• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

こんにちは。6/26のご質問以来ですね。 1.ご質問文にある訳文の訂正箇所は以下の通りです。 (1)主語は「自社ブランド製品は」ではありません。 (2)temptedは小売店にかかる形容詞的用法の過去分詞ではありません。 (3)「大小含めて」の修飾先が明確ではありません。ちなみに訳からは、「自社ブランド製品」にかかっているように読み取れますが、そうではありません。 2.この文を分解すると以下のようになります。 (1)The larger gross margins:「より大きな利ざやは」この文の主語Sになります。 (2)provided by private label products:このprovidedは「もたらす」の過去分詞で、前の名詞marginsを受身的に修飾しています。意味は、「自社ブランド製品によってもたらされる(マージン)」となります。 (3)have long tempted retailers:longは副詞で「長い間」、have temptedはこの文の動詞Vで現在完了形になっています。この現在完了はlongから「継続」を表す用法だとわかるので「長い間~してきた」と訳します。 temptは「~を誘惑する」という目的語をとる他動詞として使われており、retailers「小売店」がその目的語Oとなります。 つまり、この文はSVOの第3文型になっているのです。 (4)both large and small:「大小含めて」は、すぐ前の名詞retailers「小売店」にかかっています。 3.ご質問文は、主語が「利ざや」、動詞が「誘惑する」、目的語が「小売業者」という、無生物主語になっています。このような文は、主語を原因などにして副詞的に訳し、目的語となる人を主語にたてて受動的に訳すと、きれいな訳に仕上がります。 4.以上を踏まえて訳例は、 (直訳)「自社ブランド製品によってもたらされる、より大きな全体の利ざやは、大小の小売店を、長い間誘惑してきた」 → (意訳1)「自社ブランド製品がもたらす莫大な粗利は、大小の小売店にとって、昔から魅力的な要因だった」 → (意訳2)「自社ブランド製品によって、莫大な粗利がもたらされるため、大小の小売店は昔から、それ(自社ブランド製品)に強い関心を寄せてきた」 ぐらいになります。 以上ご参考までに。



非常にわかりやすい回答ありがとうございます! 参考になりました。


  • inventory mixは在庫構成のこと?

    御世話になります。下記文中に使用されているinventory mixという 言葉ですが、「在庫構成」という意味でしょうか。 英文と自分で考えた訳文の両方を記載致しましたので、どなたかおわかりに なる方、ご回答よろしくお願い致します。 【英文】While Hines doesn’t advocate his inventory mix for every business, he urges retailers to experiment with the balance between large and small goods inventory. 【訳文】ハインズはあらゆる事業において彼の在庫構成を主張しない 代わりに、大型商品と小型商品の在庫のバランス調整してみることを 小売店に勧めた。

  • 【至急!】pull throughの意味は?

    御世話になります。 下記、文中におけるpull throughの意味がわからず困っています。 どなたかお助けください! 【英文】 Whatever we both feel will pull through these products at the retail level. 注:"we"は2つの企業を指します。 【訳文】小売段階において両社がpull throughするであろうと思われる商品であれば何でも??

  • この文で使用されているagilityの意味は?

    連続投稿失礼します。 標題の通り、下記文中で使用されているagilityの意味が把握できません。 辞書的な意味ですと敏捷性とか犬の障害物競走というような意味が出て くるのですが、それだと何だか訳がしっくりきません... 【英文】 What’s at work here is the trade-off between the agility that comes with small scale, and the efficiency that accrues to larger organizations. 【自分で考えてみた訳文】 ここに作用しているものは何かと言えば、相殺取引である。それは、 規模の小さな障害とその結果としてより大きな企業に対して生じる 効率性との間に起こるものである。 以上、おわかりになる方がいらっしゃいましたらアドバイスお願いします。

  • 工業系(ダンパ)文章の英訳

    ほぼ毎日お世話になっております。 以下の文章を英訳したのですが、特に問題はないのでしょうか。 後半の「小地震から~」のところが自信がないので、より適切な訳などございましたら、ご指導ください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 原文: 「粘性剪断型ダンパ(VSD)は速度に比例した抵抗力が得られるため、小地震から大地震まで幅広く免震効果を発揮します。」 訳文: By using a viscous shear damper (VSD), resistance proportional to velocity can be obtained. Therefore, the damper provides extensive seismic isolation effects on both large and small earthquakes.

  • hedge their betsって何?

