• 締切済み


the world is bicoming a gloval village right before our eyes.english is emergining as the international languege. it is the first languege of many nations and a second languege in countries such as india and naigeria. why is english so adaptable? its history provides one clue . english has always been open to new words from different tongue . this is not the sistuation is france ,italy or spein , where languege academies try to keep their respective language free of foreine words.


  • toriyama
  • ベストアンサー率50% (23/46)

英語は以下の通りでよろしいでしょうか? ------------------------------------ The world is becoming a global village right before our eyes. English is emerging as the international language. It is the first language of many nations and a second language in countries such as India and Nigeria. Why is English so adaptable? Its history provides one clue. English has always been open to new words from different tongue. This is not the situation in France, Italy or Spain, where language academies try to keep their respective language free of foreign words. ------------------------------------ 訳ですが、chukanshiさんと少し表現が違うだけで、内容はほとんど変わりません。最後の部分だけ、少し違います。 ------------------------------------ 世界は、今私たちの目の前で、一つの球状の村となりつつある。英語が国際語として浮かび上がってきている。英語は多くの国で第一言語であり、インドやナイジェリアといった国々では、第二言語の一つである。なぜ英語はこのように適応性があるのだろうか。英語の歴史にその一つの手がかりがある。英語は常に、他国語から新しい単語を自由に取り入れてきた。フランス,イタリア,またはスペインでは状況が異なる。それらの国々では、各語学学会は、それぞれ自国の言語が外国語の単語から影響を受けないようにしようとしているのである。 ------------------------------------

  • chukanshi
  • ベストアンサー率43% (186/425)




  • 日本語訳を頼みます。

    お願いします 1 The world is becoming a "global village" right before our eyes. English is emerging as the international language. It is the first language of many nations and a second language in countries such as India and Nigeria. 2 Why is English so adaptable? Its history provides one clue. English has always been open to new words from different tongues. This is not the situation in France, Italy, or Spain, where language academies have kept their respective languages free of foreign words.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    many cultures have contributed to modern english. in the fifth century ,Anglo-saxons from continental europe who spoke a garmanic tongue invaded the british isles. therefore ,english contains various basic words that derive from garman.for instance ,the english words home and garden descend from the garman heim and garden ,respective. the french conquest of england changed english significantly.first ,because french was originally a latin dialect,many latin prefixes ,suffixes ,and root entered english .second,many french words related to food ,fation ,the art ,and govement enriched the english vocabulary.some new words replaced their germanic counter parts:others coexisted with them as synonyms .

  • 翻訳お願いします

    According to a recent study, the number of non-native speakers of English is now three times as large as that of native speakers. The new English speakers aren't just studying English as a second language, but they are also changing it and even creating their own version of it.

  • 聞き取りと翻訳おねがいします

    英語の勉強よりニュースの内容のほうが面白そうなので、英文テキスト訂正と日本語に翻訳お願いします。翻訳のほうが難しそうですが。 音声ファイル http://www.geocities.jp/nack65/kiroku/india.wav by google音声認識 in India thousands of Army and paramilitary troops are in a northern state trying to put an end to a cast uprising already say at least nine people have been killed from New Delhi and PR is Julie McCarthy reports in agricultural cast known as the judge is leaving the address to the man government benefits Yahtzee to be included in the category of other backward caste Sunderlal the government is obliged to promote the welfare of so-called o be seized with quotas for government jobs and college admission to be eligible a cast was first be socially and educationally disadvantaged and Josh rank fairly high and Indian social hierarchy dominating a third of the seats in the state assembly of Haryana but a rapidly growing population and a lack of jobs is killing their discontent in recent days. Protesters blocked highways towards the railway stations in vandalize shops protesters reportedly sabotage a water treatment plant that provides most of delis water supply

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします!

    Add to this the astonishing fact that citizens of Selfish Capitalist, English-speaking nations (which tend to be one and the same) are twice as likely to suffer mental illness as those from mainland western Europe, which is largely Unselfish Capitalist in its political economy. An average 23% of Americans, Britons, Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians suffered in the last 12 months, but only 11.5% of Germans, Italians, French, Belgians, Spaniards and Dutch.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The number 6 in Japanese is “ro” or “roku”. The number 9 is “ku”. The number 69 can thus be pronounced “rokku”, which sounds the same to Japanese speakers as the English word “rock”. With this play on words, Japanese rock fans refer to June 9th as “rock day”.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    この文章の翻訳できるかたお願いします。 Our interest here is to see how deconstruction looks towards the limits of the image through this process of diachronics. In other words, how deconstruction allows us to see the diachronic shifts as a positioning of a limit.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    In South Africa, many people consider their own kind of English, with words of their native languages mixed in, as a sign of freedom. Callenging the powe of british or American English in Europe, some people in the European Union are promoting another lind called Euro English. they feel it would be more familiar to non-native speakers of English.

  • どなたか訳して頂けませんか?

    以下の英文の訳をどなたかお願い致します。 物凄い長文のため、分からない部分を抜粋しましたが、 文の内容は「小さい子どもに英語を教える方法」です。 love playing with language sounds, imitating and making funny noises. are not able to organize their learning. may not be able to read or write in their mother tongue, so it is important to recycle new words and expressions through talk and play. So have fun playing with words and phrases, for example, singing them, exaggerating your expression. encourage them to work meanings out for themselves explain things about language, but only very simple things use a wider range of language input as their model for language use encourage creative writing and help them to experiment with language Play games,sing songs,say rhymes and chants together. You can answer a mother tongue question in English, and something recast in English what they say in their mother tongue. Constantly recycle new language but don't be afraid to add new things or to use words they won't know.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Is English enough as a tool of global communication for a better world?

  • 匿名接続を有効にする方法とは?
  • 匿名接続の無効化方法を教えてください。
  • ESETセキュリティ ソフトウェア シリーズでの匿名接続設定方法について解説します。