Is it a Double Standard or Rational to be Upset with My Fiancé Looking at Beer?

  • In my eight-year relationship with my toxic drunk fiancé, he has become verbally, emotionally, and nearly physically abusive towards me twice.
  • After leaving him, I returned only on the condition that he quit drinking and receive therapy. However, he has already reneged on the therapy.
  • Recently, while shopping, we walked by the beer aisle and I felt upset when my fiancé started looking at brands of beer. Is it rational for me to feel this way, or is it a double standard?
  • ベストアンサー

double standard

My fiance is a toxic drunk. The last time he drank, he became verbally, emotionally and very nearly physically abusive toward me. It was the second time this had happened in our eight-year relationship, so I left him. I returned only when he promised to quit drinking and get therapy. He has already reneged on the therapy, and today when we went shopping, we walked by the beer aisle and I looked at one beer I wanted to try, but when he also started looking at brands of beer, I felt very upset. Was this rational, or is this a double standard on my part? double standardとは平たく言うとどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"double standard" とは「二重基準」という意味で、結構よく使われるフレーズです。「相反する二つの基準(ルール)のもと、行動する」といった意味です。 この場合で言うと、話者は、自分はある銘柄のビールを飲みたくなったにもかかわらず、自分の婚約者がビールに目を向けるなり怒りを覚えた...。つまり婚約者に対しては酒を一滴も飲まないよう強要しているにもかかわらず、自分は飲んでも良いとしている。それが二重基準ではないか、と問いかけています。 (実際には、婚約者は酒癖が悪いので、それは仕方がないと思いますが…。)





  • よろしくお願いします

    My neighbor, whom we used to be friendly with, suddenly dropped us. It was at the time my teenage son was having problems with drugs and the police had been to our house a few times (nothing violent). This was very hurtful at a very low point in our lives, when we would have appreciated a friendly face and some support. dropped usはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 中2の文訳してください☆

    こんにちは! この中2の文を訳していただけますか? 打ち間違えあったらごめんなさい。。 Last Friday my friends and I visited a farmer. When we arrived at the field, he was planting rice. We helpted him. The mub was cold, and the homework was hard. But we had a good time. The farmer said, You did well.

  • 過去完了

    They once took my son when he was small and drove him around and grilled him because they thought he was being abused. He had fallen and hit his face on a bleacher at the pool. My mom was there and saw the whole thing happen but pretended not to know. I worked for Child Protective Services at the time and was humiliated. But thank goodness, my son and I were interviewed, so we could prove nothing bad had happened. He had fallenとnothing bad hadのところはなぜ過去形ではなく過去完了なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 【英語】作文の添削お願いします 

    テーマ:印象に残っている贈り物 Most impressing present in my life is a watch that my father gave me when I passed the exam to enter the high school. My father used the watch before I was born, and he wouldn't put away it even though he was given a new watch by my mother and sister. I think the watch will have been very important for my father. So, I was very surprised when he gave it to me. At first, I hesitated to receive it, but I received it in the end because my father said with smiling that "I use this new watch". The watch was what my mother and sister gave him. My watch and my father's watch is very different because mine is very old and father's is new. However both of them are filled with love of my family. 文法や構成について指摘してください。

  • 中3 期末テストの模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)It snows a lot here in winter. We (   )(   )(   )here in winter. (2)My mother is a very careful driver. My mother(   )very (   ). (3)We didn’t have any rain last week. We (   )(   )rain last week. (4)I was very excited at the football game. The football game was very(   )(   )me. (5)When was KinKakuji temple built? (   )(   )is KinKakuji temple ? (6)We are sometimes happy but sometimes unhappy. We are not (   )happy. (7)He found it easy to answer the question. He could answer the question(   ). (8)She speaks English very well. She is a very (   )(   )of English . (9)How about one more cup of coffee? How about(   )cup of coffee? (10)He likes English,and she likes English,too. He likes English,and (   )(   )she . 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • double down