    お世話になります。 質問タイトルの通り、下記文中におけるhead their betsの意味がよくわかりません。またmerchantという言葉はこの場合、「商人」と訳すのが適切なのかどうかもわかりません。ちなみにこの文章全体では小売業者の商売の仕方について描かれています。 【英文】 We suspect that a growing number of merchants will attempt to stake out a position in both realms, in part to hedge their bets. 【訳文】 増えつつある商人(?)は掛け金を分散してリスクを回避する目的で両方の分野におけるポジションを確保するであろうと我々は考えている。

  • 英語文献の翻訳に困っています。だれか助けて下さい。

    Adolescence is a period of advancement to adulthood. There is no clear point at which one can say that the adolescent has changed to man or woman. As with all biological phenomena, and most psychological changed, there is a process going on that involves barely perceptible changes from one day to the next. Often parents do not realize how quickly the changes are in fact taking place, however, until someone who has not seen the adolescent for a few months comments on the remarkable growth in height, or change in voice (in both males and females), or onset of other visible signs of maturity , some of which are sexual. Adolescent girls may worry about the size of their breasts-too small or too large, depending on the current fad-and boys about the size of their penis-“too small”, usually, but occasionally “too large.” Disuse, incidentally, does not cause the penis to atrophy, nor does frequent use make it larger(Katchadourian,1997).

  • わからない個所を教えてください。1

    Apart from these things, my room is quite bare: the walls are pale, the ceiling white, the surround of the window dark wood. The best thing is the view: right along the row of our neighbours’ houses and up the valley.(前回の終わりの部分です) Jamie’s room is much larger. Although there is more space, it all seems to be filled: with books and magazines and comics, with bedclothes, with packing cases and boxes both empty and half-full and unopened, with posters – rolled up and piled untidily in a corner. Near the window is a little red telescope on a tripod, pointing out, and by it on the wall is pinned, carefully, a large piece of card which looks as if it might be a map of something, though the scattered mass of little dots and larger dots and numbers and words makes no sense to me at all.  On one of the bookshelves is a small black case, lined with worn red velvet, in which Jamie keeps his clarinet. He’s played it to me several times. Once school starts, his parents are going to find him a new teacher here, and he’ll learn new pieces, and play those to me as well. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は幼い頃の回想シーンです。 Near the window is a little red telescope on a tripod, pointing outのpointing outとはどういう意味ですか?~を指摘する、ですか? by it on the wall is pinned~の主語は何になるのでしょうか? itの前にbyがついていてよくわからなくなってしまいました。 Once school starts, his parents are going to find him a new teacher here, and he’ll learn new pieces, and play those to me as well. のOnceは、一旦~すれば、の意味ですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The ship had a double bottom with the space between divided into separate watertight cells. The ship's exceptional height was due to the six decks of passenger accommodation above the waterline, compared to the customary four decks in existing liners. High-tensile steel was used for the ship's plating, as opposed to the more conventional mild steel. This allowed a reduction in plate thickness, reducing weight but still providing 26 percent greater strength than otherwise. Plates were held together by triple rows of rivets. The ship was heated and cooled throughout by a thermo-tank ventilation system, which used steam driven heat exchangers to warm air to a constant 65 °F (18.3 °C), while steam was injected into the airflow to maintain steady humidity. Forty-nine separate units driven by electric fans provided seven complete changes of air per hour throughout the ship, through an interconnected system, so that individual units could be switched off for maintenance. A separate system of exhaust fans removed air from galleys and bathrooms. As built, the ship conformed fully with Board of Trade safety regulations which required sixteen lifeboats with a capacity of approximately 1,000 people. At the time of her completion Lusitania was briefly the largest ship ever built, but was eclipsed in this respect by the slightly larger Mauretania which entered service shortly thereafter. She was 70 feet (21 m) longer, a full 2 knots (3.7 km/h; 2.3 mph) faster, and had a capacity of 10,000 gross tons over and above that of the most modern German liner, Kronprinzessin Cecilie. Passenger accommodation was 50% larger than any of her competitors, providing for 552 saloon class, 460 cabin class and 1,186 in third class. Her crew comprised 69 on deck, 369 operating engines and boilers and 389 to attend to passengers. Both she and Mauretania had a wireless telegraph, electric lighting, electric lifts, sumptuous interiors and an early form of air-conditioning. At the time of their introduction onto the North Atlantic, both Lusitania and Mauretania possessed among the most luxurious, spacious and comfortable interiors afloat. The Scottish architect James Miller was chosen to design Lusitania's interiors, while Harold Peto was chosen to design Mauretania. Miller chose to use plasterwork to create interiors whereas Peto made extensive use of wooden panelling, with the result that the overall impression given by Lusitania was brighter than Mauretania. Lusitania's designs proved the more popular.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    At 17:20 McCay signalled Bridges that large numbers of unwounded men were leaving the battlefield and heading for the beaches. This was followed by Maclagan asking for urgent artillery fire support, onto Gun Ridge, as his left was under a heavy attack and at 18:16 Owen reported the left flank was "rapidly" being forced to retire. At dusk Maclagan made his way to Bridges headquarters and when asked for his opinion replied "It's touch and go. If the Turks come on in mass formation ... I don't think anything can stop them." As it got dark the Turkish artillery ceased firing, and although small arms fire continued on both sides, the effects were limited when firing blind. Darkness also provided the opportunity to start digging more substantial trenches and to resupply the troops with water and ammunition. The last significant action of the day was at 22:00 south of Lone Pine, when the Turks charged towards Bolton's Ridge. By now the 8th Battalion had positioned two machine-guns to cover their front, which caused devastation amongst the attackers, and to their left the 4th Battalion also became involved. When the Turks got to within fifty yards (46 m) the 8th Battalion counter-attacked in a bayonet charge and the Turks withdrew. The ANZAC defence was aided by Royal Navy searchlights providing illumination. Both sides now waited for the next attack, but the day's events had shattered both formations and they were no longer in any condition to conduct offensive operations. By nightfall, around sixteen thousand men had been landed, and the ANZACs had formed a beachhead, although with several undefended sections. It stretched along Bolton's Ridge in the south, across 400 Plateau, to Monash Valley. After a short gap it resumed at Pope's Hill, then at the top of Walker's Ridge. It was not a large beachhead; it was under two miles (3.2 km) in length, with a depth around 790 yards (720 m), and in places only a few yards separated the two sides. That evening Birdwood had been ashore to check on the situation, and, satisfied, returned to HMS Queen. Around 21:15 he was asked to return to the beachhead. There he met with his senior officers, who asked him to arrange an evacuation. Unwilling to make that decision on his own he signalled Hamilton; Both my divisional generals and brigadiers have represented to me that they fear their men are thoroughly demoralised by shrapnel fire to which they have been subjected all day after exhaustion and gallant work in morning. Numbers have dribbled back from the firing line and cannot be collected in this difficult country.

