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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳お願いします 英→日)

翻訳お願いします 英→日



〇〇は多くのフィンテック企業が利用しており、その恩恵を受けているプラットフォームです。ビットコインのイノベーションについては、法律で通貨を規制することが組織に義務付けられているので、△△にご相談ください。 私は〇〇と婚約したばかりですが、あなたのイノベーションはユニークで面白いので、もっと話を聞きたいとアドバイスされています。〇〇の詳細情報をお願いします。 通報する


  • 翻訳 英→日

    自力で訳そうとしたんですけど 分からない単語ばかりなので英語の翻訳お願いします。 Hey! Haha, yea English is pretty hard... I think with English, it's really difficult at first but it gets easier later. I find that basic grammar with Japanese is a lot easier to learn than English. But, when you get better it becomes harder because there's more grammar to learn and kanji is hard too.. Hmm, I'm in third year of university at the moment... hahah, what would you like to know?

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    翻訳お願いします 英→日 First of all this is in the court As I said and we will wait for that process to finish to get a verdict. Secondly This is none of your fucking business and I do not need to answer anything to you

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    ebayで出品した商品に対して質問がありました。良く分かりません、翻訳お願いします。 i was just about to buy the item and when i am about to commit to buy its giving me the 21.95 shipping only option is there something wrong or a way to change that please let me know the auction is about to end and ill problably will not have the chance to buy it :(

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    翻訳お願いします 英→日 Thank you for messaging us. Please note that the only Exchange Traded Fund that has been approved by Capital Markets Authority Kenya is the NewGold Issuer (RF). The Capital Markets Authority Kenya advises investors to exercise caution and only engage with approved issuers and intermediaries. Please see our list of licensees that is available on our website using this link

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    first of all, As I did explain . this is something Centeral bank need to answer and they will make it clear when we are to take offshore clients.

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    first of all, As I did explain . this is something Centeral bank need to answer and they will make it clear when we are to take offshore clients. ※なるべく精度の高い翻訳お願いします

  • 英→日:翻訳お願いします

    A sport, you guys! Did you see that part where the ball went on the good man's foot and bounced RIGHT OFF INTO A NET! I was so happyb/ c of the country that man's foot came from and it's the same country as me. I was like, this is a worthwhile to care about b/c it will prove once and for a while which country's men have the best foot. b/ cがbecauseの訳だということは分かりました。 同郷のサッカー選手について言っているような気もしますが、なんだか違う気もします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。英→日

    少し長いですがどうかお願いします。 1- Can I get more than 1 pair? Yes you can buy more than 1 pair if you buy using different cards from the same site Or if you buy using the same card from different sites. You can NOT (in most of cases) get 2 pairs from the same site using the same credit card. Both your orders will be cancelled. 2- Can I get more than 1 pair from the same site ? Yes you can get more than 1 pair from the same site if you use different credit cards 3- Can I get more than 1 pair using the same card ? No you can't get more than 1 pair from the same site using the same card. In that case you have to buy from different sites. For example you can order AJ11 from Footlocker and JimmyJazz using the same card without any problem. 4- Can I ship to the same address if I use 2 different cards? Yes, but you have to change some stuff in the address. Street -> St. -> Strt. Avenue -> Av. -> Avuene And so on..

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    以下の内容なのですが、宜しくお願いします。 How is life,family and business in Japan? please I am sorry for late contact to you concerning the payment you send to us for shippment I will confirm today and let you know about it then I will at once apply for the paper work to shipp the animals to you please wait my mail again.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします