• ベストアンサー


シェークスピアの『マクベス』の中の、バンクォーのセリフで、 "And when we have our naked frailties hid that suffer in exposure, let us meet and question this most bloody piece of work to know it further." というセリフがありますが、意味がよくわかりません。 和訳できる方がいましたら、ご協力いただけるとありがたいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

And when we have our naked frailties hid そして、私たちの裸の弱さを隠した時に that suffer in exposure, むき出しのままでは苦しい (この部分はour naked frailtiesを修飾する形容詞節。つまり、関係代名詞thatの先行詞はour naked frailties) let us meet and question this most bloody piece of work 集まって、この最もむごたらしい仕業を調べよう to know it further. それがもっと分かるように “our naked frailties ... that suffer in exposure”(むき出しだと苦しい、私たちの裸の弱点)というのは、王様が殺されたことによる怒り・苦悩・驚愕・混乱のようなことだろうと思います。 すぐ前に、マクベスが「かっとなって犯人を殺してしまった」のようなことを言っていますから(それは本当は嘘なのですが)、そのことを受けての発言ではないかと思います。 要するに、「我々の心のもろさを隠してから(=心を落ち着けてから)、皆で集まって事件の取調べをしよう」と言っているのだと思います。 間違っていたらごめんなさい。



詳細にわけて回答していただき、とてもわかりやすかったです。 シェークスピアの作品のセリフには、言葉の意味以外にいろんなものが含まれているというのを聞きましたが、改めてそれを感じました。 今回は、本当に助かりました。 ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

#1です。間違えていたようなので、訂正します。 http://www.clicknotes.com/macbeth/S23.html こちらの解説サイトをみると、やっぱり#2の方が正しくて、“our naked frailties that suffer in exposure”は「むき出しだと(寒くて)つらい、裸のひ弱さ」ということのことのようです。 ぱっと見たときは“naked frailties”は心理的な弱さを比ゆ的に表現したものだとばかり思っていましたが、そうではなくて、MacduffとLennox以外はみんな寝巻きのままなので、スコットランドの寒さが裸にこたえるということらしいです(とはいえ、寝巻きは着ているので、素っ裸というわけではないようですが・・・)。



わざわざ訂正ありがとうございます。 比ゆ表現を使っているわけではないんですね。 でも、先ほども述べたのですが、シェークスピアの作品のセリフなら、最初のような意味も含まれているような気がします。 (解説サイトが英語なので、私にはよくわかりませんでしたが、参照リンクしていただきありがとうございました) 意味どおりの表現の中に、このような比ゆ表現も含まれているかもしれないというくらいの読みでいいのかもしれませんね。 自分なりに納得できました。 本当にありがとうございました。

  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

>And when we have our naked frailties hid that suffer in exposure, let us meet and question this most bloody piece of work to know it further. ○ 解説 【when】:「if」に近い意味で「~したなら」 【frailty】:poor physical condition; being out of shape or out of condition →「(身体の)弱さ」 【have ... hid】:「have+物+過去分詞」で使役動詞の用法。 【hide】:spread over a surface to conceal or protect「(保護のために身体を)隠す」→「衣服を着る」 【exposure】: The condition of being exposed, especially to severe weather or other forces of nature → 「寒さにさらされること」 【that suffer in exposure】:「naked frailties」にかかる関係代名詞節。「寒さ(にさらされること)がこたえる・・・」 【meet and question】:「取り調べのために集まる」 【to know】:目的(結果)を表す副詞的用法 ○ 訳  「寒さがこたえる、体力を消耗した裸の身に衣服をまとったら、この残虐非道な行ない(殺人)の詳細を知るために(再び)集まって吟味しようではないか。」



細かくパーツにわけて回答してくださり、とてもわかりやすかったです。 文法的なことも言及してくださり、なぜそのような役になるのかがよくわかりました。 今回は、本当に助かりました。 ありがとうございました。


  • 好きなセリフを教えてください

    好きなシェイクスピアのセリフを教えてください。 以前「世界一有名な作家はだれ?」というアンケートをしたら、 シェイクスピアと回答する人が一番多かったです。 あんな古臭い作家を今でも読んでいる人が多いのかと思い驚きました。 (それが名作古典だと言われれば、それまでかもしれませんが) そこで、あなたの好きなシェイクスピアのセリフを教えてください。 原文でも訳文でも、どちらでもいいです。 また、長台詞も遠慮せずに、どうぞ。 あまり知られていない隠れた名言、マニアックなセリフは作品名も教えていただけると嬉しく思います。 ちなみに私の好きなセリフは、下のやつです。 「What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god - the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!」 『ハムレット』より

  • 自然な日本語に…

    シェイクスピアのマクベスで、マクベス夫人の様子を綴った文章です。 This brings out the full force of the she-monster's(女怪物の) fury and scorn expressed in two little words that mockingly echo Macbeth's doubts: "We fail?" この文章なのですが、意味はわかるのですが(We fail?の二語に込められた怒りや軽蔑心が…)綺麗な日本語にできません。that以下も、どう繋げればいいか…。 あらすじは、マクベスが王になり、夫人が女王になるために今の王を殺そう、と夫人が提案しているところです。が、マクベスは腰が引けている状態。Thisというのは、この文章の前にマクベスが弱弱しく呟いた「If we should fail?」というセリフになります。 This brings out~の部分も、直訳すると不自然になってしまいますよね。。 上手く訳せる方、ご協力お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 With Virgo in your twelfth house. You are finicky and fussy in love, very discerning and discrete in the period before you meet him you may become entangled in a relationship that was never really intended, but seemed perfect at the time and then have the greatest difficulty in extricating yourself from it. You may also suffer some poor health, or may be concerned with diet, health hygiene and well-being and be leading a quiet secluded life when you meet him. Virgo can be extreme, either very prudish and virginal or else secretly very passionate behind locked doors, and usually there is a duality in the character about love and sex. The moment love is over, you move on from the past and seek the future. The dictates of your own soul are often suppressed by a fear of making demands on love, or seeming too weak and needy. You may dislike yourself, your body, your looks, your own desires, part of you never feels good enough, loved enough. You keep yourself and your needs too imprisoned, too much under control. In love you have to learn to let go, to give, and be free.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 番外編です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 For as detailed and complete as Soul Mate one was, it was maybe not enough for you. But I hope it has aroused your curiosity. For I want to guide you further. You are hungry for more. My insight has taken you this far now let it take you the rest of the fascinating journey. This path we are walking together, will end your loneliness, it will show your soul the other soul it was searching for. Has Soul Mate one left you with questions? Most people want to know the circumstance of the meeting with their soul mate. Soul mate two can tell you this. It can add to the very detailed description you have already received of your future partner, by describing his or her body, manner, and movements. This will add to the picture you have of him.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Gone foe the most part are the days when parents decreed and children bowed meekly. More often now, parents (and aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friend and neighbors)consult extensively with the bride-to-be or groom-to-be and find out what they would like in a partner. Then keeping in mind their offspring's interests, temperament and family background, they send out feelers into the community. In Indian communities all over the world, once they locate likely prospects, they create a venue (often a party at a common friend's home )for the young people to meet informally. If the "couple" like each other, they are encouraged to meet again, so that they may get to know each other. The final decision - to marry or to look further - is theirs to make.  Friends, who have been brought up on a diet of Hollywood movies where couples go off starry-eyed into the sunset, are still suspicious. "But how can you stand to marry someone you don't love?" they ask. "How can you be happy together?"

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落と3つめの段落の前半部分となりますので、 内容が途中で終わる感じかもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 People are only guided to consult me when they have entered the right era of their life to find the ultimate love. Most people meet within two to five years of the reading, but for many it is much sooner. Many are already on the threshold of meeting, or have met, when they write. I think that you will meet or else settle down with him between the Winter of the year 2017 and the Winter of 2018. Let me speak of time and karma, for when we make a prediction of time astrologically, a month or day or year of meeting, it is really only an estimate. Your soul travels through time at its own pace, The alchemy of experience, changes us. Events shape your life and transform your character.

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします! Financial ratio analysis In financial ratio analysis, the analyst examines the relationship between two numbers on the financial statements-in most cases dividing one number by the other-in order to draw conclusions about a company's financial condition. Although there are potentially as many ratios as there are pairs of financial statement numbers,our discussion will focus on nine ratios can tell us a lot about the financial health of a company. These ratios fall into three categories. Liquidity ratios and leverage ratios seek to answer the question,"Where do they stand?" The former focus on a company's ability to meet its near-term cash requirements, while the latter look at the relationship between liabilities and shareholders' equity. Profitability ratios,which assess a company's profitability, are one approach to answering the question, "How did they do?" The other approach involves an analysis of the cash flow statement,which is discussed in the last section of this chapter. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳

    Soseki received several replies to his ad. In July 1901,he moved into a boarding house run by two elderly women,Miss Leale and her sister. The sisters were sophisticated and the environment suited Soseki. He lived there about one and a half years until he left Britain. Soseki was fairly happy there,but his mind was troubled by many things. From the time Soseki first started studying English literature at university,he had been obsessed with one simple question: “What is literature?” He hadn’t yet found a clear answer―the purpose for his life. In Britain he hoped to find the answer. In reality,however,studying English literature as scholarship was a fairly new concept even in Britain. After six months of studying in Britain,he finally realized that he would have to create his own theories on literature. Ikeda kikunae’s logical way of thinking had inspired him. From then on,he avoided social life,spending most of his time alone reading books and thinking. Eventually,his closed lifestyle led to a mental breakdown. 以下の質問に英語で答えなさい。 1, What question was always on Soseki’s mind? 2, What inspired Soseki to create his own literary theories? 3, Why did Soseki suffer a mental breakdown? 和訳と問題よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を和訳していただきたいのですが・・・

