• ベストアンサー




My husband and I planned to play golf today, but yesterday I checked the local weather forecast for the golf course and found today would be a rainy day. So we canceled our reservation. でどうでしょうか。





  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)   

    英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます Sunday, March 13, 2006 It started rainy, then it was cloudy later. What a sad incident it was! Our plan for building our new house collapsed today. As you know, we had found a good piece of land the other day and we had forwarded the plan of our new house. However, we didn’t like the design for the house of the house maker and the cost of the new house went very high. I talked about what to do with our plan with my husband a lot of time, then we decided to cancel it because of these reasons. We have to stand the start again, but we will keep up since it is a big purchase!! なんて悲しい出来事。今日、マイホーム新築の計画を取りやめにしました。私たちはいい土地を探して、新しい家の計画を進めていました。でも住宅メーカーの家のプランが気に入らないし、値段が結局とても高くなったの。主人と長い間話し合って、これらの理由で結局白紙に戻すことにしました。私たちはまたスタートにもどってしまったけど、大きな買い物だし屈せずがんばることにしました。

  • 旅プレゼン(英語)NO2

    なんとなく、接続詞とかうまく使えないので、添削してください。 お願いします。 I met Japanese traveler. I knew her in the internet. Next day We went to Yosemite National Park CA. I left 8:00 arrived 15:00. We ate late lunch at Happy burger shop. The shop seems to be the American west restaurant. I ate turkey burger. I t was delicious. But of course it ‘s big! We went to recommend Glacier Point. We watched sun set. Then,Many people has gathered. and Volunteer staff started explaining. Today was Full moon. We watched to get moon when we heard the shout of joy. It was one of event. Three days We went Yosemite National Park CA again. I think it’s big park. They can’t watch a day. We watched “ big tree” aun Yosemite full. And then we return to Santa monica. However, came back there midd night. I was very very tired.but Thank you for your driving.

  • 英文日記の添削をしていただけませんか(^^)

    また英文日記を書いてみました。文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)ネイティブならこんな表現をするなど、指摘してくださると,なおうれしいです(^^) Last week , my husband went to Hokkaido reading students for a school excursion for 4 days, so I had to take care of my two-year son alone. It was hard task than I had thought. I thought that single-mothers in the world are very tough then. By the way, I and my husband want to build a detached house, so we are looking for the land recently. We can't find the proper land which we both satisfy, however. It's very difficult to decide where to live. I think we need big power to find the proper land where we live in the future.

  • 比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおね

    比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおねがいします。 The first day my husband and I were in Tokyo. We went to a department store and did a lot of shopping. After shopping we got on a taxi in front of the department store to return to the hotel where we stayed. After a while we arrived at the hotel. My husband paid the taxi fare to a driver and we got out of the taxi. We reached our room in the hotel. A few minutes later I found that my purse was nowhere in our room. But I immediately rememberd that I had left my purse behind the taxi. What a terrible thing it was! I wondered if I should try to call a taxi company but did'nt know which one we had used. I was very confused and at a loss what I should do. Just then the phone in our room rang. It was a call from the clerk at the front desk. He said the taxi driver had just come at the front desk to deliver my purse to me. I was very happy to hear that. I went to the front desk right away and received my purse from the driver. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, shaking hands with him.

  • 比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおね

    比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおねがいします。 The first day my husband and I were in Tokyo. We went to a department store and did a lot of shopping. After shopping we got on a taxi in front of the department store to return to the hotel where we stayed. After a while we arrived at the hotel. My husband paid the taxi fare to a driver and we got out of the taxi. We came back to our hotel room. A few minutes later I found my purse was nowhere in our room. But I immediately rememberd having left my purse behind in the taxi. What a terrible thing it was! I wondered if I should try to call a taxi company but did'nt know which one we had used. I was very confused and at a loss what I should do. Just then the phone in our room rang. It was a call from the clerk at the front desk. He said the taxi driver had just come at the front desk to deliver my purse to me. I was very happy to hear that. I went to the front desk right away and received my purse from the driver with the contents intact. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, shaking hands with him.

  • 意味を教えてくれませんか??


  • 英文を直してください!

    My friend and I had problems because I didn`t follow rules. When I was a high school student, we stood in two lines by bicycle and returned because we want to talked. It was prohibited at school.So it be prohibited by law. One day, Friend and I returned by bicycle on a rainy day. Then, a friend let a tire slide in a puddle. And she fell down to me. I staggered by the shock.Then I collided with the bicycle which came from the front. I had a feeling that some bodies were floating in the air. A tire and basket were greatly warped. I injured a foot. I want to be careful that there is never it. 日本語訳 友達と私は交通ルールに従わなかったせいで問題が起きたことがあります。 高校生の時、私たちは自転車で並走して通学していました。 なぜなら二人で会話をしながら帰りたいからです。 並走は学校でも禁止されていました。 また交通ルールでも違反です。 それでも並走して帰っていました。 ある日、雨の中をいつものように友達と並走して帰っていました。 すると、友達が水たまりでタイヤを滑らせ、私のほうに倒れてきました。 私はその 衝撃でよろけました。 その時、前から来た自転車と正面衝突しました。 体が少しだけ宙に浮いたような感じがしました。 タイヤとカゴは大きく歪み、私は足に大きな切り傷ができました。 二度とこんなことがないように気をつけたいです。 並走とかも上手く訳せずめちゃめちゃです・・・ 回答よろしくお願いします!!

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送の件でメールが来たんですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Thanks for your order, we are processing it now and we will complete the shipment today, there was an unusual delay so I will ask that they send you some free purse hooks with your order, you should get the tracking by the end of the day today, thanks.

  • 英文について教えてください。

    最近英語日記をつけ始めた英語初心者です。「今日はとても疲れたので早く寝ます」という文章を英文であらわすには 「I was very tired today. So I goes to bed early.」であっているのでしょうか? どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • rebound relationship

    I got married five years ago. I knew I was the rebound relationship, and I knew my husband didn’t love me as much as I loved him. I was the rebound relationshipはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします