• ベストアンサー



  • amamikko
  • ベストアンサー率25% (2/8)

massages → messages で意味合いも変わるのですがどっちで・・・?





  • 和訳してください

    Yo! Here's a lil vid that should give you an idea of who we are & what we do. Tell us about you though!この文章と一緒にYouTubeのURLが貼り付けてありました。動画を見た感想を聞かせてよ的な感じですかね!?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Tell me what you like and I’ll tell you what you are. What is food to one man is bitter poison to others. Taste is the enemy of creativity. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • 英文 訳

    TOEIC新公式問題集にあった英文なのですが、 If you'll tell me the title of the article and what the address should be, we'll be sure to put the correction in tomorrow's paper. 「記事の見出しと正しい住所を教えていただければ明日の新聞に必ず訂正記事を掲載いたします」 what the address should be, の訳し方がわかりません。 whatはどういう風に使われているのでしょうか? あとshould be はどういう風に訳すのでしょうか? あと、そのあとについてるコンマの意味を教えてください。 お願いしますm(_ _ )m

  • 誤りのある箇所を選べ

    One of the requirements for overseas student (whose) mother (is) not Japannese and who (wish) to enter this university (are) (to take) the following language course. 確かwhatとwhoは単数扱いですよね? なのにwho (wish)は間違いじゃないそうなのですがどうしてですか? 回答お願いします。

  • 和訳してください

    Ok! What family name should I address the package to? I will send once I know which name to put on the packag e, I hope to send today's! Also, does Mi-chan still have th e new hair style from the picture you sent? It looked coo oooooooool............ On Friday, May 31, 2013, wrote: Thank you.

  • 和訳していただけませんか。

    you just tell me what you want to send and when you want send it, and I'll be waiting for it.

  • 和訳 little child

    外国人です。。。私の和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。(辞書形) In layman's terms, think of a little child you caught doing something wrong. When the little child starts to say, they didn't..., you cut them off and tell them to be quiet (taking away their rights). You do so because “absolute guilt” has been established, and because of that, no matter what comes out of their little mouth you are not going to listen. In other words, you aren't going to judge. Instead you will simply determine what the punishment should be. 平たく言えば、あなたは何か悪いことをしていた小さい子供を捕まえたことを考えて下さい。その小さい子供が「やってない」といい始まると、口を挟むと静かにしなさいと言う(権利を奪うことをする)。「絶対的な有責」が確立されているため、その小さな口から何が出ても、あなたは聞かない。つまり、あなたは判断することはしない。その代わりに、単に罰が何であるべきかを決定する。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を和訳して下さい Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves; because you're a reflection of what they wish to be. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    和訳をお願いします。 Often,the hardest job for a writer is simply to get started. Some day there seems to be nothing to write about. But don`t worry if this "writer`s block" happens to you. The following ideas may help you begin your writing. First, try a timed free-writing. That`s, sit down and write anything that comes into your mind for 15 minutes. Don`t stop before the time is up. Much of what you write will not be good and you will throw it away. But you will also find some ideas on the paper that you like. You can keep these good ideas and rewrite them in a better way. Second,you can use the five questions of a newspaper reporter: who, what,when,where,and how. Just writing down the answers will help you begin to organize the facts for your essay. Third,you may find a short outline useful. Make a simple list of the major points you wish to make. Seeing the points on paper will help you decide in what order you should put them in the essay. Remember that usually you should put the most important point at the beginning of your essay. Just remember that every day we can find good ideas for writing topics. Many writers keep a small notebook handy to write down ideas from talking with friends,listening to television, or reading a magazine. These notes often become the source of good essays.

  • 英文和訳お願いします

    以下の文の英文和訳をお願いします。この文が載っている本は絵に関するものです。 At this point you can tell just how dark and how light the overlying details should be to show up well.