Boss's Broken Promise: The Frustration of Not Getting a Promised Raise

  • A 27-year-old woman in a male-dominated workplace was promised a raise but did not receive it.
  • She had asked for the promised raise in writing, but her boss failed to set it up.
  • When she raised the issue with her boss and HR, she was attacked and criticized.
  • ベストアンサー

set up the raise

I am a 27-year-old woman in a male-dominated workplace (scientific field, very competitive). Last year, I was moved onto a project with a lot more responsibility. I asked if this change of role would come with more money, and my boss assured me that I would get a raise starting in January. He asserted this repeatedly, but I stupidly didn’t get it in writing. When January came around, he had done nothing to set up the raise. He said that he had made a mistake, and paying me more would not be possible, but I could compete for a higher-level position in 2018. I documented what happened and (after being encouraged by my supervisor) requested a meeting with my boss and HR. In the meeting, my boss attacked my qualifications and said I was “impatient” and “demanding.” The HR rep stayed silent. I felt like I was being punished for following up on a commitment he chose to make. set up the raiseとfollowing up on a commitment he chose to makeの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。set up the raiseの意味を教えてください。 set up は、下記の句動詞の10「綿密に準備する」です。  ですから「その昇給について綿密な計画を立てる(ことを怠っていた)」ということでしょう。 2。following up on a commitment he chose to makeの意味を教えてください。  follow up は、下記の句他動詞の4あるいは5の意味です。、  彼が約束することにした(=自分から言い出した私の昇給の件について、そのまま放置しないで)追求した(だけなのに罰せられているように感じた)




その他の回答 (1)

  • gommon
  • ベストアンサー率20% (9/45)

set up the raiseとfollowing up on a commitment he chose to make を検索すればいい


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  • got written up

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  • followed up with

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I live with my long-term boyfriend in my house. I make significantly more money than him and am also far more conservative on finances; I pay all my bills and put 15 percent of every check into savings before I make any “want” purchases. When my boyfriend moved in, we discussed and agreed that he would take over a few bills but concentrate on getting his savings built up. It has been three months, and he hasn’t saved a penny. Instead, he is blowing his money on video games, trips, and expensive hobbies. He also has been short on bills, and I have to cover them, but it is never more than $20 or $50, and he pays me back. Our last huge fight was when he leased a brand-new truck even though he has a perfectly running, paid-off older Honda. He said I was trying to control him and that I wasn’t his mother. I yelled that I might as well be, since he was acting like a teenager and living rent free under my roof. 1 getting his savings built upですが、having something built upという形はよくみるのでうすが、そのようにも言えるでしょうか?違いはあるでしょうか?あと、getting his savings to build upは言えるでしょうか? 2 short on billsは「紙幣が不足している??」short on moneyと同意でしょうか? 3 I yelled that I might as well beの訳を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします