• ベストアンサー




(1)の The boy running を The running boy にしたほうが自然かもしれないです(´_`。) (2)の訳が 部屋で遊んでる子供達を残してどっか別のことにいたようなニュアンスにするほうが いいかもしれないです(´_`。) (3)は 壁を直すのは 私たちではなく、修理を頼むようなニュアンスの訳がいいです。 (4)は 特にまちがってないと思いますが・・・(´_`。)


  • 翻訳してください。

    翻訳してください。 (1)Mother Teresa began her work for children in Kolkata in 1948. (2)In some parts of the city,the people were very poor and they had no schools for children. (3)Mother Teresa gathered together some children and taught the alphabet to them. (4)It was not easy because they had no pens and no notebooks.

  • この単語うまく訳せません!

    3つ質問があります。 1.The girl allegedly killed her friend.のallegedlyをどう訳していいか教えてください!辞書をみると「申し立てる」とかのっていたのですが意味が通じません・・。 2.In some cases,her symptoms worsened as time passed.のIn some casesはどう訳せばよいでしょうか?この文の前に、日本訳だと「ある小学校の先生もまた殺人が起こったことで精神的に参っており、人前に出るのに非常にストレスを感じるとカウンセラーに打ち明けている。」という文章がきます。 3.10 children who sought treatment for trauma.という文章は。トラウマの治療を受けた10人の子供と訳すと習ったのですが、soughtが何故「(治療を)受ける」と訳すのかわかりません。この単語の原形はseekだからそういう意味はないですよね?? どれかひとつでもいいので回答お願いします!

  • The cancer was missed

    My sister has been diagnosed with terminal cancer—at 44, with children. This came out of the blue. She has not had previous cancer. The cancer was missed, her doctor was supercilious, her boyfriend finally took her in to the emergency room for pain after he became fed up. The cancer was missedとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 不自然と言われた英語の文章を直してみましたが、、、教えてください。

    ネイティブの人に英語が不自然と言われましたが、どこがいけないかは教えてもらえません。直してみました。文法面と自然さからのコメントをいただければ幸いです 原意:新生児期のリンパ浮腫としてはターナー症候群に見られるものがよく知られているが、それらは数週間で自然に消退する。  A well known lymphedema in the neonatal period is seen in infants with Turner syndrome, but lymphedema in these infants disappears naturally in several weeks. 2つ作ってみましたが、But は不適切かなとも思います。 1)Lymphedema in neonatal period is often seen in the babies with Turner Syndrome, but the lymphedema in this syndrome naturally disappears in several weeks. 2)As for lymphedema in neonatal period, the one observed in Turner syndrome is well known. But lymphedema seen in this syndrome usually disappears in a natural course. 原意;(子どもだけはなく)母にもリンパ浮腫があったが、(珍しいことに)それは左足に限局していた。 The mother also had lymphedema, but swelling was limited to her left foot. これも日本語の「が」に引きずられて 「but」としないほうが良いでしょうか。 The mother also had lymphedema, and it was limited to her left foot. 長い距離を歩くと必ず左足が痛くなる、特に熱い季節にはそうであると彼女は述べた。 She reported that she felt an ache in her left foot each time after going for long walk, especially in the hot weather. each time after は何か変に感じるので直してみました →She mentioned that she always had a pain in her left foot after a long walk, especially in a hot season. ネイティブか英語に慣れた方のコメントをもらえれば嬉しいです。

  • 英文和訳 解説をお願いします。

    The residents are not expected to return for good any time soon. The residents は福島原発で避難命令を受けた人を指しています。for good any time soonの訳がよくわかりませんでした。よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の問題の答えが分かる人、教えてください!

    (1)[ ]内の動詞を適切な形にして( )に書きなさい。(できたらそれぞれの訳も教えてください) 1.The boy (          ) to Mary is her brother. [speak] 2.She received a letter (            ) into English. [translate] 3.Can you make yourself (          ) in English? [understand] 4.I had some photos (          ) at the airport. [take] 5.My sister is busy (         ) ready for her journey. [get] (2)日本文に合うように( )に合う語を書きなさい(語は一つとは限らない)。 1.テレビは楽しんでいる人を見せてくれます。 TV shows (                      ) fun. 2.不注意な運転手により引き起こされた交通事故がたくさんある。 (                                          ). 3.私には郵便局で働いている兄がいる。 I have a brother (                     ) the post office.   4.ほとんどすべての子供たちは“ドラえもん”が好きだ。 (                     ) children like “Doraemon.” バカですみません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語に翻訳してください!

    Teresa loved children very much. She liked to talk about a little boy who was brought to her by some Sisters. He was suffering from a bad stomachache. “So I sat the child down and asked when he last ate something. That morning? Nothing. Last night? Nothing. Yesterday? Nothing. The stomachache came from hunger!” Teresa worked hard for poor children. For example, she started an international fund that helps children by supporting programs to train them. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 時間の変更/日時を教える。

    ミーティングの日時、開催地が決まりましたのでお知らせします。 時間の変更などがありましたら、できるだけ早めにお知らせおねがいします。という文は、 The date,time and location for the meeting have been scheduled. Date:-/Time:-/Location:-/ If you have some reasons unable to make it,please contact me as soon as possible. 怪しいのは、If you have some reasons unable to make itです。 The date,time and location for the meeting have been scheduled. Date:-/Time:-/Location:-/の部分も、別々ではなく 全てひっくるめてしまいたいのですが.. 提案お願いします。

  • remainの使い方

    すみません。remainやcontinueなのですが,どのような時に完了を使うかがわかりません。 The aftertaste remains for some time. は has remainedではいけないでしょうか。また He remained in office for fifteen years. はhad remainedではおかしいでしょうか。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の長文の和訳をお願いします。

    途中、(A)(B)がでてきますが、そこにはHowever,In fact,On the contrary,As a matter of courseのどれかがはいります。;とかでてくるので訳す順番など悩みます。極端に意訳ではなく、文法、熟語など大事なところを押さえつつ自然な文に訳してもらえると助かります。多くの回答、お待ちしています。  When couples get married they usually plan to have children.Sometimes,houever,a couple cannot have a child of their own.In the case,they may deside to adopt a child.(A),adoption is very common today.There are about sixty thousand adptions each year in the U.S.alone.Some people prefer to adopt infants;others adopt older children.Spme couples adopt children from their own countries;others adopt children from foreigh countries.Some people adopt children of their same rase,white,black,Asian;others adopt children of different races.In any case,they all adopt children for the same reason:they care about children,and want to give their adopted child a happy life.This includes a comfortable home,a loving family,and a good education.  Most adopted children know that they are adopted.However,many adopted children,or(B),have very little imformation about their biological mother and father.As a matter of fact,it is often very difficult for adoptees are usually not made public.The information is confidential,so no one can see it.This protects both adoptees and their natural parents.  Naturally,adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents.  Many adoptees want to search for them,but others do not.Jake,13,was adopted when he was only two and a half months old.He says,“I don´t think I´ll ever search for my birth mother.I might want to get some more facts,but I don´t feel I really want to go look.Maybe she would be awful and I´d just be disappointed.”Carla,who is 12,was adopted when she was four years old.Her adoptive parents also adopted another little girl.Carla says,“Sometimes my sister and I will talk.She says she doesn´t want to look for her birth mother,but I have mixed feelings.Sometimes I feel I want to look for her―but sometimes I don´t want to look for her at all because I´m scared of finding out what her reactions would be.I worry that she´ll have a whole new life and I would just be interfering with that new life.”Sue,who is 13,was adopted when she was a baby.She says,“I think adopted kids should be allowed to search whenever they´re ready.They need to know where they come from and what their medical history is.As soon as I searched and found the information I was looking for,I felt more worthwhile in the world.Beforehand,a part of me had always been missing.”