• ベストアンサー


According to a recent study, the number of non-native speakers of English is now three times as large as that of native speakers. The new English speakers aren't just studying English as a second language, but they are also changing it and even creating their own version of it.


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

昨今の調査によると、英語の非ネイティヴスピーカーの数は、ネイティヴスピーカーの3倍にまで達しているという。 この新参の英語スピーカー達は、単に第2言語として英語を学習するに留まらず、これを新たな潮流へと変革させるまでに及んでいるのだ。


その他の回答 (1)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

最近の研究によると、英語を母国語としては話さない人の数は、母国語として英語を話す人の数の3倍になっている。 新しく英語を話すようになった人々は、第二言語として英語を学ぶだけでなく、彼ら自身がそれを変化させたり、彼ら独自の英語バージョンを作り出したりさえしている。



  • 翻訳お願いします。

    In South Africa, many people consider their own kind of English, with words of their native languages mixed in, as a sign of freedom. Callenging the powe of british or American English in Europe, some people in the European Union are promoting another lind called Euro English. they feel it would be more familiar to non-native speakers of English.

  • 英問英答(3)ラスト

    So today, to have learned English means to have your own rights as one of the users of the language. And it is just as likely that the future course of English will be influenced by second or foreign language speakers of English as by native speakers. Language learners will be facing these World Englishes, and they will develop a sense of international standards of English ―as well as their national norms of English, which are currently the focus of learning. It may not be many years, however, before an international standard becomes the starting-point for every learner of English, with British, American, and other varieties all seen as optional versions of English. 【questions】 What does “to have learned English” mean? What will learners of English develop when they face World Englishes? 二問ありますがおねがいします!

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    長いのですが、下記の英文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか。 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to globalize Japan’s workforce and says that Japan must become more competitive in the English language. This has touched off a debate among native English teachers, Japanese who teach English, Japanese speakers who don’t speak English, and English sheepdogs owned by both Japanese and English speakers. On one hand, you have people who ask why Japanese people should be required to study English at all since English is not used in Japan, the country where most students will spend the rest of their lives working for a Japanese company. On the other hand, people say that Japan needs to learn English to keep up with the rest of the world. The few strays not in either camp say, “Woof!” Whereas internationalization was the big thing a decade or so ago, and droves of students were studying overseas to gain a broader understanding of language and the world, nowadays Japanese people are turning inward, seeking domestic solutions. They’re beginning to think, “Why should I go abroad, risk getting shot or car-jacked by someone in America, when I can just stay and study here in Japan?” The question is, did all that previous domestic internationalization combined with study abroad make Japanese more competitive in the global workforce? If so, shouldn’t we still be reaping the benefits? Japan seems to have forgotten about this part of its recent history, the results of which could help shape their future in English language education. In an attempt to get Japanese speaking better English, the Liberal Democratic Party is thinking of doubling the number of Assistant Language Teachers in the next three years. Is that like double mint or double fudge? Twice as much has got to be better? Keep in mind that the number of ALTs was just recently reduced when the Democratic Party of Japan targeted ALTs as “wasteful spending.” Why has no one done any assessments to gauge if the number of ALTs makes a difference in students’ English comprehension? If the LDP regards native English speakers as vital to teaching the language, as they say they do, then you have to wonder why ALTs aren’t actually teaching any classes themselves. Why must they “team teach” together with a Japanese teacher in the classroom? Certainly in my country we wouldn’t consider having an American teacher in a Spanish language class being taught by a Spanish teacher. Another proposed change by the LDP is to shift from the current Eiken test used to gauge English proficiency, to using the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) instead because the TOEFL concentrates more on verbal communication skills. Whenever we talk about testing, people invariably point out that tests aren’t very accurate at testing language communicability. Others argue that the more test-oriented English is, the more students will hate studying English. Well, English is not a disease and no one has yet died from studying it. Lots of students hate broccoli, studying, getting out of bed in the morning and walking the dog. And someday they’ll have to do all of those things before leaving for work in the morning! I realize that students already take enough exams. Furthermore, they have to pass tests to receive their yellow belt, green belt or black belts in martial arts. There are university entrance exams, driver’s tests and maybe someday, lie detector tests. After they get married, their spouses will test them on their spending habits while their children will forever test their patience. And we’re complaining about a TOEFL test? Even if they do not pass the TOEFL test with flying colors, it’s not the end of the world, so we should not act like it is. Yes, it would be nice if there were no tests at all. There would be less stress for students and less work for teachers, who could then focus on teaching more communicative competency, the ultimate goal of English communication. But students would never study if there weren’t tests!

