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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:教えてください)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Milancom
  • ベストアンサー率41% (117/285)

No.2です。 さっきの回答に不十分な点が見つかったので、追加します。 2番の訳です。 「形容詞+as+主語+be動詞」は、「~ので」という理由を表す場合と、「~だけれども」という譲歩を表す用法があるようです。 どちらになるかは、前後の文脈によるでしょうか。 理由を表す例文: Careless as she was, she could never pass the examination. 「彼女は注意力が足りなかったから、試験にはとうてい合格できなかった。」 譲歩を表す例文: Good as he is, he will never come out at the top of his class. 「彼はいい生徒だが、決してクラスのトップにはなれないだろう」 以上の例文は、ジーニアス英和大辞典によります(訳も)。


  • 人を主語にできない形容詞

    convenient やdangerousは 「人が…することは~だ」という意味で人を主語にすることはできないと習いましたが、 He is dangerous.や She is convenient. という言い方は可能でしょうか。

  • まるで俺の知ってる奴のこと言ってるみたいです

    それで目にとまりました。 残念ながら高卒の俺には上手に日本語にできません。最後の強烈な一文だけでもいいので訳していただけないでしょうか。できたら全文お願いします。 Mr. Gifford, as a satirist, is violent and abrupt. He takes obvious or physical defects, and dwells upon them with much labour and harshness of invective, but with very little wit or spirit. He expresses a great deal of anger and contempt; but you cannot tell very well why, except that he seems to be sore and out of humour. His satire is mere peevishness and spleen, or something worse—personal antipathy and rancour. We are in quite as much pain for the writer as for the object of his resentment.

  • 割と簡単で短い文だと思います。英訳お願いします

    【父はめったに怒ったことはないが、最近怒られたことは私がピアスをあけたことでした。父は何においても自然なままがすきなので私が化粧をしたり、ピアスをあけたりするのをひどく嫌います】 【兄は私と似ているところがありません。例えば彼は日に焼けにくいので色が白い。でも私はその反対で焼けやすい。性格も違い、彼は物静かなとこがあります。】  を英語で言いたいのですがどういったら良いのかわかりません。 英語ができる方おねがいします。 【he rarely scolds me but (???)when I pireced ear. he likes (???)he dont like when I make up,and i pierced ear】 【there are not same things or charactors my brother and me.for example he doesn't get tanned easily.he is white face.but i get tanned easily.also his character is different from mine,he is quiet.】 と出来ないものの考えてみました。  お願いします。

  • 準動詞の文についての質問です

    He is quite well and can go out again now. は He is so well as to go out again now. に書き換え可能でしょうか?

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A mysterious mystifying feeling will draw you towards him and in that moment your life will become changed, your future will become set. You and he are not only soul mates, but he is a kind of spiritual twin. Never will you have a relationship quite as deep and magical as this, for you and he are meant for each other, and both of you have been unconsciously waiting, both lonely to meet.

  • could have been

    ダライラマ14世についての記事です。 Acts of terrorism he said when I saw him in November, usually arise from some cause deep in the past and will not go away until the root problem is addressed. He could as easily have been talking about the demonstrations of discontent being staged in his homeland nearly a half-century since he saw it last. この He could as easily have been talking about からの文章ですが、 50年近くもの間、彼の出身地でくりひろげられているデモが訴えていることを、彼はいとも簡単に説明できたかもしれない。 本当にこれが"できたかもしれない"でいいのか、又、 since he saw it lastのここでの訳し方がわかりません。 宜しくお願いします(´_`。)

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    顔の特徴が書いてあるみたいなのですが、どなたか訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします。 The mouth is a large one. long, and thin lipped, and slightly smiling or upturned at the outer corner. His lips are pink with a purple or lavender tinge, like pink heather, a cold pink. He has cold breath. As he gets older there will be small pucker lines round the lip edges. His teeth are good, small square, white pegs of teeth. He has a generous smile that spreads across his face. The mouth is slightly one sided, or stiffer on one side but not so much as you'd notice. The chin is narrow, long a rounded off point shaped like an egg cup, it has a fleshiness around the jaw line, not quite a double chin, but when he pupils the chin in there is a slackness of the flesh and more so as he gets older. The cheeks are neither fat nor thin, the features are good, but soft and shapeless rather than sharp or angular. The face is well rounded and smoothed and the complexion fair and bland. There is nothing objectionable or ugly in it, and he retains a youthful quality as he gets older, not many facial lines or furrows tell the time on his flesh. He actually improves with age for the features become just a fraction thinner and the face more expressive. A man who’s handsome face looks intelligent quiescent and idle but a man of depth.

  • 早稲田法学部の英作文2002の添削をお願いします

    女性専用車両にについて反対?賛成? リード文 I am against having "women-only"cars on trains in general because "women-only"cars may make unfairness. this is why if "women-only"cars are less crowded than other cars, men cannot take it, but women can, and if men take the "women-only" cars out of necessity, it can be expected that he is seen strange by women. So, it is obvious that "women-only" cars are not necessary. 初めて自由英作文というものを書いたので、言い回しがよく分かりませんでした

  • 英訳お願いします(><)

    【家族4人とも色々な性格をもっているのでたまに口喧嘩をして家族が嫌いになるときもありますが、家族の人が私を大事にしてくれているので大変嬉しいです】 【兄は私と似ているところがありません。例えば彼は日に焼けにくいので色が白い。でも私はその反対で焼けやすい。性格も違い、彼は物静かなとこがあります。】 【父はめったに怒ったことはないが、最近怒られたことは私がピアスをあけたことでした。父は何においても自然なままがすきなので私が化粧をしたり、ピアスをあけたりするのをひどく嫌います】 を英語で言いたいのですがどういったら良いのかわかりません。 英語ができる方おねがいします。   【my family's character are each of different,so sometimes i arguments with them.so i sometimes don't like them but i love my family because they take care of me】【there are not same things or charactors my brother and me.for example he doesn't get tanned easily.he is white face.but i get tanned easily.also his character is different from mine,he is quiet.】【he rarely scolds me but (???)when I pireced ear. he likes (???)he dont like when I make up,and i pierced ear】と出来ないものの考えてみました。  お願いします。

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください。 宜しくお願いします。 They are good sturdy caring hands. Though he is inclined to drop things and fumble. The fingers are not as deft and practiced as they could be, the movements careless, idle. The wrists are strong thick and well veined. Masculine hands and wrists, cold and moist and harsh skinned to the touch, the palms are cushiony and thick. He make the occasional hand gesture when he talks, but not profusely. And his hand gestures are lazy looking, not animated. He tends to make paternal gestures towards his friends and people he likes, like a father. He may pat someone as if they were his child, or pupil, or make gesture of fellowship. He has the odd freckle or copper colored spot on the backs of his hands, but no defects. A cool firm touch, but not chilled hands, dry, smooth The action of his hands is not exactly clumsy but not accurate or precise, a little slip shod.