• ベストアンサー




参考です。 (4) Life is not equal. Somebody lives 100 years, somebody doesn't 'cause diseases like cancer. Life is not equal. Somebody lives 100 years, somebody is dead in the middle of life, 'cause diseases like cancer.


  • 英語

    次の文の、sustain, consciousness, immnse,inferiority, cultivatedの意味を教えてください。 The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.

  • oneについて:The only strategy I have pe

    oneについて:The only strategy I have perfected in life is one to keep my belly full, but even I knew that San Spirito was where the city was at its most vulnerable, with Cardinal Armellini's vineyards reaching to the battlements and a farmhouse built up and into the very stones of the wall itself. (出典: IN THE COMPANY of the COURTESAN 著者:Sarah Dunant 出版:Random House ページ数:5) こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 上記の文は初めのコンマまで読んでいただけたら結構です。 oneの役割が「人」、または「その他oneの意味」のどれなのでしょうか? また、「oneなし」の方がスッキリしているように感じますが「one無し」でも良いのですよね? 初めのコンマまでの文構造を教えていただけますか? -------------------------------------------------------------------- 質問者の考え(1):A(主語) is B(名詞句)と考えて 「The only strategy I have perfected in life」(主語) is 「to keep my belly full」(名詞句) (試訳:私が人生で完全なものとしてきた唯一の方略は、腹を満たすことです。) 「ONE無し」で丁度良い気がします。  質問者の考え(2)もしoneは「だた1つ」だったら定冠詞theが必要ですから「人」の意味と考えると、 The only strategy I have perfected in life is one should keep my belly full, (試訳:私が人生で完全なものとしてきた唯一の方針は、人は腹を満たせねばならないと言うことです。) とtoじゃなくてshouldだったら分る気がします? 兎に角このoneが何故あるのか、「one」と「to~(名詞句)」のつながりが今一分りません。 よろしくお願い致します。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 以下、必要ないかも知れませんが、文の背景です。 1527年カトリックの権威もルターの反乱と共に地に落ち、ローマの地位もその磐石とした地位から落ち、 ローマの城壁の前には敵兵が押し寄せてきいた。 主人公は、聖職者に何処に逃げればよいのか聞くと、San Spiritoが安全だと助言される。

  • 和訳をしてくだし。

    The theory of wich I have here attempted to give the general outline differs from the old-fashioned one in this, that it suppose what is personal or selfish to be the growth of time and habit お願いします。

  • 英訳

    こんばんは。英語の初心者です。わかりやすく解説頂けますと助かります。宜しくお願いします。 The only problem is that they have no one to take over their farm. 唯一の問題は後継者がいないことです。 という内容の解説がされています。 どどれがひとかたまりのフレーズなのか わかりません。 色々しらべたのですが 理解できませんでした。 唯一の問題は……まではわかりますが 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をおねがいします。

    It is salutary to realize the fundamental isolation of the individual mind. We have no certain knowledge of any consciousness but our own. We can only know the world through our own personality. Because the behaviour of others is similar to our own, we suppose that they are like us; it is a shock to discover that they are not. As i grow older I am more and more amazed to discover how great are the differences between one man and another. I am not far from believing that everyone is unique.

  • 英訳です。教えてください。

    The small star-shaped glia cells are scattered among the neurons more or less in the same manner throughout the nervous system; if one were to look only at them, forgetting the nerve cells, a much more uniform description of the different parts of the nervous system would be obtained than one based on a description of the neurons. If the aim is to relate different structures to different tasks, one is certainly better off concentrating on the neurons.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    The love of a family is life's greatest blessing を訳すると 「家族の愛は人生の偉大な祝福」 であっていますでしょうか? それとももっと適切な訳がありますでしょうか? 教えてください

  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    I've just get the razor and very dissapointed!The width of the razor is not as described 20mm or 6/8" it is ONLY 18mm or 5/8".Please exchenge for 20mm(6/8")if you have one in the similar condition or I WOULD LIKE TO RETURN THE RAZOR FOR A FULL CREDIT !

  • 英訳(´・ω・`)

    ある外国の方からメールをいただきましたが、読めません、英訳してください(´;ω;`) hi,my name is aditya surya,i am male,single& my activity is as a talent builder of rock guitarist,i like havin' coffee so much,i allow my self cup~cup of black vietnam coffee every day,ha,ha...really i wanna send my message through my mobile phone but you mind,but it's ok&anyway...hmm...really i wanna go to japan but i am really confused to where i have got to go...hmm & i wanna be able to speak japanesse..would you like to teach me??hmmm..just kidding,,,ok thants a lot..i hope you're willing to reply this one..bye see you

  • 英訳お願いします。

     Which came first, cars or roads? Today, we seem to have a vicious circle. As soon as new roads are built by our governments, they are filled with cars, so that more roads must be constructed. This race between roads and cars seems destined to go on for ever, unless the wasteful use of oil for cars is banned by some international agreement. Unfortunately, however, the chances of our reaching such an agreement are very slim indeed. Historically, the Romans were the first to bring their roads with them. Given the conditions I which they had to travel, it is a wonder that the Romans travelled at all. You can certainly sympathize with their occasional desire to stop at a fort or two. The Romans forts were, indeed, the first service stations. The Roman roads were an act of faith: namely, sooner or later there would be a point reach. The Romans would certainly have sympathized with the builders of the Humber Bridge who were accused (and still are) of building a bridge to nowhere. However, at least with a bridge you know when you have got there, no matter how pointless getting to the order bank seems to be. But with a road where do you stop? It all seems fairly arbitrary. This was probably the real reason for the expansion of the Roman Empireーthe road builders simply did not know where to halt. Had the Romans thought about it, the fall of their empire could have been avoided. The problem was the trouble-free maintenance of their roads. A few obstacles placed along the roads leading to the capital would have stopped the invaders. It is one of the ironies of history that their talent for good maintenance of roads led the Romans to their own destruction. Every time I baked or cooked anything, Daddy was going to have his life insured. I tried to feed them to the dog but he refused to ruin his health.