  • 翻訳お願いします

    It may seem to be a paradox, but with the spread of English, speakers of other languages could consider their own local languages more important for their own cultural traditons. the Census Bureau reports that nearly one American in fibe speaks a language other than English at home , with Spanish leading and Chinese growing fast.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Is English enough as a tool of global communication for a better world?

  • 英問英答(2)

    The term "World Englishes" functions as a collective noun such as animals and vegetables. The category of World Englishes includes Japanese English, American English, Spanish English, and Korean English as its members. The basic point about World Englishes is that English no longer belongs exclusively to native speakers but is a global resource shared by all peoples of the world, and that the English norms are not to be decided locally but globally. This means that all these users of English have their share in the future of English. 【question】 What are included as members of World Englishes? おねがいします!

  • 英文チェックしてください

    English education in japan is very bad, because which mainly focus on input way of studying such as listening and reading, on the other hand, we don't usually practice output such as writing and speaking. Even though, we have been studying English from middle school to college. TOEFL(test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers) score of Japan is at the worst level in Asia. On the other hand, Germany people can speak English very well because English education system in Germany is very good, which focus on more practical, so that people can speak English, they spend more time to speak and writing instead of listening and reading.

  • m(-_-)m 英文の添削をよろしくお願いします。

    英文の添削をよろしくお願いします。 文法の間違いは気にしないで、って言われても、気になります。ネイティブは、文法の間違いを結構チェックしているらしいです。 Gramatical mistakes weigh on my mind if someone tells me not to be worried them. I heard "Native English speakers often check out these mistakes. I was told not to care about grammatical mistakes so much. But I cannot help thinking it. Native English speakers more often check the mistakes than we think. I heard that the carelessness of English grammar lead native English speakers to think that the speaker is a careless person. Although you tell me not to care of gramatical mistakes, I take care of gramatical mistakes. I heardn natives check on gramatical mistakes very much.

  • 「皮肉」の訳し方

    こんにちは。英作文で「皮肉」の訳し方で悩んでいます。 “あなたはフランスに行くとしたら何語を話しますか? フランス語を知らない限り、英語で話すでしょう。しかし、イギリス人だったら、私たちがイギリスやアメリカで英語で話すように出来る限りフランス語で話すでしょう。英語のネーティブスピーカーがフランス語を話すのに、ノンネーティブスピーカーが英語を話すのは いささか皮肉である。” What language will you speak if you go to France? You'll speak in English unless you know French. But if you were an Englishman, you would speak in French as much as possible, as we speak English in Great Britain or United States. It is a bit ( ) that English non-native speakers speak Englsih while native speakers speak French.” ここで疑問なのは( )に入る単語です。「皮肉な」を和英辞典で調べると、ironical, cynical, sarcasticなどがありますが、どれが一番適切なのか、それともどれも相応しくないのか分かりません。 また、その他 英文でおかしなところがありましたら、ご指摘くださいませ。

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    Hahah, take your time, no rush ! Hmm.. First step to learning English would be practice I guess. You have to understand the grammar and then it gets easier. After that you just have to learn more words. I get a lot of practice writing Japanese so I can help you improve your English =) Your English is fine! It's a lot better than a lot of people I know. How long have you been studying it for? By the way, how old are you? I can't remember if I asked this. I live in ========... It's sort of quiet and at the moment, there's a flood =_= What's your town like?

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