• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:この英訳は正しいでしょうか?自信がありません)



  • ベストアンサー

まず、日本語でもやや難解な内容なので英訳がすんなり通じるかどうかは疑問が残ります。双方が専門用語を知っていたら割とすんなり通じるのかもしれませんが。 私のレベルで英訳すると2パターンほど考えました。まず1つは Display brands for the conditions that で that 以下に同格として 条件(conditions) を今度は単数形の文(A~D)にして A, B, C, and D という方式で書いていきます。 Display/show an assortment of brands for(/based on) the contidions that its gap width exceeds 30% of its previous day's price range, its candle stick starts at the breakpoint of the highestlowest level of the last 5 days, its moving average corresponds to the trend, and its weekly moving average line is not in the opposite direction. もうひとつは一行で書こうとしない方法です。 Display brands under the following conditions: * Its gap width exceeds 30% of its previous day's price range. * Its candle stick starts at the breakpoint of the highest/lowest level of the last 5 days. * Its moving average corresponds to the trend. * Its weekly moving average line is not in the opposite direction (to the trend). このように書けば最初の一文は理解してもらえると思います。 条件部分は箇条書きにすることでわかりやすさは増すと思います。相手がわからなくても「これはどういう意味?」と聞きやすくなると思います。 個人的にはこの業界の専門用語をまったく知らないのがネックですので2つ目の方法と選択すると思います。



前回も大変助かりましたが、今回も、やっぱり素晴らしい回答を本当にありがとうございました!とても助かりました!!seegrammar様は私のライフセーバーです。また是非よろしくお願いします。 ややこしい英語で大大ピンチ状態になっていましたので 心から感謝しております。


  • 英訳をチェックしていただけけないでしょうか。

    いつもお世話になっております。 外国人に英訳を頼まれて、困り果てております。 たびたび申し訳ありませんが、この言い方が間違っていないか チェックしていただけないでしょうか? 必ずお礼いたします。 *それぞれのボタンをクリックすると、条件が切り替わる。オンのボタンをもう一度クリックするとフィルターを解除。 By clicking each buttons, the condition changes. By clicking the ON button one more time, the filter would be released. *ギャップサイズが一日の値幅の10%以上のものを表示 The brands are displays with their gap size exceeding the 10% of their respective price ranges of the day. 自分で直してみましたが、どうか英訳のチェックお願いします。

  • 英語文が間違っていたら直していただけないでしょうか?

    毎度お世話になります。 「移動平均線の並び順がトレンドに沿った並び順になっている銘柄を表示。」 the brands are displayed with the good trend order of the moving average. 週足移動平均線の並び順が逆方向、あるいは前5週間の高値(安値)を抜けていない銘柄を非表示。 the brands are not disprayd when the order of the week moving average is opposite, or is not going through the highest price of the last 5 weeks. この2つの文章を、自分で、英語に直してみたのですが、 これで間違っていないでしょうか? もし間違っているところがあれば、正しい文章になおして いただけないでしょうか? どうかよろしくお願いします!!

  • 和訳をお願いします!!!

     Students pay fees the level of which is assumed to correspond to the quality of the product they buy. Professors, as employed producers of this product, are paid wages that again are supposed to relate to the quality of their work.

  • この英訳を、直していただけないでしょうか?

    いつもお世話になります。 これらの文章は、あるソフトの使い方を解説しているのですが 英語で書いてほしいと、外国人に頼まれて困っています。 自力で直してみましたが、おかしいと思うところがありましたら 直していただけないでしょうか? かならずお礼させていただきます。よろしくお願いします ↓ ↓ それぞれのボタンをクリックすると、下線の有無などで表示する銘柄を切り替える。 if you click the bottun, you can switch the brands with under line. 全ての銘柄を表示。 display all brands. トリガーおよび、○○の条件に当てはまる銘柄を表示 display the trigger and the condition of ○○ トリガーの条件に当てはまる銘柄を表示 display the brands match with trigger`s condition トリガーの条件(ロングの場合) trigger`s condition (long) マーケット開始時に3つの移動平均線の上にある it is on the 3 moving averages when the market opens. 前日のローソク足本体の安値が、ハイバンドより低い位置にある the lowest candle stick of the previous day is on the lower place. 始値が前日のギャップと今日のギャップの上にある the opening price is on the gap and the previous day`s gap

  • 英訳してください

    the most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings , and that these individual human beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murderred in quarrels not their own , to inflict upon the inocent and , innocent themselves of any crime against their enemise, to suffer cruelties of every kind.

