• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:put them up to it)

What Does 'Putting Them Up to It' Mean?

  • Putting them up to it means encouraging or influencing someone to do something.
  • In the context of the question, the phrase refers to the act of encouraging the children to call or text their grandmother.
  • The grandmother in question complains about her grandchildren not contacting her, but she does not reach out to them either.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"put someone up to" で「誰かを仕向ける、誰かにさせる」 "it" が「(祖母にテキストメールを送る)こと」を指しています。 "put them up to it" で「彼ら(子供たち)にそうするよう(祖母にテキストを送るよう)仕向けている(させている)」 [ご参考]:https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=put+someone+up+to 祖母は孫たちが自発的にメール等を返信してくれることを望んでいるのであって、娘の入れ知恵によって、孫たちに嫌々メールを送ってほしくはないのでしょう。





その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

もう一つの表現として: "putting them up to it" 「彼らにそうするよう(メールするよう)、お膳立てしている」






  • 和約をお願いします。

    The Korean drama " Phoenix" was not that good. The story was similar to my relationship with my best friend and how a person can hurt someone. As for my friend I have not seen her since only a few text message on my phone. When I call her she does not pick up or call back. It is time to move on. I'm sorry if I cause you any confusion. ほとんど理解できていますが、It is time to move on.の言いたいことがわからないので全文お願いします。

  • it なのか them なのか

    プレゼントを受け取った人が、その場で開けないのが日本の習わしだ。 It is a Japanese custom for people who get presents not to open it immediately. 問題と解答例は上のようになっていました。私は、open it immediately の it は them で、It is a Japanese custom for people who get presents not to open them immediately. ではないかと思ったの ですがどうなのでしょうか。 よろしければ回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • should it come up

    I am a mentee in a "future women leaders" program at my organization. I am paired with a director of a different department. She and I get along very well, but she is not on speaking terms with the director of my department, and has gone so far as to file a complaint against my immediate supervisor, a woman I respect greatly. So far, my mentor has not reached out to me to organize our first mentoring session. Perhaps it is because she is very busy, but I suspect it is also because she is basically at war with my department, going so far as to instruct some of her subordinates not to speak to my colleagues (although they still speak to me). I sent an initial, "Thank you, and I'm looking forward to working with you" email to her upon the human resources department informing us that we were paired together. I have not reached out to her again and haven't heard from her. I am not sure how I would handle any discussions about my department, in particular my supervisors, should it come up. should it come upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • It does no harm to call him

    It does no harm to call him 彼を訪ねても悪いことはあるまい 上記英文なのですがharmは名詞で使われていると思います。harmを動詞にして It does not harm to call him としたら意味は同じになりますか? 詳しい方よろしくお願いします。

  • it とthem の使い分けについて 辞書例文

    ジーニアス辞典のthat の項目 it is nót that ... (but it is júst that ...)にある 以下の例文について質問です。 それは…というわけではなく(ただ…というだけのことである)(!直前の発言の理由を説明) ▶I don’t have a cell phone. It’s not that I dislike them, but it’s just that I think it unnecessary. 私は携帯を持っていないが, それは嫌いだからというのではなく, ただ不要だと思っているからだけなのである(!(1)しばしばit isが省略されnot that ...の形になる. (2)後半部はbutやit is, justなどが省略されたりsimplyやratherといった副が添えられたりする) I don’t have a cell phone. It’s not that I dislike them, but it’s just that I think it unnecessary. I dislike them とthem になっているのは 携帯全般を意味するためにthem になっていて、I think it のit がthem ではなく、itであるのは個別の携帯を指すために使われているという理解で合っているのか自信がないです。 このthem とitを両方とも itやthem に統一したり、 {I don’t have a cell phone. It’s not that I dislike it*, but it’s just that I think it unnecessary. I don’t have a cell phone. It’s not that I dislike them, but it’s just that I think them* unnecessary.} お互いを交換することもできるように思えるのですが、確信が持てないです。 I don’t have a cell phone. It’s not that I dislike it, but it’s just that I think them unnecessary. 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • このthemはなんでしょうか。

    会話の一部で we will stay at the hotel if it is not full. I am going to call them later. とあったのですが、このthemはなんでしょうか。 理屈ではhotelだと思うのですが、複数形と いうのが良くわかりません。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 「it」と「them」の違いについて

    初歩的な質問ですみません。 問題を解いていましたら、ふと混乱いたしました。多分本当に理解しきっていないからだと思います。そこで、きちんと理解したいので、解説をお願いいたします。 「it」か「them」に置き換える問題です。 (1)Please give back my book. → Please give it back. (2)I'm searching for my glasses. →I'm searching for them? (3)Pull into the parking space slowly. →Pull into it slowly. (4)She was careless and burned down the cabin. 分かりません。 単純に単数と複数の問題でしょうか? なんだかモヤモヤしています。どうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • It would be like me to

    This morning my work email brought a message from a woman I haven’t seen in more than five years. We worked together (different departments, same university) in early 2011. At first I thought the email was a mistake—meant for someone else with my name—because I didn’t recognize the sender’s name. But then I remembered her. She and I had lunch or dinner together a couple of times when I lived in that city, and we talked about work stuff; both of us were from someplace else and neither had many friends there. It wasn’t what I would call a friendship. Her email says that she is coming to my current city for a particular art exhibit and that she would like to see me (maybe catch the art show together), and asked whether I would be interested in meeting when she’s here. I’m not. I remember so little about her. After all this time, do I owe her a reply? In fairness to her, I probably said something like, “If you ever come to [my city], let me know.” It would be like me to issue such an invitation never thinking she’d take me up on it. It would be like meはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • top it off

    I have been working as a server in a restaurant for the past couple years. On several occasions, guests have left me their phone numbers on the check, often along with a note expressing interest in me and asking me to text them sometime. I have never taken anyone up on his or her offer, as I am in a happy and committed marriage. (I wear my ring every shift, so I never know if these guys are just not paying attention or choosing to ignore it.) Recently, another server had this happen, and she did not text them, as she has a boyfriend. But then the worst-case scenario happened: The same guest came back a week later, was sat in her section again, was cold and rude to her the entire time (despite being with friends), and topped it off by stiffing her on the tip. topped it offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • where to stick it

    I’m (over)due with my second child, and I am not looking forward to the “help” that will come when she is born. When my son was born, my in-laws came for a week. They helped by holding my son, soothing my son, playing with him—all the things I wanted to do. To be fair, they also cooked and cleaned a bit, but I had no idea how to tell them to let us bond. My in-laws are coming again this time around, from what I understand. My husband insists they are helpful, but all I feel is that they are intrusive and disrespectful of my boundaries. My own family is popping in too, for just a few days, but I have no qualms about telling them where to stick it if they overstep! telling them where to stick it if they overstepの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • キヤノン製品で印刷が白紙のままになる問題の解決方法について教えてください。
  • インクヘッドが動いて、用紙が送られているが、白紙のまま出力されてしまう問題が発生しています。リモートUIでインクの残量を確認したところ、ブラックとカラー共に半分以上の残量があることがわかりました。また、強力クリーニング後に試し印刷を行っても同様の現象が発生しています。
  • インクカセットも正しくセットされていることを確認しましたが、印刷結果は依然として白紙のままです。他に試してみるべきことはありますか?