• 締切済み

Cambridge University


  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1459/3802)

I hope the following site information will be helpful for your needs. https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/fees-and-finance


  • 次の英文の意味を教えてください。

    とある学校に入学の質問メールをしたのですが、返信の内容が腑に落ちず、私の解釈が間違っている気がします。どなたか次の文章の内容を訳していただけないでしょうか? The eligibility criteria is a pass in the physics, chemistry & biology at high school level. The admission for the 2013 batch is not announced yet. Mostly after April we will announce our admissions. At that time you can apply online. No admission test is taken. The admission to this course is on first come first serve basis.

  • study regimen

    Gates enrolled at Harvard University in the fall of 1973, originally thinking of a career in law. But his freshman year saw him spend more of his time in the computer lab than in class. Gates did not really have a study regimen. study regimenとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文みてください

    月1で病院通ってるけど今の所は大丈夫。←ずっと通ってるだと進行形??になりなすか? I have visit in hospital a month,but I'm OK now. でも、もし、長期の留学をすることになったら1番の問題になってしまうの。 But if I am going to study very long stay in UK It is a No.1problem.   UKで病院通いになるかも。でもこれは医者と相談するけど。 I think I am going to the hospital in UK.It is I am going to hear advice form myDr. 私は日本もイングランドも応援するよ I will support England and Jaoan. お願いします

  • 大学受験英作文添削お願いいたします 

    大学受験浪人生の者です よろしければ添削お願いいたします<m(__)m>   問題の設問 Students at many university in Japan are reqrired to study a foreign language, usually English. Some university require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. 自分の解答 I think that students need to study more than one foreign language. That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages.

  • 英文邦訳の添削

    The argument put forward is that the impersonal forces of world markets, integrated over the postwar period more by private enterprise in finance, industry and trade than by the cooperative decisions of governments, are now more powerful than the states to whom ultimate political authority over society and economy is supposed to belong. Where states were once the masters of markets, now it is the markets which, on many crucial issues, are the masters over the governments of states. 上記英文の下記の試訳の添削をお願い致します。 「提唱される論議は,政府間の協調的決定によるより以上に金融,産業,貿易における民間企業によって戦後期に統合されるようになった世界市場の非人格的権力がいまや社会・経済に対する究極的な政治権力が従属する国家より以上に一層大きくなったとう主張である。〔逆説的にも〕一度国家が市場の支配者になると,いまや極めて重要な課題について国家の政府に影響を及ぼす支配者は市場となる(Strange, Susan (1996), The Retreat of the State. The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy. Cambridge Studies in International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.4.中括弧〔〕内は筆者)。 以上どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 英字新聞翻訳の添削のお願い その1

    英字新聞を訳しました.内容を読み間違えないように読んだつもりですが,“,”が多く自信がもてません.また(1)のthat以下の訳しかたも自信がありません.どなたか添削(解説)をお願いします. (1)Popping vitamins may do more harm than good, according to a new study that adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting some supplements may have health risks. (2)Researchers from the University of Minnesota examined data from more than 38,000 women taking part in the Iowa Women's Health Study, an ongoing study with women who were around age 62 at its start in 1986. (3)The researchers collected data on the women's supplement use in 1986, 1997 and 2004. (4)Women who took supplements had, on average, a 2.4 percent increased risk of dying over the course of the 19-year study, compared with women who didn't take supplements, after the researchers adjusted for factors including the women's age and calorie intake. (5)"Our study, as well as other similar studies, have provided very little evidence that commonly used dietary supplements would help to prevent chronic diseases," said study author Jaakko Mursu, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. (1)やたらとビタミンをとることは、有益でないばかりか有害である。新しい研究によれば、サプリメン ト(栄養補助食品)の示唆している証明は健康のリスクがある。←that以下の訳しかたに自信なしです。 (2)ミネソタ大学の研究者はアイオア女性健康研究(会)に参加している(彼女らは平均年齢62歳で1986年に調査開始)38,000人以上のデータを調査した。 (3)研究者らは女性のサプリメント使用について1986、1997、2004にデータを収集した。 (4)サプリメントを摂取した女性は、平均としてサプリメントを摂取しなかった女性と比較すると2.4%増加した死亡のリスクであった。その後、研究者は増加した女性の年齢およびカロリー摂取を調整した。 (5)他の研究者の研究はもとより、我々の研究は、一般に使われている栄養補食品が慢性病を防ぐことを助けそうな殆どない証拠を与えた。と研究の創始者であるミネソタ大学公衆衛生学研究所のJaakko Mursuは述べた。

  • 英語ができる方、至急長文の和訳をお願いします!