  • 英訳をお願いします 困っています

    There are many different calendars around the world because some people want to use their own calendars to preserve their traditional customs, for example. in Malaysia, people can enjoy four different New years Days: the first one is based on the Western calendar, the second one on a lunar calendar, the third one on the Hindu calendar, and the fourth one on the lslamic calendar. the Western calendar is the global calendar. the first year of that calendar is the year When Christ was born. in some countries that are not Christian. however, their own calendars are more important

  • 英訳のお手伝いお願いします。

    Today is the five year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9-11. It is a very sad day for Americans. I remember when it happened, our whole country was united as one. Now, political groups and special interest groups have forgotten that unity, and we are so divided now. People are angry at the President, and angry about the war, and angry about anything they can think of. It makes me so sad to think that the same people who cried "Go to War!!" are now saying "War is wrong!!" just because they want to get elected into office. I HATE politics, all of it, because they say one thing and do another, just to get their way. これは私のe-mail友達のアメリカ人からのお手紙です。 一番最後の文のI HATE politics, all of it, because they say one thing and do another, just to get their way.の、they say one thing and do another, just to get their wayが全く解りません。私が訳すると"彼らは同じことを言っていたのに違うことを今はしている。"になりますが、次のjust to get their wayはわかりません。 どなたかお願いします。 以前に違う名前で質問を沢山させていただいたのですが、登録がなぜか消えてしまいお礼を言えなかった方がいました。ここでお詫びをさせて下さい<m(__)m>

  • 英訳お願いします

    "We would like to start a shop - it would include expensive French fisherman's rain gear." It's only a matter of time before the UK is submerged in their epic sound waves. "We came from the ocean and we'll return there one day," Fire For Effect states. "BLUE is a way of envisioning the future together, collectively. The sea levels are rising, sea monsters have been waking up, and we are on the verge of awakening something very old from the depths of the sea, and it's probably going to be really pissed off." 長文ですが、どなたかよろしくお願いします

  • 英訳ができません

    breaking newsの記事からです。 Parents in the U.K. face being punished if their children are continually late for school. Britain's Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced he will crack down on what he terms "problem parents". He said too many families fail to "face up to their responsibilities" by ensuring their children get to school on time, and are "ready to learn and show respect for their teacher". (1)質問  ここでのand are"ready to learn~の主語は何なのでしょうか?この学習する準備ができているて教師を尊敬している、何を説明しているのでしょうか? Parents are already slapped with a £60 ($100) fine if their child is repeatedly late for school. However, 20,000 of these penalties were unpaid last year, prompting Mr Gove to announce a tougher penalty system. There will also be fines for parents who withdraw their children during term time to take them on cheaper family vacations. (2)ここのcheaperは、旅行の繁忙期を避けて、安い時期に行くことをさしていますか? Mr Gove said his plans were all part of raising standards in education, creating a bigger incentive for parents to ensure their children get to school, and tackling the problem of "habitual truancy". Gove also hit back at his critics, accusing them of adhering to policies that set pupils up to fail and of promoting "a diet of dumbed-down courses". (3)ここの一文は全然理解できません・・・。 accusingはcriticsを説明していますか?them は何を指しているのでしょうか? He said opposition politicians shied away "from anything which might require grit". (4)gritの意味は何ですか? Gove warned their policies would send children to school "without daring to think they might be intellectually curious and capable of greatness, denying them access to anything stretching or ambitious, and setting expectations so low you can never be surprised by someone's potential". (5)ここの文章もあまり意味がわかりません。 ざっくりでもいいので、だいたいの意味を教えていただけませんか?

  • 英訳お願いします。

     Which came first, cars or roads? Today, we seem to have a vicious circle. As soon as new roads are built by our governments, they are filled with cars, so that more roads must be constructed. This race between roads and cars seems destined to go on for ever, unless the wasteful use of oil for cars is banned by some international agreement. Unfortunately, however, the chances of our reaching such an agreement are very slim indeed. Historically, the Romans were the first to bring their roads with them. Given the conditions I which they had to travel, it is a wonder that the Romans travelled at all. You can certainly sympathize with their occasional desire to stop at a fort or two. The Romans forts were, indeed, the first service stations. The Roman roads were an act of faith: namely, sooner or later there would be a point reach. The Romans would certainly have sympathized with the builders of the Humber Bridge who were accused (and still are) of building a bridge to nowhere. However, at least with a bridge you know when you have got there, no matter how pointless getting to the order bank seems to be. But with a road where do you stop? It all seems fairly arbitrary. This was probably the real reason for the expansion of the Roman Empireーthe road builders simply did not know where to halt. Had the Romans thought about it, the fall of their empire could have been avoided. The problem was the trouble-free maintenance of their roads. A few obstacles placed along the roads leading to the capital would have stopped the invaders. It is one of the ironies of history that their talent for good maintenance of roads led the Romans to their own destruction. Every time I baked or cooked anything, Daddy was going to have his life insured. I tried to feed them to the dog but he refused to ruin his health.