• ベストアンサー


下の2文の和訳をお願いします。 1. As we moved through the crowd, we bumped into some people and their things. 2. As I drive to work, all I hear on the radio is music and people talking. 特に分からない部分は、 1と2のそれぞれのAsはどのような用法でどのように訳すのがよいのでしょうか? 1の their things をどう訳すのがよいのでしょうか?また、このtheirはsome peopleを指しているのでしょうか? 2の I drive to work はどういう意味でしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

アメリカに35年ほど住んでいる者です. このAsは「している時に」とか、「しながら」と言う意味で使われています. つまり、1では、「群衆の間を通り過ぎている時に、何人かの人と彼らの持ち物にぶつかった」という意味になります. だから、このtheirはそのぶつかった人たちの事を指しています. 2ですが、このAsも同じで、 to workではなく、Drive to. つまりこのworkは仕事場という意味ですね. ですから、「車で通勤中」と言う意味になるわけです. また、people talkingと言うのは、ラジオでです. ここアメリカでは、ラジオの3大番組は、音楽、ニュース、そしてこのpeople talkingつまりトークショーではなく、視聴者がラジオ局に実況で話題になっている事について電話して発言する番組です. つまり、一般の人の自己発言の場所(話題について鬱憤を晴らす意味もある)となっているわけです. アメリカで音楽番組で一番有名だったシカゴのWLSというAMラジオ曲は、AMですので、夜は、アメリカ中殆んどどこでも聞けるラジオステーションなんですが、(私が学生時代は、ここばかり音楽を聴いていました)いまは、この自己発言ステーションとして、いろいろな地域から話題になっている事について賛否同等にしゃべっています. 有名なところです. ちなみに周波数は980ですので、いまだにNinety Eight W.L.S!が耳に残っています. これで良いですか. わからないところがありました、又補足質問してくださいね.



回答ありがとうございます。 workは仕事場という意味でも使用できるのですね。 そう考えると、確かに意味を把握できました。 people talkingというのは、てっきり日本でいう有名人同士のトーク番組のことだと、勘違いしておりました。 2文に関して、不明な点が解消されました。 詳しい解説ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • gunta
  • ベストアンサー率36% (236/652)

このASの用法は、(文法的な言葉とかは知りません。)WhileとかWhenとかと置き換えられると思って訳してください。なになにしているときに、、、 Their thingsとは彼らが所持しているものです。ショッピングバッグとか。 drive to workは深く考えず、workにdriveするです。 群衆の中をくぐりぬける時、人や持ち物にぶつかった。 車で仕事に向かう途中、ラジオから聞こえるのは音楽とおしゃべりだけだった。 (おしゃべりはラジオからではない可能性もあります。) あまりいい訳ではないですね。英語はそのうちずらずらずらっと名訳が並ぶでしょう、、、

  • Fukutarou
  • ベストアンサー率30% (193/641)

2だけですが、As I drive to workは 私は働くための原動力として、と言う意味で ラジオで音楽や人々の話を聴く事が、私の働く原動力です。 と言う意味だと思います。


  • 英文の間違いについて(1)

    英文間違っていたり、訂正箇所があったら教えてください。 We can learn and know for some people to try new things. (私たちは、何人かの人が新しいことに挑戦することで学んだり知ることができる) For example, we can go to space, now. Many people studied space made us go to space. (多くの人々が宇宙を研究し、私たちを宇宙へいけるようにしてくれた) On the one hand, we can live for some people to do only what they already do well. For example, we can eat food for some people make vegetable and so on. I want to try new things and take risks. I'd like to discuss why I think so by talking about potential and dreams. (夢と可能性でなぜそう思うかを議論します) お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    東日本大震災での話です。 On March 11, 2011 a magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami struck the eastern part of Japan. An unbelievable number of people died and lost their homes, and about four hundred thousand people had to leave their hometowns. Many of the survivors lost family members and suffered mentally as well as physically. But even so, people helped each other and tried to keep a smile. In fact, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami have built a community to look after each other. Their efforts and perseverance surprised Japan and the world. People in other areas also wanted to find ways to do something. Some of them actually gave a helping hand to the victims by clearing the streets and serving hot meals. Millions of people have donated money and goods. Aid came from no only within Japan but from many other countries. There are lots of students who want to help poeple in need. You may not be able to take action right away, but there are many things that young people can do. Doing volunteer work during long vacations is one of them. Studying is another. It will help you to learn things to make this nation a safer place. We all saw tremendous power of nature. We now realize how small human beings are. However, if we can keep supporting each other not only for years but for decades to come, we can all be prond of the amazing power of people.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! I think people who have to make big statements with house are people who may not have the creative kind of jobs where they make big creative statements in other areas of their life. 以前にも質問させて頂いたのですが、どうしても理解出来なかったのでもう一度質問致しました。 ある人物の家を紹介している場面です。 以下は続きで、本人が答えています。参考になればと思い書き加えておきました。 よろしくお願いします。 The creativity that goes on here is, I think, spiritual as well. And emotional. Because everybody here does their own thing. Our guests do their own thing, our kids do their own things and I think we all come here in order to pursue what we love best in our spare time and that's what makes it such an unusual home for us.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いいたします。↓ ・What are the main things that Japanese companies look for in an employee? ・Many people have to work very long hours, and many of those are unpaid. ・Japanese companies often make their workers from taking long holidays together. ・Japanese, it seems, strongly discourage their workers from taking long holidays. ・Some Japanese companies expect woman to leave and get married when they reach about 25, so even highly qualified women don't get such good jobs. ・Should workers have to socialize with their bosses? ・Should workers try to keep their personal life separate from their work? ・What things make for good boss? 以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 私の和訳、どうですか?駄目だししてください

    And there were many things and many people, some that still seem to stand out clearly and some that are vaguer; but all these people were beautiful and kind. In some way - I don't know how- it was conveyed to me that they all were kind to me, glad to have me there,andfilling me with gladness by their gestures ,by the touch of their hands,by the welcome ane love in their eyes. いろいろなことがあって、多くの人がいた。今でもはっきりと目立っているように思われるものもいれば、もっと漠然としているものもあるが。でも、すべてその人たちは美しくて親切だった。 ある方法でー私は知らないがーそれは私に伝えられた。彼らはみな私に親切だった、 私がそこにいるのを喜んでいた、そして彼らの振る舞いから、かれらの手の感触から、彼らの 歓迎と愛のまなざしは私を喜びで満たした。   ※一見意味がわかりそうですが、読み返すとなんだか わけのわからない和訳になっていますよね? この和訳にどなたか駄目だししてください!

  • 和訳困っています><

    SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY In 1975, Dowd proposed a different way of explaining this question. Dowd proposed that retirement is actually a sort of social contract that the person makes with society.They obtain increased leisure time, and an 'honourable discharge' from the idea that all responsible members of society ought to work as hard as possible - the Protestant Work Ethic-and in return, they give up their involvement in how society's affairs are run. This social exchange is seen, according to Dowd, as a fair trade, both by society and by old people. More recently, however, people are showing sings of being less prepared to accept this type of social contract. After all, we live much longer now than we did when retirement was first introdused, and we keep our health for longer, too; so it is much more practical for people to continue to take an active part in society. Among business and professional people, it is not at all uncommon for retirement to signal the beginning of a second career, and a much more independent one that allows them to use their experience, such as working as a consultant. In other groups of society, too, people are beginning to see retirement as an opportunity to do new things. Organizations like the University of the Third Age encourage retired people to develop new hobbies and pursue new interests, and are becoming more popular and successful all the time. Many psychologists now take the view that successful retirement is all about making sure that you acquire new social roles, to replace the ones that you have lost through work, and activities of this sort are exactly the way that people do that. Insight Having responsibilities and being needed seem to be the core of successful retirement. That can take many forms: some people feel needed by their gardens, and devote much of their time to taking care of them; while others take on more social responsibilities.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) For over 1,800 years, pepople have had animals as pets. Dogs and cats are the ones which are kept the most, but some people keep fish, rabbits, snakes and robopets. Then, you may say, “What are robopets?” Over the years, science has developed and now we have robot pets. Some of them can show “feelings,”such as joy, sadness and anger, by using body movements, sounds and the lights in their eyes. Some can even decide how to things by themselves, as well as remember hundreds of words and talk to us in languages such as English, Japanese and Spanish. Robopets have some better points than animal pets. They don't make loud noises and we don't need to feed them, give them a bath or take them for a walk. Also, they never make the carpet or floor dirty, so we don't have to clean up after them. And they don't get sick or die ! Many people aren't interersted in having robopets, however. They can't feel any warm relationship between a robot and themselves. They feel that when they have an animal as a pets, they can have friendly relationship with it. When animals get sick or die, we learn an important lesson : we wil be gone some day. So we love them more and learn how important ― and sometimes short ―life is. People now have a choice about pets. They can choose a pet that is very convenient, or they can choose a pet that is living. Which kind would you choose?

  • 和訳お願いします

    どなたか、下記の文の和訳おねがいします。 Ah the British sense of humour varies from place to place but in general we like sarcasm. As for my personal group of friends and family (including myself), we like banter. We like to mock each other jokingly and usually rudely :P. And a lot of people I have met are just the same. Obviously I can't speak for the whole of britain, just the things I know! To be able to call each other names and know not to take it seriously is a good measure of friendship I believe haha

  • 和訳しようとすると上手くできません

    英語の長文に挑戦中ですが、英文の構造が把握できず困っています。 大まかな意味は分かりますし、それぞれの単語の意味は難しくなさそうなんですが、 ちゃんと和訳しようとすると上手くいきません。 動詞と思われる語、andやwhereが多いことで、 主語や修飾語が何にかかっているのかよく分かりません。 I hope that as my students go through life they will learn to get to know the people who live and work around them and try to make people who are just starting out at their job or where they live feel comfortable and welcomed in their new surroundings. 「教え子に、これから生きていくうえで、人との繋がりを大切にしてほしい という希望を持っている」というのが大筋の意味だと思うんですが、 和訳できる方、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします!!!

    ・But last night I had a nightmare ... to make it worse a nightmare about you. ・You moved to ●● (which made me happy) ... but you loved chocolates to much that you keep eating chocolates and became very ...big (very heavy). ・Please you tell that you are still as pretty and cute as the you I saw a few days ago ... and that you will never be big ... ・Nooooo ... every I think of you ... I see you as you were in my dream ... I better look at some picture of you before I go to work :)