• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:webカメラでパスワードが覗き見)




しょっちゅう来るメールです。 無視していいです。 警察に相談したこともありましたが、 警察のパソコンにもこういうメールがくるそうです。 削除していいです。



ありがとうございました。 どこからメールアドレスやパスワードが漏れたのか気持ち悪いです。


  • メールアドレスとパスワードの記入されたメール

    10月20日頃から下記のようなメールが来ています。 英文なのですぐに迷惑メールに振り分けられていたのですが、 普段使っているメールアドレスとパスワードが記入されているメールが来たのです。 それに気が付いたの10月25日ですが、それから毎日来ていますがすぐに削除していました。 昨日の朝スマホでFacebookを見ると英語での表記になっていたので、 すぐにFacebookのパスワードを変えました。 ヤフーはID・パスワードが違うのですがログイン方法を変更。 本日昼頃にYahoo!にアクセスしていないのに認証コードがSMSで送られてきたので不安になっています。 今後どのようにすればよいかお分かりの方がいれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 件名:Security Alert. You account has been hacked. Password ryan must be need changed. Hello! I'm a programmer who cracked your email account and device about half year ago. You entered a password on one of the insecure site you visited, and I catched it. Your password from xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx on moment of crack: ryan Of course you can will change your password, or already made it. But it doesn't matter, my rat software update it every time. Please don't try to contact me or find me, it is impossible, since I sent you an email from your email account. Through your e-mail, I uploaded malicious code to your Operation System. I saved all of your contacts with friends, colleagues, relatives and a complete history of visits to the Internet resources. Also I installed a rat software on your device and long tome spying for you. You are not my only victim, I usually lock devices and ask for a ransom. But I was struck by the sites of intimate content that you very often visit. I am in shock of your reach fantasies! Wow! I've never seen anything like this! I did not even know that SUCH content could be so exciting! So, when you had fun on intime sites (you know what I mean!) I made screenshot with using my program from your camera of yours device. After that, I jointed them to the content of the currently viewed site. Will be funny when I send these photos to your contacts! And if your relatives see it? BUT I'm sure you don't want it. I definitely would not want to ... I will not do this if you pay me a little amount. I think $868 is a nice price for it! I accept only Bitcoins. My BTC wallet: 1PcFYw7PQKUnj6RxqVwZ4TFuwWUPTyECKQ If you have difficulty with this - Ask Google "how to make a payment on a bitcoin wallet". It's easy. After receiving the above amount, all your data will be immediately removed automatically. My virus will also will be destroy itself from your operating system. My Trojan have auto alert, after this email is looked, I will be know it! You have 2 days (48 hours) for make a payment. If this does not happen - all your contacts will get crazy shots with your dirty life! And so that you do not obstruct me, your device will be locked (also after 48 hours) Do not take this frivolously! This is the last warning! Various security services or antiviruses won't help you for sure (I have already collected all your data). Here are the recommendations of a professional: Antiviruses do not help against modern malicious code. Just do not enter your passwords on unsafe sites! I hope you will be prudent. Bye.

  • アカウントを盗んだという迷惑メールの対処方法は?

