• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

 補足しますと,second to ~で,「~に対して2番手になる」のような意味合いになります。主に,to の後には none のような否定語がきて,「誰にも劣らない」という表現で用いられます。  ここでは only に否定的な意味があり, 「~に対してのみ,2番手になる」 「~に対してしか2番手にならない」 「~以外では最大のものである」という意味になります。





  • Only later was it について

    When the company relesed the first edition of toys, it was limited to 10,000 people - but they received 135,000 application. Only later was it proven, though, that.... で、Only later was it proven ではなく、Only later it was provenとなるのが普通だと思うのですが、なぜ、wasが先行してくるのでしょうか? お手数ですがご教授頂ければ幸いでございます。

  • only if...or if..の構造

    defendant may be found not guilty by reason of insanity only if he was so severely disturbed at the time of his act that he did not know what he was doing, or if he did know what he was doing, did not know that it was wrong. 被告は有罪ではないと見出すだろう、精神障害という理由によって、自分が何をしているかわからないという彼の行為の際に、彼がひどく困惑する場合に限り…または、自分が何をしているか知っているときや、それが間違っていると知らないときに限り… or if~が、どういう繋がりになってるかいまいちわかりません。 構造は下記のような形だと思います。 defendant may be found not guilty by reason of insanity 【only if he was so severely disturbed at the time of his act that he did not know what he was doing】, or【if he (did know what he was doing), (did not know that it was wrong).】 only if~で、~の場合に限り、と条件付けが始まっていますが、 自分が何をしているかわからないという彼の行為の際に、彼がひどく困惑する場合に限り or 自分が何をしているか知っているとき、それが間違っていると知らないときに限り と訳すのでしょうか?文脈的に不適切な気がします。

  • leftとwithについて

    英語の授業の翻訳課題をしている者です。 ~probably left two hundred thousand people dead in Latin America, with hundreds of thousands of orphans. withの意味がよくわかりません。 これを訳すと 多くの孤児たちにラテンアメリカの20万人の死者を残して去った。 ラテンアメリカに20万人の死者や多くの孤児たちを残して去った。 こんな感じで良いのでしょうか。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いします!!

  • the only time が接続詞になる時

    (1)ある大学の過去問です。 She was anything but nice the only time I ever met her. She was anything but nice .で意味的・構文的に終わっているのでthe only time は接続詞かと思いますが、the only time I ever met her の意味が良くわかりません。 (2)長文に出てきた文章です。(出典はわかりません) There is a tribe of people called the Dogon living Mali, a country in West Africa. living の後にinが無いのですが...? livingは他動詞でもつかえるのですか? 以上よろしくお願いいたします。 the first time S+V = when I first S+V every time S+V = Whenever S+V は知っていますが the only time +S+V がこのように接続詞的に使われているのどのようにやくせばいいでしょうか。 訳文を見ても

  • この文でのthatの意味は?

    And yet,two or three times out of ten,there's that odd ‛c' in the middle instead of the first ‛s'. この文中のthatの意味を教えてください

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    She became pregnant at the just ovulation, and from then until the menopause she was either pregnant or nursing a baby. The typical traditional woman was pregnant 25 times during this period. About 20 of the pregnancies went to full term, but only 15 ended with the birth of a live baby. Of the 15 babies born alive, 10 survived through childhood. In contrast, the typical modern woman raised only a child or two, using contraception as the standard method of control, but using abortion when contraception failed. お願いします。

  • 添削してください

    In the 20th century, did more people die in battle or were more people killed by their own governments? という質問に対し、 「自国政府によって殺された人の数の方が戦死した人よりもはるかに多い。」 と回答したいのですが、 The number of people killed by their own government is much more than those who died in battle. こちらでいいでしょうか? 添削をお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Total isolation results in high rates of depression and mental illness. (“Rate” means the number of times something happens, or the number of examples of something within a certain period.)

  • 和訳 every last shred of

    外国人です。。。私の和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。 This time however to remove every last shred of creditability of the so called “court”, Plaintiff not only explained to the Judge that he was absolutely “not guilty” thirteen times, Plaintiff also explained three times that he was being “forced to plead guilty” or would not be released. 今回は、いわゆる「裁判」の信用度を一つ残らずために、原告は、裁判官に、原告が全く有罪ではなかったことを13回説明しただけでなく、原告は「有罪であると言わなければならない」と釈放することができないということ3回も説明した。

  • 日本語訳を!c10-3

    お願いします!続き The way that people buried their dead changed during the Late Harappan times.At first,they changed only the way they placed the bodies,which were buried on their side and oriented northeast to southwest instead of north and south.The dead were buried with pottery and occasionally ornaments.Later,burial practices really changed.The dead body was left in the open and exposed to animals and insects until only the bones were left.Later,people collected the bones of the dead and put them into a large painted jar that was buried along with smaller pots and offerings,The pottery from the earlier burials looked like Harappan pottery-now the urns used for pot burials had very different painted designs.Changing religious ideas during a difficult time could have been the cause of these new styles.Or,a new people might have introduced them. By 1200 BCE,weapons and tools made of iron began to appear.By 600 BCE,iron was common.Although scholars used to think the South Asians learned how to make iron from people in Turkey,they now believe South Asians discovered it for themselves. And does the appearance of iron weapons mean that people were fighting wars in South Asia? Scriptures called the Rig Veda,which probably come from this time although they weren't written down until several hundred years later,describe forests being cut down as well as the rain and thunder deity Indus destroying forts and conquering his enemies: With all-outstripping chariot-wheel,O Indra,thou far-famed,hast overthrown the twice ten kings of men... Thou goest on from fight to fight intrepidly,destroying castle after castle here witg strength.