    Q. Husband telling people I have borderline personality disorder: I recently found out from a friend that my husband has been telling our friends that I have borderline personality disorder. I was completely flabbergasted and shocked, because I have never been diagnosed with this in my life. I confronted my husband, and he refused to talk to me about it, saying he didn’t feel “safe” talking to me. I immediately made an appointment with my therapist and explained the situation to her. She reassured me that I do not, in fact, have BPD. I again talked to my husband, told him to stop lying, and that I wouldn’t stand for it. He agreed but did not apologize. A few weeks later, I checked his texts (I know—cardinal sin of marriage), and saw that he had drunk-texted his colleague at 11:30 at night that I had BPD. (He was so drunk that night that he threw up after he DROVE himself home.) I’m at a loss. We’ve been having marriage problems due to lack of trust. He lies to my face frequently, e.g. will tell me he was at work all day, and later I will find out that he had spent the whole day at the shopping mall. Or he will come home late reeking of alcohol but insist he never had a drop to drink and was at the office the whole time, and later I find the receipts showing he had gone out drinking before coming home. I think this is the last straw, but I don’t know what to do. He has been trying to be a better husband in a lot of ways (has stepped up his contribution to housework, is learning to cook, makes lots of thoughtful gestures, etc.), but he continues to lie and refuses to apologize. He just says I’m in denial about BPD and asks why it bothers me so much that he tells other people. He says he’s just worried about me and “looking for advice from friends.” A: I think this is the last straw too, and I think I know what you should do: I think you should leave him. This is abusive gaslighting of the highest order (“a form of mental abuse which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception and sanity”). You have plenty of reasons to end your marriage already, between his chronic lying and drinking, but when you add to that list the fact that he has repeatedly lied about your mental health to your friends and refused to apologize (!!!) when confronted with this fact, what you have is less of a marriage and more of a hostage situation. I don’t believe your husband is worried about you in the least. I think he’s interested in making you doubt yourself, in feeling isolated, in keeping you in the dark, and in controlling you. I don’t care how many dishes he washes. This is a person who will ruin your life, and I hope you can find somewhere else to sleep tonight. Don’t let his half-hearted attempts to pick up more dirty socks convince you that you’re suffering from a mental disorder you don’t have, then doubling down by suggesting you’re “in denial” when you call him out on his vicious lies. ここでのdouble downはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の作文、見直しお願いします!

    どなたか英語がウマイ方、いらっしゃいませんか?? 学校の遠足みたいなもので感想文を書かなければいけないのですが・・・。 一応書いたのがこれです。間違っている文章があったり、こうしてみたらいいのではないか?というアイディアがあれば付け足してもらえませんか?? 日曜日が提出日なので早めにお願いしま~す>< ちなみにミラクルガーデンとはココです。→ Yesterday, our school took us to miracle garden and zabeel park for our field trip. The first place we went was miracle garden and I was very excited before we arrived there because I heard that it is the world’s biggest natural flower garden and it was my first time to be there. When we arrived there, I saw many lovely flowers that are decorated in many shapes like, pyramid, heart and others. I took many picture with my friend and had a great time to walk around the garden. But the one thing I didn’t like was that the weather was very hot so we became very tired. I also had a respective feeling to the people who planting these beautiful flowers in this hot weather. The next place where we went was at Zabeel park. It was not my first time to be there because I used to go there when I was small. I was very happy because the zabeel park reminded me the memories of my childhood. When I was having a lunch with my friend, two cat came near to us. Both cat had a fluffy hair and they were so cute. They seemed very hungry so we decided to give come chicken from our lunch. At first, both cat seemed a bit afraid from us. But when we started to give a food, they became really friendly and we were playing with them. Suddenly, We heard the voice of the teacher telling the time and we noticed that there is only five minutes left. We got shocked that time, But we just enjoyed the rest five minutes with the thing that were in the park. When teacher told us to go back to the bus, me and my friends bought a cold juice because it was very hot. The cold juice was very tasty in the hot weather. In the bus, I saw many people who became tired. I was also the one who became tired, but our field trip was full of fun with my friends. できるだけもっと長めに書きたかったのですが…アイディアが思い浮かばなくて;; ちなみにミラクルガーデンにいるときに友達がアイスを買いました。(私は高かったので買いませんでしたけど)コレも作文に入れたかったのですがどう入れればいいかなと。

  • よろしくお願いします

    A while ago, my husband and I co-signed a car loan for my son. At the time, he was very financially stable. After about 2 1/2 years into the loan, we started getting late notices, as he was in financial difficulty. He ran into a situation with his job and was brought up on charges with the law. brought up on charges with the lawは「告発された」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • coherent

    However, recently we both finished uni for the summer and have been forced to spend time apart, and when we both came back to the city we study in to celebrate his graduation, we went on a night out. I ended up still coherent, but pretty drunk, and when we came back to my student house, I (as he put it) threw myself at him. I ended up still coherentとthrew myself at himの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • I'm overruled

    My brother and new sister-in-law are very religious, not to mention very conservative. My boyfriend and I are agnostic and progressive. However, I was raised in a very religious household, and growing up I attended church every Sunday and wasn't allowed to miss unless I was ill. At 18, I decided organized religion was not for me and have not been inside a church since, except for a wedding or funeral. Whenever we go out as a family, my brother and sister-in-law insist on praying out loud, whether we are in public or at home. When my mother is there, I indulge the practice, but when it's just the four of us, I prefer not to and I am uncomfortable when this occurs. I have asked twice if we could all just say a private prayer to ourselves rather than have a group prayer, but I'm overruled. indulge the practiceとI'm overruledの訳し方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします