• ベストアンサー

recall of という表現はありますか?



ここの of = about です。彼について思い出すこと の意味なので、of でなくても about でも良いのです。recall だから必ずしも of ではなく、~について・関しての意味だから of が使われているだけです。類似表現としては: From what I hear about/of ... From what I know about/of ... From what I remember about/of ... 等があります。



recall以外の表現はよく見かける表現ですね。 recallだけを特別に見るのではなく、他の表現を同じ考え方をするのですね。ありがとうございました。


  • アドバイスの表現について質問です。

    次の設問で、(    )に入るのは The counselor gave him ( ) about what to do with his problem. (1)  advices (2)  an advice (3)  some advices (4)  a piece of advice (4) a piece of advice という表現が適切でしょうか? あまりなじみがないのですが、、、、 どなたか宜しくお願いします!

  • どんな内容か教えてください。

    For a full minute I did not believe what I saw; indeed,our religion taught us never to believe what we saw. Unbelieving,I could not move. I gaped. The impossible had happened. Only a miracle, I found myself saying,could save him. What was most striking was the silence of Mr Timberlake as he hung from the tree. I was lost between gazing at him and trying to get the punt out of the small branches of the tree.

  • ask a question of him

    “John に いくつか質問しました”   「いくつかの質問」というのは、英語phraseに関してで、ネイティブはこんないいまわしをするのかな~  といったものです。 こんな場合: (1) I asked John some questions. と (2) I asked several questions of him. は同じ意味ニュアンス でしょうか? (2)はおかしくありませんか。 (2)ですと、なにか、相手に尋問しているように聞こえるのですが。 ある英会話学校講師に聞いたところ、 ask someone a question は、 ask a question of someone と書き換えられるのは、. 大学受験必須問題だよ。だから、I asked some questions of him.でも、いいんじゃないの? という答えが返ってきました。 こんな大学受験問題(英文書換え)は、時代錯誤、愚の骨頂みたいに思ってしまった 私は間違っているのでしょうか。 どうぞ教えてください。

  • ofについて

    What is the most important of this year?  (今年の最も重要な出来事は何ですか?) 上記の英文の of this yearをin this yearになっていないのは、なぜですか? The war deprived him him of all his property. (その戦争は、彼から全財産を奪った。) 上記の英文の和訳が『彼から』となっているので、 The war deprived all his property from him.としては、駄目なんですか? ofがなぜこの場面でつかわれてるのか?わからない英文をよく目にして悩む事が多いです。 of は、どういう時に使われるのか解説をしてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文のofについて教えてください!

    A person from Australia is of Australian nationality. この英文のofはなぜあるのですか?またなぜこの位置にあるのですか?

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください Hehe, I tried to listen 「Three days grase, 」it was good ^^ And remind me about Skillet x) But I saw some person from America in your "Friends", isn't he a good person?

  • the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct.とは何か?

    Memory is an active mental process rather than a simple tape-recording of what has happened. In many ways, this is quite a hard concept to grasp, because we always feel as though we are remembering exactly what happened. But it’s true, nonetheless. (中略) One of the important witnesses in these trials was John Deane, a man who was considered by many to have an astoundingly accurate memory. During the trials, he related a number of very specific conversations which had taken place between the President and other people in the White House. Deane was convinced that he had recounted them accurately. However, later on in the trials, a number of tape-recordings of the same conversations were discovered.  The results were fascinating. In almost every conversation, John Deane’s recollection of what had actually been said was wrong. Different words were used, topics were mentioned in a different order, and sometimes particularly memorable phrases hadn’t actually been said at all. And yet, even though the details were all wrong, the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct. Deane didn’t remember the details accurately, even though he thought he did, but he did remember what had happened. It was the meaning of the events which he actually remembered, and his knowledge of what it all meant influenced his recall of the details.   Nicky Hayes氏の Psychologyという本からの引用ですが、the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct.という部分がよく分かりません。具体的に説明していただけますでしょうか?

  • Antonym of "Saint Thomas"

    Some of my friends call me Saint Thomas, because they say I am like him. the Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes What do you call person opposite of Thomas who easily believes anything ? As far as I observed Japanese they are easily-believe type. Easy to wash brain. Once they go into a sect of religious or political group, they are instantly brain-washed and become fanatic. Many Japanese including some of my frinds became fanatic without becomming Saint Thomas. What disgusted me was that their fanatic activities are often against peple's welfare. I want to know an English word for the person who does not try to see things with its own eyes, accordingly believes things too easily.

  • 以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。説明

    1「政治家としてのA大統領はどのような人物だったか説明してくれますか?」 Could you tell me what A was like as a politician for Singapore?のような文を考えるのですが、ここではexplainは使えないものでしょうか?やはり、物事だけに限定されてしまうのでしょうか?例えばCould you explian about what he was like/about him~.のようにはできないとの理解でよろしいでしょうか? 1に他に良い表現があれば教えて頂ければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 【至急】文章の和訳をお願いします。

    Consider the situation of the American, African, or Australian continents. A person coming from the other direction was a valuable source of information, regardless of age or sex. They might learn from him what was beyond deserts? Were the natives friendly or hostile? Was the trail smooth or rugged? Would there be food, firewood, or water in the hours and days to come? 翻訳サイトの使用は控えて頂けると嬉しいです。ご助力お願いします。