• 締切済み


A pair of Komainu ( ) an Agyo and an Ungyo. (狛犬は阿形と吽形から成る) 空欄を埋めてください。


  • aeromakki
  • ベストアンサー率36% (870/2374)

自信ないけど、compriseかな。 s要らないよね。

  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1459/3803)

consists ではないでしょうか。 A pair of Komainu consists an Agyo and an Ungyo.



  • クリープ変形の英語資料

    クリープ変形の英語資料を読んでいるのですが、 "an isolated pair of kinds"の意味がよくわかりません。 「孤立したペアの種類」になるのでしょうか? なお、以下の文中の一部です。 where ∆Fp is the Helmholtz free energy of an isolated pair of kinds and is, to a sufficient approximation, the flow stress at 0 K*. An analysis of data (of which Fig. 2.3 is an example) allows p and q to be determined. URLは以下にあります。 http://engineering.dartmouth.edu/defmech/chapter_2.htm#Plasticity limited by a lattice resistance

  • 【英語】空欄を埋めてください

    "礼" is the Japanese style of ( ). 空欄を埋めてください。

  • 空欄に入る英語を教えてください。

    1 She said nothing, ( ) make me angrier. ア what イ that ウ how エ which (和訳も教えてください。) 2 He is proud of his son ( ) a gold medal in the Olympics. ア having won イ to have won ウ won エ to win 3 The government gave ( ) the demands of the people. ア in to イ in ウ to エ over to (和訳も教えてください。) 4 父親がよくなったからには、その子は幸せになるでしょう。   ( ) his father has got well, the child will be happy. 5 気候は我々の心身に大きな関わりをもっている。   The climate has a lot to ( )( ) our mind and body. 同じ語が空欄に入ります。 6 What do the colors of the flag ( ) for? He cannot ( ) being treated like a child. 7 These shoes won't ( ) for climbing mountains. To ( ) him justice, he was a good-natured man. (和訳も教えてください。) 8 ( ) you have made promise, you must keep it. She goes to the gym ( ) a week in order to lose weight. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 空欄補充問題(英語) 至急お願いします。

    「次の英文(a)(b)において,それぞれ前後がつながるようにするには空欄にどのような文を入れればよいか。それぞれ全体の内容を考えて,適切な英文1文を8~15語で書け。」 (a) In this country, traditionally people spent Saturday nights dining out and Sunday nights at home in front of the TV cheering on their favorite football team. But a few years ago games began appearing on TV on Saturdays as well as on Sundays. ( ). This is why restaurant owners have decided to boycott products advertised during televised matches. (b) Today, an average American home is full of labor-saving devices like washing machines and dishwashers. ( ) . Thus, average homemakers spend as much time doing housework now as fifty years ago about fifty two hours a week. Although they have the benefit of countless devices, they now have larger houses to clean, higher standards of cleanliness, and more wide-ranging life-styles, all of which keep them busy. 自力で解答に辿り着けませんでした。何方か教えてください><

  • 英語

    enthusiasm =a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eargerness to be involved in it [a strong feeling] (of interest and enjoyment about something) and [an eargerness] (to be involved in it) enthusiasmは[a strong feeling]と[an eargerness]と言っていて、それでそれぞれの説明を()で説明しているんですよね? 初め読んだ時、何かと熱望について..と訳しそうになったので一応確認です。

  • 英語の空欄補充問題

    英語の空欄補充問題 Please enclose the bottom portion of your bill with your payment. This will ( ) that your payment is credited appropriately. (A) prove (B) ensure (C) include (D) clarify 上記英文の空欄に入る解答は(B)なのですが、なぜ(A)では間違いなのかよくわかりません。文法的にも意味的にも問題ないと思えるのですが。

  • 並べ替えと空所へのあてはめ問題

    次の並べ替え問題とあてはめ問題に解答してもらえないでしょうか? (1)語の並べ替え a,I,of,my,gave,pair,skates,brother (2)空欄へのあてはめ(代名詞) "Is there ( ) in this class who knows the truth ?" "No, ( ) knows it." (1)は"I gave my brother pair of a skates."だと思ったのですが、 "pair of"の後に"a"は来ないようです。 (2)は全くわかりません。。 可能であれば解説もして頂けるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の問題の空欄に何が入るのか教えてください。

    以下の問題の空欄に何が入るのか教えてください。 People should put the interest of the minority group as a whole ( ) the freedom of the individual.

  • エクセルで空欄と0について

    たとえばIF関数を使って、セルA3に IF(A1=1,A2,"") と入力、A1が1でA2が空欄(データがない状態)の場合、A3には空欄ではなく0が表示されるんですがなぜでしょう。また、0ではなく空欄を表示してほしいのですが、どうすればいいのでしょう?

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Its construction covered four centuries, approximately 1800-1400 B C, for it was constantly altered to, and nowhere else is there anything like it: an outer ciecle of stones nearly fourteen feet high, pillars that support a continuous lintel, and within it a horseshoes of ten even huger stones, set in pairs, each pair with its separate lintel. An inner circle and inner horseshoe of smaller free standing bluestones repeat the pattern of the major members. These great blocks of sand-stone, or sarsens, some of them weighing fifty tons, were dragged more than twenty miles from the chalk downs, and the bluestones were somehow transported from the mountains of West Wales. They are not merely nutural blocks of ap-proximately the right size and shape, but each was carefully dressed to fit it for its function, and the ripples of the tool-ing, where they remain, are the most delicate detail of the building.Then, the uprights taper and curve towards the top, where tenons fit into the mortices of the lintels, which are carved to form an arc of the great circle. Moreover, the sides of the lintels of the horseshoe trilithons slope slightly out-wards to correct the illution of recession, the kind of refine-ment that makes the perfection of the Parthenon. These subtleties, indeed, suggest the influence of Greece of Myceean times, as do the recently discovered carvings of bronze axeheads and a dagger on one of the stones.

  • A3スキャンで写真が半分しか写らない問題について相談します。解決策や試したことを教えてください。
  • Windows10でMFC-J6583CDWを使用してA3スキャンすると、写真が半分しか写らない問題が発生しています。接続方法や関連ソフトについても教えてください。
  • A3スキャンで半分しか写らない問題に対する解決策や設定方法を教えてください。お使いの環境や接続方法についてもご報告いただければ幸いです。