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Is Slow Eating a Privilege? Finding a Balance Between Enjoyment and Social Pressure


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9784/12190)

>ここでのprivilegeとは何のことでしょうか? ⇒「特別扱い」といったニュアンスでしょう(たいていの辞書にあります)。 ☆ check my privilege:「私の特別扱い(を抑えるように言われた)」。 ☆ I’m aware of the privilege that implies:「特別扱い(が暗示することに私は気づいています)」。 *「特別扱いが暗示すること」とは、「私」が食べ終わるまでは、同席の人たちが次の料理に手をつけるのをためらう、ということだと思います。





  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I'm starting new phase in my life, I'm closing my past and starting a new journey in life. We have to take chances in life and I'm confident that my choice is correct. I left my night job because it was the same company my friend works at too this way the connection with her will be cut. Hopefully we can still be friends but I think she has closed the connection with me already. As for myself my health is improving with every passing day. The feelings I had for her are getting weaker so I believe my new journey will begin and this will bring closer to this chapter in my life. I'm sorry if I cause you any confusion with my e-mails but now I know how I really feel. You are very kind and understanding through this time in my life and I'm grateful for that. I hope that we can start again together. ほぼ理解していますが、内容が内容だけに確実にわかりたいのでお願いします。

  • drained my savings

    While in high school, I babysat and worked for a local grocery store. I saved a lot of what I made and had a pretty good amount in savings, but I took a school trip to France that had cost me almost $3,000, AKA my entire savings at that point. The trip was amazing and I don’t regret it, but since then I have repeatedly drained my savings account for something I thought was really important. drainedは「使ってしまった」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳(和訳)をお願いします。

    While Smith had the musician impressed, he revealed that his mind was somewhere else at the time. “My concern was that I was going to get killed,” the King Richard star admitted. “That was my concern when I was trying to spit my game, but I ain’t really have nothing.” "I was always faked like I had game. I didn’t really have game,” he added. “I was always in this full-on, trying to give the wildest flavor of having game, but that might have been the most terrified I had ever been trying to shoot my shot with Pepa. And I didn’t believe I had a real shot.” 翻訳サイトを使っても意味がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • どれが正しいですか?

    僕はあの店で母にあげる物を何か買うつもりだ。 1.I / am going to buy / something to give to my mother / for her / at that store. 2.I / am going to buy / something to give my mother / for her / at that store. 3.I / am going to buy / my mother something to give / for her /at that store. 4.I / am going to buy / something to give / for my mother / at that store. 5.I / am going to buy / something to give / to my mother / at that store. 6.I / am going to buy / something to give to my mother / at that store. どれが正しいですか?

  • 訳を教えてください

    Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.) I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. I had to have done something cruel for him to do thisの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • set me up

    I am an attractive, retired, 65-year-old woman who was widowed some years ago. I’m happy with my life and ready to date again. I’m looking for a kind, professional retired or semi-retired man around my own age, and I’m having no luck meeting anyone. The problem is that I married my high school sweetheart, so I have never had to do this before. I keep hoping my friends will set me up, but so far I am still at square one. ここでのset me upはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 未来形について

    Q. Mother’s insensitivity: I have bipolar disorder and OCD. I live with my elderly mother and, for the most part, we get along well. My issue is that my mother is grossly insensitive to my need for her to not touch my food. She is not good about washing her hands after various personal activities. Last week, she started picking things off of my half of a pizza with her fingers, and I asked her to not touch my food for the umpteenth time. She claimed angrily, not for the first time, that I “play out the OCD thing to an extreme” on purpose. I do not, and I’ve worked hard to keep my OCD from being a problem for others. How can I get my mother to grasp the fact that when anyone touches my food I am unable to eat that food? I do a great deal of work for her in this house, and I don’t think that it is too much to ask that she understand and accept my needs. A: Tell her, “I’m not ‘playing out the OCD thing.’ I have OCD, which affects my life on a regular basis regardless of how much I might wish it didn’t. I’ve asked you not to touch my food, and you refuse to stop. It’s a simple request, but if you can’t honor it, then I won’t be able to eat with you.” If your mother attempts to do anything but stop touching your food—if she tries to turn this into an argument, if she tries to convince you that it’s fine for her to do this, if she tries to insist that she “just can’t remember” that you don’t want her putting her hands on your food, then simply say, “I’ve asked you not to do this. I’m going to go now,” and eat elsewhere. I’m going to go nowのところですが、http://eikaiwa.dmm.com/blog/39416/にある「【“will” が使われる場合】 話しているその場で決めた未来のことを話すとき “be going to” が使われる場合】 話している時点ですでに決まっている/予定していることを話すとき」 の説明にあてはまらない気がするのですがどうでしょうか?(I’m going to go nowは即時的に決めたような感じがするので)よろしくお願いします

  • 英文解釈に困っています

    (1)The greeks, great as they were, had some shortcomings. 真ん中のところがよくわかんないです。 (2)That may be your opinion, but the others think differently. Thatが何を指しているのかよくわかないんです。それはあなたの意見になりうる??? (3)I was surprised at how easy the President was to talk to. to talk toがよくわかりません。 どうか教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I've been working within my industry for over 25 years. I've been working at my current firm for a year. Recently, we advertised a job opening. As regional manager, I screened the applications and passed my selections on to human resources to finalize. The candidate I preferred was a woman with 24 years of experience, "Barb." Barb was making $115,000 per year but said she was willing to take a cut. We decided to offer her the job. When I got a copy of the offer letter from HR, I was astonished that the head of HR, "Sarah," had offered Barb $120,000. My other seven sales reps' salaries were averaging between $100,000 and $105,000. Only one of them was making $110,000, and he has 19 years of experience. I had a talk with Sarah as to the reason for this unfairness. Her reply was that she had crunched the industry salaries on the market and decided to offer this amount. crunched the industry salaries on the markeとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 下の英文で不自然な言い回しや誤りがあれば教えてください。(改行などは気

    下の英文で不自然な言い回しや誤りがあれば教えてください。(改行などは気にしないでください) Last night I had a couple of friends over to my house for drinks. I like to drink and I drank a lot. We enjoyed talking and drinking untill past 12a.m. I had to go to work also the next day, so my friends went home and I went to bed. This morning my alarm must have gone off at 6 o'clock. But I didn't realize it at all, because I was sleeping soundly due to having drunken too much and gone to bed so late. More than half an hour later I finally woke up. I was very surprized to look at the time. I jumped out of bed. My wife was ready for my breakfast but I had no time for eating it. I ran through the dining room with putting on my suit and rushed to the station. After arriving at the station, I still kept running in a great hurry, aiming to the train. However the train I wanted to take had just left. It was the last train by which I was in time for the office. I was so depressed by thinking of how I would be condemned by my boss in the office.