What Does 'Bear' Mean in the Gay Community?

  • In the gay community, the term 'bear' refers to a type of gay man who is typically larger and hairier than the average gay man.
  • These men often have a more masculine appearance and may have facial hair and a larger body build.
  • They are known for being warm, friendly, and accepting, creating a sense of community among those who identify as bears.
  • ベストアンサー

gay bear

I'm a 48-year-old gay bear who recently started dating a 29-year-old guy. We met through friends about a year ago, began having regular cuddle sessions, and finally started a relationship. He is funny, smart, sexy, and caring. He's emotionally mature and financially secure, and he's as crazy about me as I am about him. We're falling in love, and it's wonderful. The confusing part is that he doesn’t normally go for bears and his sexual and relationship experiences have been very narrow. ここでのbearはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

bearはでっかいと毛むくじゃらということからgay bearはそう言う男性、つまり外見が男の特徴の強いゲイと言うことの様です。





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    (1) She can speak French little,but you do. ア.not as well as イ.not well than ウ.not so better than エ.not so better as (2)My sweater is more expensive than yours,but my mother’s. ア.cheap less than イ.less cheaper than ウ.expensive than less エ.expensive less than (3)今年は去年より雪が多かった。 We( )( )( ) this year than last year. (4)He reads fewer books than his mother and father did when they were as old as he is now. He doesn’t read( )( ) as his parents did when they were his( ). (5)As we grow up,we become wiser. ( )more we grow,( )( )we become. (6)He is a scholar rather than a teacher. He is not ( )( )a teacher ( )a scholar. (7)She likes tea better than coffee. She prefers tea ( )coffee. (8)彼女は今日は昨日よりずっと病状がよろしくない。 She is( )( ) today than yesterday. (9)He is three years older than she. She is( )( ) him( ) three years. (10)ニューヨークは世界で最も大きく、最も興味深い都市のひとつです。(英作文)

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