• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

 with 一語については,as is often the case with ~と同じですが,全体としては少し違ってきます。  with は「~に関して,については,の場合には」という意味です。as with any secrets では,「どんな秘密の場合にもそうであるのと同様に」のような意味です。



ありがとうございます。There's room for secrecy in a sole proprietorship whether it's a matter of formula or process or a list of clients を「それが公式か過程の問題か顧客リストであることにかかわらず個人企業には秘密主義の余地があります。」と訳したのですが、これで正しいのでしょうか?文章の内容の意味がよくわかりません。どういうことなのでしょうか?


  • the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree are made of ; this material when it is used to build or make things with , or as a fuel 英英辞典でwoodを引いたのですが、 どう訳せば良いか分かりません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳みていただけますか?

    1.My astrological analyses are based upon years of sound, well-researched empirical observations and correct predictions using the natal horoscopes of past and current clients, 私の星占いは基本的に~充分な研究、経験的観察をし、過去を現在のお客さまの誕生の星を使って。正しい予測をします。 upon years of soundが解りません。 2.my style of astrologicalconsultation is formal and professional, very factualand business-like, and more like consulting with a statistician or an accountant than with a mystic.I dispense with all superstition and mysticism,and focus on the facts. 私の占星術の専門的やり方は正確で、プロフェショナルそのものです。実務的で、それ以上にも専門統計によってすでに実際に実証されておりますし、 accountantの訳し方とthan with以下がよく解りません。 むずかしいです。私には。。。よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Prior to Sykes's departure to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Sazonov in Petrograd on 27 February 1916, Sykes was approached with a plan by Samuel in the form of a memorandum which Sykes thought prudent to commit to memory and then destroy. He also suggested to Samuel that if Belgium should assume the administration of Palestine it might be more acceptable to France as an alternative to the international administration which France wanted and the Zionists did not. Of the boundaries marked on a map attached to the memorandum he wrote: "By excluding Hebron and the East of the Jordan there is less to discuss with the Moslems, as the Mosque of Omar then becomes the only matter of vital importance to discuss with them and further does away with any contact with the bedouins, who never cross the river except on business. I imagine that the principal object of Zionism is the realization of the ideal of an existing centre of nationality rather than boundaries or extent of territory. The moment I return I will let you know how things stand at Pd."

  • 至急です。訳のほうをお願いします。オバマの演説らしいのですが、訳が上手

    至急です。訳のほうをお願いします。オバマの演説らしいのですが、訳が上手くいきません。ご協力お願いします。 John McCain and Hillary Clinton have echoed each other, dismissing this call for change as eloquent but empty, speeches not solutions. And yet they know, or they should know, that it's a call that did not begin with my words. It began with words that were spoken on the floors of factories in Ohio and across the deep plains of Texas, words that came from classrooms in South Carolina and living rooms in the state of Iowa, from first-time voters and lifelong cynics, from Democrats and Independents and Republicans alike.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします 6

    お願いします!!続き People put their garbage in large clay pots stuck into the floor in rooms along the edge of the street.Some of these large jars set into the ground may have served as toilets that laborers cleaned out every so often.Most houses also had bathing areas and drains that emptied into pots or larger drains in the street. The system worked really well,as long as the merchants kept coming and paying the taxes that built the walls and drains and paid the laborers who maintained them.But by about 1900 BCE,after 700 comfortable years, things began to change.For reasons scholars still don't fully understand,fewer traders were willing to risk the dangers of traveling through desert and forest.We know there were fewer traders because archaeologists have found fewer valuable items from distant places.Because fewer traders were paying taxes,the cities could no longer afford to keep up their walls and inspectors.Changes in the course of the Indus River and its tributaries,combined with increased flooding may well have added to Harappa's problems.There may have been other reasons as well.Reasons that can only be found with further excavations.And someday,perhaps we will be able to read the Indus script.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    While barriers to entry are high, intangibility of the product is still a problem as is the inseparability of production and consumption, to some extent, as clients have to participate in the creation of tax returns, consulting reports, and other products of professional service firms. です。長い一文で、自分なりに和訳しようとしたのですが、as以下が全く検討もつきません。asの後にisがあって、そしてまたその後にasがきています。 どいういう構造になっているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • この訳で良いのでしょうか?

    守秘情報契約書の訳をしています。 次の文章の訳が今一しっかりつかめません。 特にas a grant of は何につながるのかが自信ありません。 Nothing in this Confidential Agreement shall be construed as a grant of or as any agreement to grant any right (whether expressed or implied) or transfer any property in the whole or any part of the Confidential Information. as a grant of は”as a grant of any right”につながると理解し訳してみました。 「本秘密保持契約書の如何なる内容も,如何なる権利を付与する,或いは(明言されていようと示唆されていようと)如何なる権利を付与することに同意を与えるものとして,或いはConfidential Information(守秘情報)の全体或いはどこかの一部に属する,どの財産を移動させることに同意を与えるものとして解されることはない。」 質問(1) この訳で良いのでしょうか? 間違っていればご教示お願いします。 質問(2) この種の文書にはanyがやたら登場します。 大体は”如何なる”と訳す場合が多いのですが,anyが沢山でてくると,訳の方も”如何なる”ばかりになり,読みづらい文章になります。 何か良い訳し”語”はないでしょうか? 以上宜しくご教示お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をして頂きたいです。

    However, while no considerations of principle stand in the way, whether it is actually possible for international organizations to sue or be sued may depend on issues of immunity, as well as on whether or not they have standing, which in turn may or may not depend on whether they are to be considered as having legal personality. 国際法の教科書なのですが、難しすぎてても足も出ません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳。

    次に挙げるものの巧い日本語訳の例をお願いします。 1.In ageneral sense. 2.For example, a wave of the hand can communicate either "hellow"or"goodbye",and you have to know the context to know which is meant. 3.Some aspects of nonverbal communication vary from culture to culture and must be learned, just as language must be learned. 4.physical closeness 5.Intentionality 6.A behavior may be 7.intentional and tinterpreted as being intentional 8.Anna may realoze that that is all he is doing, so she realizes that there is no intention to communicate. いっぱいでごめんなさい…。もし、スペルの間違いがあったら、ごめんなさい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳の一部がわかりません。

    Any teacher can take a child to the classroom,but not every teacher can make him learn.He will not work joyously unless he feels that liberty is his,whether he is busy or at rest;he must feel the flush of victory and the heart-sinking of disappointment before he takes with a will the tasks distasteful to him and resolves to dance his way bravely through a dull routine of textbooks. 上の文で 前半のwhether he is busy or at restはどのように訳したらいいのですか。(heはchildですよね?) それから、後半の文章なのですが、 beforeの後はheが主語でtakes the tasks distasteful to himと続くのだと思うのですが、and resolves to dance がどうつながるのか、文法と訳がわかりません。 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。