• ベストアンサー



  • kuma-ku
  • ベストアンサー率54% (1558/2845)

こんにちは 意訳した部分もありますが、とりあえず以下のような内容かと。。。 カナダの最高裁判所は、いずれの公式言語でも裁判を受けられる権利を国中に拡大しました。



なるほど、こういう訳になるのですね。非常にきれい に訳されていますよね、大変参考になりました。 ありがとうございました。


  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Russians tried to launch three counterattacks, but all of them failed. In one of those counterattacks Latvian riflemen were forced to attack across an open field against German machine guns and thus suffered heavy losses (especially the 3rd Kurzeme regiment). The temperature dropped to -38°C making it impossible for either side to continue active warfare. The Germans managed to conquer back 4/5 of their lost positions, although 'Machine-gun hill' stayed in Russian hands.The Christmas battles won the Latvian riflemen a reputation as capable warriors, but also huge losses as the Latvian Riflemen suffered casualties of more than a third (Latvian riflemen lost about 9000 soldiers).

  • 次の訳を添削してください。

    法律の事を調べていたのですが、それを自分で訳してみたのですが至らない点あると思うのでお願いします。原文は「The Court of Session is the supreme civil court of Scotland. It is both a court of first instance and a court of appeal and sits exclusively in Parliament House in Edinburgh.[1]The Sheriff Court is the other Scottish civil court; this sits locally. Although the two courts have a largely co-extensive jurisdiction, with the choice of court being given in the first place to the pursuer (petitioner), the vast majority of difficult or high-value cases in Scotland are brought in the Court of Session. Legal aid, administered by the Scottish Legal Aid Board, may be available.」で訳は「民事控訴院はスコットランドの最高の民事裁判所です。それは、第一審裁判所と控訴裁判所の両方で、もっぱらエディンバラの州議事堂で位置します。[1]州裁判所は違うスコットランドの民事裁判所です;これは地方で審理します。2つの法廷は大部分は共同範囲の司法を持ちますが、追求者(請願者)にまず第1に与えられている法廷の選択で、スコットランドの額の高い困難な大分の訴訟は民事控訴院で起こされます。スコットランドの法律扶助委員会によって処理された法律扶助は利用できるかもしれません。」と訳しました。変な部分があったら、教えてください。お願いします。

  • 訳を教えてください。

    Japan is a country of marked seasonal changes, a country in which it is particularly hard to be unaware of nature. 文法の構造は大体分かっているつもりなので、意味が分かるような訳にしていただけると助かります。 特にカンマ以降の文章が訳せないです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    英文の和訳をお願いします! Horie started his first big adventure in 1962. He tried to sail across the Pacific Ocean. In those days, very few people could travel abroad, and America was really a faraway country to most Japanese. Sailing to America was Horie's dream.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!!

    The golden fields of summer stretch endlessly across the prairies of Saskatchewan.The bread basket of Canada,Saskatchewan is prime wheat country the size of Texas,and one of the great wheat-growing regions of the world.But the financial demands of the family farm are changing,and it has become difficult for the new generation of farmers to prosper.“Farming would be the ultimatd way to spend your life but there are strings attached just like any other business,people have other jobs.But if you cannot viably raise a family,it doesn't matter how much you like it or enjoy it.”One group of committed farmers is making the cooperative farm succed for them.Similar in many ways to the Mennonites and the Amish,the Hutterites originated in Moravia in the 16th century.After settling in various countries of eastern Europe,and the United States,each time fleeing persecution,the Hutterites emigrated to Canada in the early 20th century.The families have clung tenaciously to their religious beliefs,ancestral German dialect,and the customs of their forefathers.A brave and stalwart spirit has served them well:Hutterite farms are among the most productive in the land.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    (1)As Japanese is the only official language, it can be argued that other language are not as necessary as in other countries. このAsは理由のAsを表していると考えれば、、 訳:日本は唯一の公言語なので、それ(日本)は他の言語は他の国ほど必要 ではないと主張されることができる。 で、合っていますか? しかし、これだと意味がよく分からないので解答お願いします!! (2)While no problem can be solved in a single day, change is taking place in the English education of this country. この英文についてもおねがいします!

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします!

    The French explorer called Canada “the land God gave to Cain.”He was referring to Genesis 4,in which Cain,having killed his brother,Abel,is condemned to till land that is barren.But,Cartier never saw British Columbia:The people who live there call it“God’s Country.”In 1871 the Canadian Confederation promised rail service to British Columbia within ten years if British Columbia would join the Confederation.Asserts one historian:“Bonds of steel as well as of sentiment were needed to hold the new Confeddration together.Without railways there would be and could be no Canadd.”British Columbia accepted,and with that decision,expanded the borders of Canadd from the Atlantic to the PAcific.The first transcontinental train left Montreal on the 28th of June,1886 and arrived in British Columbia six days later.“If we can’t export the scenery,we’ll import the tourists,declared William Van Horne,President of the Canadian Pacific Railway.Snaking through half-a-dozen mountain ranges between Banff and Vancouver,the Rocky Mountaineer winds its way through some of the most scenic mountain passes in the Rockies.The Rocky Mountainneer is quite simply one of the world's spectacular train rides.

  • The Country Supplement

    The Country Supplement annexed hereto forms an integral part of this Agreement and in relation to the provision of any aspect of the Service in country(ies) specified in the Country Supplement, the terms of the Country Supplement shall be construed as amending or supplementing the terms of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Country Supplement, the Country Supplement shall prevail. The Country Supplementは本契約の付属契約にも関らず、本契約とズレが生じた場合、The Country Supplementを優先するのはなぜでしょうか。

  • 入試問題長文 訳お願いします。

    推薦入試問題です。 途中まで自分で訳したのですが、次の文からわからなくなりました。 長文で大変ですがお願いします。 解答も訳もないので日本語訳と問題をお願いします。   文中の[integrative motiation](統合動機づけ??)も 問題になっていて      問題:この[integrative motivation]という言葉はどのようなことを表していますか。本文の内容を       踏まえて 日本語で説明しなさい。   よくわかりません。 おしえて下さい。 Motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon which can be defined in terms of two factors: learners' communicative needs, and their attitudes towards the second language community. 第二外国語学習の動機づけは2つの要因によって定義づけられる複雑な現象である。つまり学習者の第二言語に対する伝達の必要性と態度である。 . If learners need to speak the second language in a wide range of social situations or to fulfil professional ambitions, they will perceive the communicative value of the second language and will therefore be motivated to acquire proficiency in it. もし学習者が社会状況の広い範囲で第二言語を話すことや職業的な希望を達成することが必要なら、第二言語の伝達価値を知覚しそのためそれに習熟することを達成することを動機づけられるだろう。 Likewise, if learners have favourable attitudes towards the speakers of the language, they will desire more contact with them. 同様にもし学習者が言語の話してに対して好ましい態度を持っているなら、彼らと接触を望むだろう。 Robert Gardner and Wallace Lambert coined the terms [integrative motivation] to refer to language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment ,and instrumental motivation for language learning for more immediate or practical goals. Research has shown that these types of motivation are related to success in second language learning. On the other hand, we should keep in mind that an individual's identity is closely linked with the way he or she speaks. It follows that when speaking a new language, one is adopting some of the identity markers of another cultural group. Depending on the learner's attitudes, learning a second language can be a source of enrichment or a source of resentment. If the speaker's only reason for learning the second language is external pressure, internal motivation may be minimal and general attitudes towards learning may be negative. One factor which often affects motivation is the social dynamic or power relationship between the languages. That is, members of a minority group may have different attitudes and motivation when learning the language of a majority group than those of majority group members learning a minority language. Even though it is impossible to predict the exact effect of such societal factors on second language learning, the fact that languages exist in social contexts cannot be overlooked when we seek to understand the variables which affect success in learning. Children as well as adults are sensitive to social dynamics and power relationships. 英文ミスがありましたらすいません。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Canadian Corps participated in several of these actions including the Battle of Arleux and the Third Battle of the Scarpe in late April and early May 1917. After the end of World War I, Byng was raised to the peerage as Baron Byng of Vimy, of Thorpe-le-Soken in the County of Essex, on 7 October 1919. The next month, he retired from the military and moved to Thorpe Hall. The Battle of Vimy Ridge has considerable significance for Canada. Although the battle is not generally considered the greatest achievement of the Canadian Corps in strategic importance or results obtained, it was the first instance in which all four Canadian divisions, made up of troops drawn from all parts of the country, fought as a cohesive formation. The image of national unity and achievement is what, according to one of many recent patriotic narratives, initially gave the battle importance for Canada, According to Pierce, "The historical reality of the battle has been reworked and reinterpreted in a conscious attempt to give purpose and meaning to an event that came to symbolize Canada's coming of age as a nation." The idea that Canada's national identity and nationhood were born out of the battle is an opinion that in the late twentieth century became widely held in military and general histories of Canada.