  • FDA委員は予防のために抗HIV薬を推奨する(1)

    SCIENCEの18, may,2012のNews&analysisの FDA panel recommends anti-hiv drug for preventionを読みました。 (1)Truvada can prevent sexual transmission of HIV:の次の文章からわかりません。 Large, controlled studies in both uninfected men who have sex with men(MSM) and uninfected heterosexuals who have long-term partners known to be infected have proved that the drug reduces risk by more than 90% when taken dialy. But adherence is the rub. 広範囲にわたり、HIV非感染の同性愛者と感染者であり長い時間パートナーが存在する非感染の異性愛者の両方における管理下臨床研究では、毎日薬を摂取した場合9割以上が感染の危険を減少したことを証明した。しかし固執が擦れている。 と途中まではいいのですが Butadherence is the rubの意味が何を意図しているのかすらわかりません。 (2)This intermittent use raises a host of troubling questions , including whether PrEP will encourage risky behavior or fuel drug resistance to Truvada, outcomes that could seriously undermine its benefits. この断続的な使用はPrEPがTruvadaへの薬物体性の危険性や由発をするかどうかを含む重大な問題を生じさせ、これは健康に重大な害を与える可能性を示した。 と訳してみましたが自信がありません。 (3)A small PrEP study Buchbinder participated in extensively evaluated risk compensation and found that none occured. 小さなBuchbinderのPrEP研究には危険性補償を広く評価した人が参加したが誰一人として発症をしなかったことを確認した。 と訳してみましたがparticipated in extensibely evaluted risk compensationの意味が解りませんでした。 (4)Similary, none of the large-scale PrEP studies found increases in risky behavior, she said, noting that other fields assess risk compensation differently. 同じように大規模なPrEPけんきゅでは危険性挙動における増加が何一つ見つからず、ほかの分野においても危険補償の異なる評価はみつからなかったと彼女は話した。 (5)During the public comment period, two dozen staff members from the AIDS Health-care Foundation ― which bills itself as the lagrgest AIDS organization in the world ― wageda coordinated attack against the label change, with several insisting that risk compensation will occur. 公衆の意見を聞く際、AIDS公衆衛生財団という世界でもとも大きなAID組織として自分たちで設立した財団の24人のメンバーが危険補償が生じるいくつかの主張をそろえラベルの改変に対して調整攻撃を行った。 でいいのでしょうか。 (6)The challenge with PrEP, then is making sure that people use Truvada as a solo drug only if they are not infected―otherwise, resistant strains could run rampant and render the drug use-less as both a treatment and a preventive. PrEPの課題はその後、もしも使用者が感染していない場合に限り単独使用にとしてTruvadaの使用を認めることが決められている。さもなければ、大成株が自由奔放に動き回り、そして処置と予防の両方における薬の効果を無効にする可能性がある。 でいいのでしょうか。 長いので一度切ります