• 締切済み



  • T-Simoo
  • ベストアンサー率46% (37/80)

こんにちは。 "Dearest Clerval, "I exclaimed, "How kind, how very good you are to me. This whole winter, instead of being spent in study as you desired, has been passed in my sick room. How shall I ever repay you?" <貴方の訳> 「最愛のクレーバル」(に言った。)【と私は叫んだ。】「あなたは【私には】なんて親切でなんていい人なんだろう。(と!)【あなたは】この冬全部(は)【を】あなたが望んでいた研究に費やす代わりに、(保健室)【私の病室】で過ごし【てくれ】た。私は(あなたにどのように報いるべき)【どうしたらあなたに報いることになるの】でしょうか?」 ・""の部分はきちんと「」で括って訳しましょう。 ・無生物が主語の場合(this whole winter)は意訳をした方がいいです。 "You will repay me entirely if you get well as fast as you can. And since you appear in such good spirits today, here is a letter from your cousin." <貴方の訳> 「(もし)あなたが(できるだけ)早く(完全に回復し)【よくなってくれ】たら、【それだけでいいのです】(あなたは私に報いるでしょう)。(そして)あなた(が)【は】今日(非常に)【とても】元気【そうなので】(がいいようにみえるので)、あなたのいとこからの手紙(がここにあります)【をお見せしましょう】。」 ・entirelyのかかりが違います。(ここは基本中の基本なので注意しましょう) ・会話文なので、「もし」「そして」など、なくても意味が通じるものは、できるだけ省きましょう。また、自然な会話になるよう心がけましょう。 以上、参考までに。


  • これを和訳して頂けませんか?

    I am serious about you my love, you are my present & my future! I realized that there was a connection with you & had no fear in letting you know how much you benefit me, mean & how I am in love with you! I love you sweetheart, quoting a text from the bible, not as well: where you go I will go, your people will be my people.. I can not say enough I love you, I love you, I love you 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    仲の良いALTからラインがきました。和訳をお願いします。 How are you? I hope you are well. As you know by now, I won't be going to Shigishou anymore. Just sending you a thank you message. I appreciate your help and thanks for having conversations with me always. I wish you all the best in anything you pursue. Take care. Sincerely,

  • 和訳お願いします!

    You don't know how sorry I am. Talk to you soon. I try to talk to you as soon as possible .

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    They were very interested to know how your trip went? And my mother said that your are very "kawaii so" because it has not been so cold in more than 100 years. Come to think of it ... you're really not very fortunate. In summer you visited Osaka and it hasn't been so warm for 100+ years. And when you visit Belgium in winter ... it hasn't been so cold for more then 100 years. You really go through cold and heat to see me ... I'm so happy to know you ... Of course you can stay in "our" hotel room as much and as long you want. . I come to Tokyo for you. If you ask me about my top 5 things I want to do when I'm in Tokyo,

  • 和訳をお願いします

    I know you like me very much as I do you too. 私もあなたと同じぐらい私を好きなことを知っています。で良いのでしょうか? as I do youの意味がわかりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします…

    和訳お願いします… FFのEyes on meとゆう曲です。 Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard I saw you smiling at me Was it real or just my fantasy You'd always be there in the corner Of this tiny little bar My last night here for you Same old songs, just once more My last night here with you? Maybe yes, maybe no I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me did you ever kuow? That I had mine on you Darling, so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never hurt As if you're never down Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer So let me come to you Close as I wanted to be Close enough for me To feel your heart beating fast Aud stay there as I whisper How I loved your peaceful eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you Darling, so share with me Your love if you have enough Your tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out then You will know that you're not dreaming Darling, so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never hurt As if you're never down Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer

  • 和訳お願いします‼

    どなたか和訳お願いします hi 、 how are you hey are you in japan right now if you are can i ask favor to you if you dont mind could you look a japanes benadrel medicine in japan its small bottle its glass for seadfood's allergy that kind wont make me sleep please could you get me one or two i.ll will pay of how much wll cost and if you do find it'' please let me know thank you so much

  • Why you as me?

    質問です。 「失恋をしたから慰めてよ!」と送った相手からの返信です。 "How can I comfort you? Why you as me?" How can I...?は「どうやって慰めるっていうの。」ですよね? でも、"Why you as me?"の意味が分りません。 「どうして私に言うの?」みたいなことなのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳してください

    how i'm gonna know if i don't know how you look. i want to live in Japan is amazing

  • 和訳を...

    nice observation :) yeah it's gross how much food we have... the US GOVERNMENT is very greedy. not the people like me. .. oh just to let you know... the essay is due in 4 days. no rush or anything... haha. Just answer as best you can. I don't need long answers :) .