    You may have heard that chimpanzees and dolphins are among the world's most intelligent creatures. But recent discoveries have convinced scientists that many of the world's farm animals are smarter than we had thought. Take sheep, for example. Scientists at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, England, report that sheep are good at remembering faces. In a study of sheep's memory, they found that the woolly creatures can remember 10 human faces for more than two years. Of course, sheep find their own species even more memorable. They can remember 50 different sheep faces! Pigs are clever too, especially when food is involved. Researchers in Bristol, England, found that one pig would follow another to the food pan and then take his food! Pigs quickly learn to trick the clever pigs who are out to steal their dinner. Other research has suggested that some animals even practice various forms of group decision making, as the following example illustrates: The African Buffaloes had agreed: It was time to head east. The decision was made quietly. Several members of the herd simply stared into the distance, and the whole group took off in that direction. The buffaloes' behavior has got the science-world talking. Lsat month, researchers announced in Nature magazine that they have learned how some animals make decisions - they vote! The study, by Larissa Conrabt and Tim Roper of the University of Sussex in England, could change the way people view animal behavior. “Most groups of animals have a dominant leader,” says Roper. Pople had assumed that the leader makes decisious and the group follows. This study suggests that the animal kingdom is more of a democracy. So, how do animals vote? It depends on the animal. Roper and Conrabt observed red deer in Scotland and surveyed other animal behavior studies to find other examples. Red deer move when more than 60% of the adults stand up. African buffaloes will travel in the direction that the adult females are looking. Whooper swans* decide when to fly with head movements, and bees dance to get the other bees going. Does all of this sound simple? It is. As Roper says, “Democratic decision-making needn't be a complicated business.” Whooper swans:オオハクチョウ エキサイト翻訳等は使わずにお願いします。 スペルミスがありましたら、お知らせください。

  • エッセーの添削おねがいします。

    文法だけでなくここはこう言ったほうがいいんじゃない?みたいなのもありました、どうぞ教えてください。 Education System of Two Countries It is the common objective of educational system in any countries to foster its citizens to become productive members of its society. Every country has its own education system. Two countries United States and Japan have also their own education systems. After World War II, the Japanese education system was built based on American's education system, so the education system in the United States and Japan have a lot in common fundamentally. American and Japanese educational principle is similar; however, the entrance processes are quite different. At first glance, pursuing university education of American and Japanese universities appears to be straightforward. The basic system seems to be identical. Both countries have two-year university, four-year university and technical school. Students enter college after they have graduated from high school, or simply demonstrate their ability to get higher education. Students can take any classes that they wish to take and they are free to devote most of their time to education. Both countries put from 6 years to 15 years old children under an obligation to be taken education. Even though American and Japanese university basic system seems to be identical, the entrance processes are vary significantly. In America, compared with Japanese university, it is easy to enter university. Students do not have to take the admission examination for entrance, but all students need is just submit the required documents like high school transcript. So students need to get good grade in high school. When students enter university, they are not required the good academic skills. However, it is difficult to get units and graduate from university, because they have to show their good skills in the class, so not a few students who can’t get the units and it take much time to graduate. In short, students who want to enter American university need to study hard after entering university. On the other hand, at Japanese university, it is difficult to enter university. Students have to take admission examination instead of submitting the required documents to enter. For Japanese universities, it differs from American universities in that you need to take an entrance exam for the specific university. If you pass the exam then your high school grades don’t matter at all. In short, contrary to American university, students who wish to enter Japanese university need to study hard before entering university. To conclude, while basically, American and Japanese education system are similar, the entrance processes to enter university are poles apart.

  • 留学生 (Study in Japan)

    Hello there! I am sorry for English and very long question. My name is Andrei and I from Russia, 24 years old. I want to study in the Japanese University of Short Circuit or College. I have a special education (college) and a bachelor's degree in business and commerce. I hope to find a job after study. But I have a lot questions. 1)Price policy. I correctly understand that the average price for one year of study is 800,000-1 000,000 yen? Can I expect a scholarship or a price reduction? 2)Universities and colleges. Could you recommend good variants for a foreigner? Interested in languages, hotel business, commerce, IT. 3)Cities. I don't like megacities, I would be happy to study in a very small town or a town like a Hiroshima, Naha, Nagasaki etc. Is it bad for a foreigner? Can will I find a job there? Thank you if you've read this.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    英作文が苦手なので、上達のため英文を書いてみました。 文法上の間違い、文章の構造などについて、アドバイスをください。 テーマは「大学の秋入学について」です Recently,many universities are considering whether change the admission season from spring to autumn or not. This attempt arouse wide public concern, and, of course the public divided into supporter and opponent. In my opinion, it is beneficial to universities. Under the existing system, because of the different program between Japanese university and foreign university, each students are hard to study in abroad.So, If the attempt carry out, many Japanese students are easier to go abroad and Universities can receive more international students. Moreover the increasing of international students in Japan can improve Japanese students' sense of competition and cooperation. However, opponent says this attempt can destroy Japanese traditional culture. They think globalization is equal to imitating USA, and Japan should have own position in the world. As far as I concerned,the opponent's opinion is too much exaggerated. Foreign country is not only USA , but also including non-English country. And we can't neglect Japanese culture. If the globalization will be success, Japan's economy turn to good condition gradualy. From the above thing, I support the autumn admission.