• ベストアンサー

make enough to survive



 enough には副詞や形容詞の他,不可算名詞として,「十分な量(数)」という意味になります。  文脈から,enough money とか,enough time など,何が十分なのかがわかる場合に用いられます。  how much で,how much money になるのと同じように理解すればいいと思います。


  • a saint to make pots

    添付ファイル文章の a saint to make pots の解釈が難しいです。 make pots of money での形は辞書ではありましたが、 資産をこしらえるのにわざわざ、聖人のような人になる必要がないですよ! 解釈して良いものなのか分からないです。 解説お願いします。

  • below,on to の解釈について

    添付ファイル文章の 赤マーカーが付けられている belowとon to についてです。 「その境内の外側の壁につながって造られた 木製のポルチコの近く、 20人ほどの、女の小作農達の群衆があった。」 と解釈していますが、 below は群衆の位置が、 ポルチコを起点に,”下の” という意味を付加しているという理解で合っているのか自信がないです。 また、on to は “(場所に)つながった”という 前置詞の理解で合っているのか 自信がないです。 解説お願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。

    I am no longer strong enough to push myself too hard. この英文の和訳はどうなりますか? もはや…というのはわかるのですが。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (18) Slaves were sometimes able to gain their freedom legally. Freedmen, as these lucky ones were called, were usually educated people or household workers. Freed slaves, both men and women, could legally marry―though a former slave could not marry a senator. They were even allowed to own property. Although freedmen could live anywhere they liked, many stayed with their former masters to work for pay. They still needed to make a living. (19) Even though slaves had few possessions of their own, Roman mastes often gave gifts of money to hard workers. A slave could keep this gift, called a peculium, as his private property. Valuable slaves who were careful with their savings might eventually tuck away enough to buy their freedom. This system motivated slaves to work hard. It helped the masters too because, by the time a slave had saved enough money, he or she was probably growing old, and the master could use the money to auy another, younger, slave. (20) Many freedmen worked almost as hard as the slaves did. Most remained desperately poor. But at least as freedmen, they were servants who were paid for their work. And they could not be taken from their families and sold as Spartacus was.

  • 英語 

    To save petroleum, farmers could make use of bio-gas generators for energy. bio-gasとは何ですか?辞書に載ってないですが。 biology gas →bio-gas こんな感じだと思いますが。

  • could have gone to ... と could have been to ...

    知人から相談をうけました。ある大学入試問題集の次の問題についてです。 ほぼ同じ意味になるように(  )に適当な語を補え[一部改題してあります]。 1. I didn’t go to Dublin to meet a friend of mine, because I couldn’t afford to. 2. If I had had enough money, I could ( 3 )( 4 ) to Dublin to meet a friend of mine. 知人はそれぞれをhave, beenとしたのですが、答えはそれぞれ,have, goneとなっていました。 これではだめなのでしょうか?いいとすれば、意味上の違いはあるのでしょうか?もし、だめだとするとなぜだめなのでしょうか? 以上の点は解説にはありません。よろしくお願いします。 

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Somebody who wanted to sell you gold coins as an investment could make the same kind of argument about the futility of putting your retirement funds into the stock market. If he picked the start date and the end date carefully enough, the gold salesman could make it look like the stock market did not go up for a decade or longer. But that does not really tell you what your retirement money is going to do in the market over 30 or 40 years. It does not even tell you how you would have done over the cherry-picked decade, which would have depended on exactly when you got in and out of the market.

  • 英文同意問題で納得がいきません

    Many farms could no longer provide normal-sized food crops. の同意文問題で 1.many farms had used to supply a normal amount of food crops but no longer did. 2.Mnay farms had used to produce crops of normal-sized grains but no longer did. の選択肢で なぜ1.が正解で2.がダメなのか納得がいきません。 詳しい方解説をお願いします。

  • brain starts to trigger away

    i guess i have faced some similar problem like hers. like when you get to sleep, it seems like you are suffocating and your brain starts to trigger away... my whole body seems to stuck to the bed and i can only twitch my eyes and nothing else.. no movement no nothing. but this all stopped after i received enough sleep. tell her to turn in early today and to have enough sleep! 上記は金縛りについて書いていると解釈しました。your brain starts to trigger awayの部分はどのような訳になりますでしょうか?

  • And if that wasn’t bad enough, even

    And if that wasn’t bad enough, even my boss got to know that and he now gives me a wide berth. And when I spoke about why he was particularly snubbing me, he told me that he didn’t want his employees to think there was anything going on between us! Could my life get any worse? ここのif that wasn't bad enough, の意味を教えて頂けますでしょうか。 また、give someone a wide berth という言い回しはネイティヴは普通に使う言葉ですか? 教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。