• ベストアンサー

I'm in Tochigi for six months now.

I'm in Ehime for six months now. は1)文法的に正しいですか? 2)実際には聞かれますか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

1)正しいです。 2)使われていると思います。でも、 I have been in Ehime for six months now. のほうが、より英語っぽいかもしれません。have been を使うと「“昔からずっと”住んでいる」というニュアンスが出ます。

その他の回答 (1)


会話文としては、あんまり使わないと思います。 私も、have beenを使った方が会話として自然だと思います。 もちろん、文法的には正しいですよ!


  • in the months leading up

    My husband and I socialize with another couple that we met at a meetup about a year and a half ago. Six months ago, the husband invited mine on a guys’ hiking weekend. In the six months leading up to it, it was discussed often and always as a guys-only weekend. On the car ride there, my husband found out that some men were bringing their wives. I am furious at the couple for lying to me. I wouldn’t have wanted to go, and I wouldn’t have been upset that my husband was going, but I do think it’s a huge lie considering we talked about it no less than 10 times in the months leading up. In the six months leading up to itは「ハイキングまでの6ヶ月の間に」でしょうか?あと、最後のin the months leading upの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • took him in for a checkup

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  • i'm back now for good

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  • I'm only in states for vacation.

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  • I'm in love with you.

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