best Regards, Goldy As discussed on phone, pls advise how will we be bale t