• 締切済み


次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 It may take some time for that to become apparent to viewers — if it becomes apparent at all, given the glut. It is usually months and sometimes more than a year for a TV show to premiere after a network orders it. 「if it becomes apparent at all, given the glut.」のところが文法的に理解できません。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1



>>It may take some time for that to become apparent to viewers — if it becomes apparent at all, given the glut. if it becomes apparent at all, given the glut -- (テレビ番組の)供給の過剰であることを考えてみて、そもそもそのこと(その番組の人気が落ちているということ)が明らかになればの話だが。 given は、辞書の give という動詞の項目ではなくて、given という前置詞(過去分詞ではなく前置詞として given が辞書に出ています)の項目を見たら、その意味がわかります。

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >It may take some time for that to become apparent to viewers — if it becomes apparent at all, given the glut. It is usually months and sometimes more than a year for a TV show to premiere after a network orders it. ⇒ちょっと難しいですが、以下のように意訳できると思います。 「そのこと(既出)が視聴者の目に触れるまでには、― たとえ過剰供給になる場合でも ― ある程度の時間がかかるかもしれません。ネットワークがテレビ番組を発注してから初放送されるまでには、通常数か月、時には1年以上もかかるのです。」 >「if it becomes apparent at all, given the glut.」のところが文法的に理解できません。 ⇒それぞれの語句を見た後で、意訳をお答えします。 (語句) *if it becomes apparent :「たとえそれが(視聴者の)目に触れることになる場合でも」。冒頭のIt は(後方照応的に)for that to become apparent to viewers「そのこと(既出)が視聴者の目に触れること」を受けているが、このitは(前方照応的に)そのthatを受けている。 *at all :「まったく、驚いたことに」。強意・強調のために挿入された副詞句。 *given the glut :「過剰供給されて」。「理由」を表す分詞構文で、givenの前にbeingが省略されている。 (訳文) 「驚いたことに、たとえそれが過剰供給されて視聴者の目に触れる/届くことになる場合でも」。 *このような意味の副詞節として、主節の述部It may take some time「そのことには、ある程度の時間がかかるかもしれません」を修飾しています。





  • 和訳お願いします

    I wanted to thank you for placing your orders with us this year. For your convenience, we will be sending you online access to view all items we have available for your future orders. You can also place your orders directly online if you would like and Tom will contact you with shipping and payment details. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **You could also say "I think movie making is very complicated." "Movie making" = the process of making a movie. I think you might be able to say this with other things too (cake making, song making etc.)... I'm not sure though. **"Only 3 months?" isn't technically a complete sentence, but a sentence like that is fine to write in a letter or to say while talking to someone. If you wanted to actually make it complete you could say "It only took you 3 months?" You probably knew all this anyway, but I wanted to clarify just in case. The only place where it would probably matter for you to make it a complete sentence is if you were writing an English paper. **"I have listened to it." is grammatically correct, but it's much more common to simply say "I have," if someone asks you if you've done something. Just like "Only 3 months?" though, "I have" is not a complete sentence. Again, it's probably not a big deal unless you're doing something where grammar is really important.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 「All F-1 students no matter if they are on OPT or enrolled should have D/S on their I-94 stamp. However, if you choose to go back to school or use your STEM extension, you still will be in F-1 for the duration of your status. You need to ensure you apply for the STEM extension (if eligible) at least 2-3 months before your OPT ends. 」 どなたか、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の訳し方

    わからない英訳文があったので質問します。 郵便局にて。 Did you want insurance for it (a percel) for it at all? (小包)保険をつけますか? <at all> ○at all はどのようなニュアンスでネイティブは付け足しているのでしょうか? at allの疑問文での使用では、『まったく』などでしたが、なぜこの状況での会話に強調するat allをつけるのかがわかりません。 if you just pass it through to me, I 'll put the stap on it for you. こちらに(小包を)ください、切手を貼りますから。 なぜ<If>をしようするのでしょうか、意味は通じますが、直接please, pass...では行けないんでしょうか?もしくわ<if> を使うとより丁寧になるのでしょうか? 直訳すると不自然ですよね。 英語に詳しい方、宜しく願いいたします…っ。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    As I was about to pay, it first seem to show free shipping, then it switched to 14$. Any chance you can offer free shipping on this item given my two recent orders.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    The pictures have me a little confused. Very seldom if at all, do you see a right hand Kamisori. With a couple of pictures it does look like it is for your right hand and the others not.I take it that the Japanese words face outward and the flat ground part of the razor goes to your face.

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします。 A few months later, I got an invitation to spend the Chinese New Year with friends in Hong Kong. That was the start of a long journey. It took hours to fly to Hong Kong, but it was worth it. I enjoyed seeing a new place so much that I ended up traveling through Southeast Asia for 13 months.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    ・I noted the things we all should be thankful for on his behalf ― good health, good friends, good battles and good outcomes. By most measurements he was a happy man. Then I suggested it was time for him and Mom to slow down. At long last, in a comfortable home, with a generous pension, he should learn to take things easy. ・That's how his letter back began, volleying my words across the net straight at me ― the hardest return to handle. ・But if we got our wish, and all troublesome experiences should cease, it might be the worst thing that could happen. Life isn't having it made; it's getting it made. 上記の英文を、自分では訳しきれませんでした(特に2、3番目) 何方か教えてください>< 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    下の文はJomo Kenyattaの演説で比喩表現が入ってるらしいのですが、それ自体ががどこにあるのかも分からないので誰か分かる方は教えてください><↓ 'There is no society of angels,whether it is white, brown or black. We are all human beings, and as such we are sure to make mistakes. If I have done a wrong to you, it is for you to forgive me; and if you have done something wrong to me, it is for me to forgive you. The Africans cannot say the Europeans have done all the wrong; and the Europeans cannot say the Africans have done all the wrong.... You have something to forget just as I have. Many of you are just as Kenyan as myself.'

  • 和訳

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 和訳していただければ嬉しいです