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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳を教えてください)




全体の訳はNo1さんの回答を参考に御自分のこなれた日本語に直されると良いでしょう。 既にこの訳からお分かりでしょうが were able to do :の do は 文頭の do something を受けており、具体的にはその後の文の took me out of ~ のことです。 now that ~ を常に いまや~名のだからと訳すとこの場合のようにしっくりしませんね、今となってみると 程度でよいのでは





  • not able toとcannot の違い

    I am not able to do it.は  I cannot do it.とどのように違いますか? よろしくお願いします

  • 訳をお願いします。

    I'm just surging with anger right now. I can't help it. I think what he did is wrong. why could't he just once give in and not be so controlling. It helps to write these feelings down. I can't talk to him. He overpowers me with his words in no time.then there's the fact that I cant' put what I'm trying to say in the right way. What I want to say never comes out the way I envision it in my head. why is that? I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself, then again maybe he would have told me the same things. If I told him any of my feelings he would immediately tell me "the angels are controlling you."I need him to give me the freedom to talk to him, but right now that's not going to happen. So I will only let these feelings flow through me and out this pencil. It's weird, but I already feel the tension leaving me and soon I will only be left with the memory of this night to think about and analyze, rethink, and come to a conclusion about what to do. Maybe the tension is leaving me because I'm no longer around him; I'm out here in my own space. I love my tent! It's my own space to do with as I wish. As soon as I see him again, all I want to do is tell him how wrong he was to do that. But he will never take responsibility for what he does. It''always someone else's fault,the angels now mostly. If I confronted him, he would jut think I'm being controlled to say these things by the angels and that would get me nowhere. 上の英文の訳をお願いします。文の中で、下の文ところがよくわかりませんでした。ご助力をお願いします。 ◎I can't help it ◎I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself ◎and out this pencil ◎I'm out here in my own space. ◎how wrong he was to do that ◎that would get me nowhere.

  • what の意味について

    2人の会話が以下のようにあります。 Angela: Ugh! I hate talking to Rebecca. Every time I ask her a question, she ignores me or sneers at me. Ronny: Are you sure it’s not your imagination? She’s perfectly nice to me. Angela: It’s not my imagination. When I try to tell her something, she cuts me off. When I try to explain something to her, she’s short with me or talks over me. I always get the feeling that she’s looking down her nose at me. Ronny: Maybe she feels threatened by you. Angela: How so? Ronny: You’re younger, smarter, and better educated. She might feel like you’re after her job. Angela: But I’m not! I just started here and I don’t have any designs on replacing her. Ronny: And you’re prettier than she is. Angela: What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true? とまだ次に続くのですが、最後の文の “What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true?” は、 “What does that have to do with ~?” で、「~とどういう関係があるのか」という言い回しがあるようですが、 What と、that を文法的に教えていただきたいのです。 have to do with =~と関係がある という意味ですが、 先の疑問文を通常文(肯定文)にしたらどうなるのでしょうか。 that は、She(Angela) is prettier than she(Rebecca) is. を指し、 what は、この場合は漠然とした意味でsomething 又はit と考え、 That have something ( 又は it?) to do wiht something. としました。 疑問文にすると、that (AngelaがRebeccaよりもかわいい)ということで、「何と」(haveの後のsomething)、「何か」(withの後のsomething)がと関係あるのか? ちなみに、解説では、 “What does that have to do with anything, even if it were true?”meaning why is that important that I may be prettier than she is. とあります。 あまり質問が上手に説明できていませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。

    僕に海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、詳しく知りたいので力を貸して頂けると有り難いです。よろしくお願いします。 * If you say "it does not serve as a bed" that typically means that it is not able to be used as a bed.  In the next sentence you mention that sometimes you like to sleep in it, so a better way to describe what you're saying could be... "A kotatsu will serve as a table, but it's not intended to be used as a bed." This way you're saying that it's not supposed to be a bed, but you could use it that way if you really wanted to. * I wasn't sure if this is what you were trying to say so I guessed.

  • うまく訳してくださいませんか?

    なんとなくは分かるのですが、正確ではないので不安です。 どなたか、うまく訳していただけないでしょうか? 1. please tell me now as you do not me that well as I hoped. 2. for me to not tell other person that she used them to get job

  • 日本語訳で質問です。

    遠距離恋愛中の彼からのメールで分からない訳し方があったので、英語のわかる方お願いします。翻訳機はやめてください。 (1)Seriously, I do. (2)This is very important to me to be able to handle being away from each other. Like I said, this will happen again. Not me moving somewhere else and not being with you, but being gone for 6 months at a time. I know I probably sound mean or cold when I say things like that, but that's not what I'm trying to do. (3)I will try to put some pictures up once I do.

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    Millie has a daughter and a son, but they live on the opposite side of the country and aren’t able to visit now. Her daughter is 4, and when I saw her over the summer, she briefly referred to me as auntie. Millie pulled her daughter to the side and told her that I was not her auntie and that I was to be referred to by my first name. I was to be referred to by my first nameの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • It for to 構文の書き換えについて

    お世話になります。 下記、A.B.C. は全て同じ意味で文法的にも間違いはないと考えてよろしいでしょうか。 A. It is not possible for me to do that entire job in one day. (私がこの仕事を一日で全部するのは不可能だ) B. It is not possible that I do that entire job in one day. C. For me, it is possible to do that entire job in one day. また、過去形で表現する場合には下記、D.E.は文法上問題はありませんでしょうか? D.It was not possible for me to do that entire job in one day. E. It was not possible for me doing that entire job one day. 意味上はto doとdoingの違いで未来を意識した話か過去や進行中の話かの違いがあると推察しています(間違っている場合はご指摘ください) 以上、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 「○○というわけではない」と「○○とは限らない」

    日本語を1年勉強しているアメリカ人の友達に、(1)「○○というわけではない」(It does not mean that...)と(2)「○○とは限らない」(It is not necessarily the case that...)は何が違うのか、と聞かれたのですが答えられませんでした。。 (1)の例文では I don't speak English much, but It does not mean that I can't speak it. (2)の例文では It is not necessarily the case that, all Japanese high school students do nothing but study. でした。何が違うのでしょうか??できたら教えていただけませんか?

  • 並べ替えお願いします。不要な語1語あり

    My father[do/often/tell/used/me/would/to]my best 父は最前を尽くすようにと私によく言ったものです。 Do [my trip/a visa/have/for/to/I/must/get]to Australia? オーストラリアに旅行するのにビザの取得は必要ですか。 [leabe/me/can/the rest/ to/able/you]and go home now. あとは僕に任せて、もう帰っていいですよ。 You[much/eaten/to/so/have/not/should]. 君はそんなにたくさん食べるべきじゃなかったのに。 It is [should/that/you/are/be/independent/important/of]your parents. 君が両親に頼らないことが肝心だ。