    Hacking Alert! You account was hacked (your password:xxxxxxxx)という迷惑メールが毎日のように来ます。内容は以下のとおりです、どうすればよいですか? パスワードはすぐに変えました。変える前のパスワードで盗んだと何度も送信してきます。 題名:Hacking Alert! You account was hacked (your password:tt0105141) 差出人:********@nifty.com アドレスブックに登録する 宛先:*********<********@nifty.com> Dear user of nifty.com! I am a spyware software developer. Your account has been hacked by me in the summer of 2018. I understand that it is hard to believe, but here is my evidence: - I sent you this email from your account. - Password from account gbb03651@nifty.com: tt0105141 (on moment of hack). The hacking was carried out using a hardware vulnerability through which you went online (Cisco router, vulnerability CVE-2018-0296). I went around the security system in the router, installed an exploit there. When you went online, my exploit downloaded my malicious code (rootkit) to your device. This is driver software, I constantly updated it, so your antivirus is silent all time. Since then I have been following you (I can connect to your device via the VNC protocol). That is, I can see absolutely everything that you do, view and download your files and any data to yourself. I also have access to the camera on your device, and I periodically take photos and videos with you. At the moment, I have harvested a solid dirt... on you... I saved all your email and chats from your messangers. I also saved the entire history of the sites you visit. I note that it is useless to change the passwords. My malware update passwords from your accounts every times. I know what you like hard funs (adult sites). Oh, yes .. I'm know your secret life, which you are hiding from everyone. Oh my God, what are your like... I saw THIS ... Oh, you dirty naughty person ... :) I took photos and videos of your most passionate funs with adult content, and synchronized them in real time with the image of your camera. Believe it turned out very high quality! So, to the business! I'm sure you don't want to show these files and visiting history to all your contacts. Transfer $823 to my Bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet: 1Bt4psBJmjfVTcW6eYiJZ6HEbpFgKkBSX4 Just copy and paste the wallet number when transferring. If you do not know how to do this - ask Google. My system automatically recognizes the translation. As soon as the specified amount is received, all your data will be destroyed from my server, and the rootkit will be automatically removed from your system. Do not worry, I really will delete everything, since I am “working” with many people who have fallen into your position. You will only have to inform your provider about the vulnerabilities in the router so that other hackers will not use it. Since opening this letter you have 48 hours. If funds not will be received, after the specified time has elapsed, the disk of your device will be formatted, and from my server will automatically send email and sms to all your contacts with compromising material. I advise you to remain prudent and not engage in nonsense (all files on my server). Good luck! 迷惑メールの内容は以上です。

  • 簡単に和訳してください。

    You are really testing my tolerance! It is my act of a good faith towards you! You gane the sale of your item by DECEPTION AND OF COSE I AM COMPLETELY UNSATISFIED, WITH THIS TRANSACTION AND YOUR ATITUDE! You gave me a refund and I let it go this time- just. Hope not to hear from you again or all of this will go to the right place.

  • この歌詞を一部でもいいので和訳していただけませんか

    この歌詞を一部でも結構なので訳していただきたいです。ほんのごく一部でも構いません。。 If you’re wondering why I’ve not been speaking my mind sir It took so long since I could call this my home My shapes of confusion fit holes of frustration And there’s nothing worse then being home on your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own I’ve been wondering why you’ve not been speaking your mind sir I’ve coloured my life and I’ll make no bones My shapes of confusion fit holes of frustration You can colour my life until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life You can colour my life If you’re wondering why I’ve not been speaking my mind sir It took so long since I could call this my home My shapes of confusion fit holes of frustration You can colour my life until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life You can colour my life Colour my life Colour my life Colour my life 親切な方いらっしゃったらよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の歌詞

    Looking into your eyes my why's are answered I become inspired in your words and my home is on your skin What tender love, my devotion, you came to be my religion My sweet emotion I regret nothing It was worth it, what was necessary to be with you, my love You are a blessing The hours and the life by your side, nena Are there to be lived but by your way At a good time Because it was worth it, it was worth it... I see you and I convince myself that you had to arrive After the storm I can anchor myself on your bosom here And be more myself, again myself, and my illusion for a flag And see whether I love you, that for love I give myself ある歌の歌詞です。 意味が良く分かりません。 別れの歌ですか? ご回答お願いします!

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Hi sorry, my current phone doesn't actually have line on it. And I can't seem to bring my account over.I'd you send me your line qr I can add you though

  • 訳して下さい。女性からのメールです。出合い系

    thanks for your interest..i would like to know you...but sorry i do not plan to stay long on the site because i want to cancel my profile... but if you want to get acquainted ...you can contact me on my this address(******@gmail.com)and i will attach a photo to my reply...

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします

  • 翻訳して下さい

    Hello! I am Miss Nancy! how are you doing today,i hope that all is well with you and your faimly and other peoples, i hope that they are all fine in good condition of health, hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like you to write to me on this my ID (nancy〇〇〇〇@yahoo.com) Hoping to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love Nancy! 突然来たmailです。どなたか翻訳お願いします

  • 翻訳して下さい

    Hello! I am Miss Nancy! how are you doing today,i hope that all is well with you and your faimly and other peoples, i hope that they are all fine in good condition of health, hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like you to write to me on this my ID (nancy〇〇〇〇@yahoo.com) Hoping to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love Nancy! 突然来たmailです。どなたか翻訳お願いします