    Linkin Park と言うアーティストのM&Gと言うものに応募して当選した感じなんですが、あまり上手く訳せなくて困ってます・・・ 誰かお力になっていただけませんか? If you cannot attend this Meet & Greet with members of Linkin Park, please e-mail us back ASAP to let us know, so that another LPU member may attend in your place instead. The Meet & Greet may occur during another band’s performance, so please be aware that attending the Meet & Greet may mean that you will miss seeing another band’s set. Also, by attending the Meet & Greet, please be aware that you may not be able to hold your space at the venue (if you do not have a seated ticket). If you are not willing to miss the other performances or potentially loose your space at the venue (if you do not have a seated ticket) and would like to forfeit your Meet & Greet pass, please let us know ASAP. DETAILS OF LPU MEET AND GREET WITH LINKIN PARK! 1. Look for the Meet & Greet location info, which will be posted at the MAIN INFORMATION BOOTH/MAIN BOX OFFICE window. Information will be available approximately 3 hours prior to Linkin Park’s set at each show. Please note, the same Meet and Greet info found at the BOX OFFICE (MAIN INFORMATION BOOTH/MAIN TICKET BOOTH will also be provided by the DAY OF EVENT email, sent out the morning of the show. Look for an email from ontheroadwithlp@gmail.com. 2. Meet at the M&G meeting location at the correct meeting time. Please be on time, otherwise you could miss the Meet and Greet. The M&G will take place prior to Linkin Park’s set. LP Security will come and get you to give you your M&G pass and escort you to the Meet and Greet. DO NOT MOVE FROM THE MEET AND GREET LOCATION PROVIDED BY LPU. ONLY LPU STAFF MEMBERS CAN ESCORT YOU TO THE MEET AND GREET. To claim your pass, you will need to provide the following 3 items: 1 - Valid photo ID (driver's license, school ID, work ID, library card, passport, etc). Anything that is official with a picture will be accepted. If you are under the age of 13, your guardian’s photo ID will work. 2 -Your ticket to the show. WE ARE NOT GIVING OUT ANY TICKETS so make sure you have your own! 3 - Print out of this confirmation email. Please be sure to calculate the time needed to find the meeting spot. If you miss the pickup for the meet and greet, there is no way to get in late. Please be aware that you may have to wait for a certain period before the Meet & Greet begins. If you leave the M&G waiting line at any time (for instance, to watch another band’s performance), please be aware that you may not be allowed to return, especially if the M&G has already started. Each person will be allowed to have ONE, and only one, item signed by members of Linkin Park. Remember that you should plan to carry this item with you throughout the show, as most venues do not allow re-entries. Please do not bring large or bulky items. Camera policies are subject to the venue, but we will NOT be allowing individual photos at this meet and greet due to time constraints. Please check with the venue before bringing your camera. Please also note that we are not responsible for any last minute specific security issues that may arise and change the camera policy. If you have one, wear your LP Underground shirt! This will help the members of Linkin Park and other LPU members to recognize you! Remember that by attending the event, you are automatically consenting to being filmed, photographed, recorded and taped in and around the premises of the event. Your presence constitutes a voluntary agreement and release, granting LPU and Linkin Park and its assigns the right to include your image, photograph, likeness and/or voice in such recording for use throughout the world in any and all media and by any method, now or hereafter known, in perpetuity. If you are not in voluntary agreement, you should not attend the event. If you are under 18 years of age, your guardian must be in voluntary agreement with the foregoing in order for you to attend the event. 18歳以下ならどうなると書いているのでしょうか。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The increased amount of heavy artillery was to be used to destroy German concrete shelters and machine-gun nests, which were more numerous in German "battle zones", than the "outpost zones" which had been captured in July and August and to engage in more counter-battery fire. Few German concrete pill-boxes and machine gun nests had been destroyed during earlier preparatory bombardments and attempts at precision bombardment between attacks had also failed. The 112 heavy and 210 field guns and howitzers in the Second Army on 31 July, were increased to 575 heavy and medium and 720 field guns and howitzers for the battle, which was equivalent to one artillery piece for every 5 ft (1.5 m) of the attack front and more than double the density in the Battle of Pilckem Ridge. Plumer's tactical refinements sought to undermine the German defence by making a shallower penetration and then fighting the principal battle against German counter-attack (Eingreif) divisions. By further reorganising infantry reserves, Plumer ensured that the depth of the attacking divisions roughly corresponded to the depth of local German counter-attack reserves and their Eingreif divisions. More infantry was provided for the later stages of the advance, to defeat German counter-attacks, by advancing no more than 1,500 yd (1,400 m) before consolidating their position. When the Germans counter-attacked they would encounter a British defence-in-depth, protected by artillery and suffer heavy casualties to little effect, rather than the small and disorganised groups of British infantry that the Germans had driven back to the black line on the XIX Corps front on 31 July. Minor operations During a lull in early September, both sides tried to improve their positions; on 1 September, a determined German attack at Inverness Copse was repulsed. Further north in the XIX Corps area, a battalion of the 61st Division rushed Hill 35 but only took a small area; another attempt on 3 September failed.