Husband rejecting sex post baby: What to do?

  • Rebuilding connection with your husband after childbirth can be challenging.
  • Communication is key in addressing the emotional distance and nitpicking.
  • Consider discussing the issue of using porn and its impact on your relationship.
  • ベストアンサー


Q. Husband rejecting sex post baby: I recently gave birth to my second child, who’s now 2-months-old. I also have a 3-year-old. During pregnancy my husband and I did not have sex often, maybe two or three times in the last few months, though I did help him out in other ways if I was too tired or uncomfortable. Fast-forward, we had sex right at the six-week mark and one time after that. I have felt him to be emotionally distant from me lately, even nitpicking small things like leaving the back door open when I take out the trash. The other night I was exhausted and mentioned to him how tired I was, but the baby was asleep so I initiated sex. He told me he was tired and wasn’t in the mood. I took this personally and the next morning found porn on his phone. I have no problem with porn, but I’m more upset he’s replacing me. He was very upset when I admitted to looking at his phone and said that I always complain of being tired. I worry that he is so used to using porn regularly since my pregnancy that he’s lost interest in having sex with me, or that he has maybe lost his attraction. I have lost almost all my baby weight and I’m very happy with my appearance, but now this is messing with me emotionally. Help! A: For what it’s worth, this is a problem I receive a number of letters about, and you are very much not alone in struggling to rebuild your connection with your husband after childbirth. Nor is it at all unusual to be often tired while taking care of a toddler and a newborn. My best advice is to continue talking to one another. That is so often my best advice, and I wish I had more to offer. The sex is one thing, but the fact that your husband has become emotionally distant, frequently nitpicks over small things, and deflects your questions when you try to talk about how you’re feeling is the bigger problem here, I think. The sex is one thingのThe sexはなぜ定冠詞がついているのでしょいうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 The sex is one thingのThe sexはなぜ定冠詞がついているのでしょいうか?  これは世間一般のセックスではなく、この質問者さんと夫との間のセックスと「特定」されているからだと思います。




その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

>The sex is one thingのThe sexはなぜ定冠詞がついているのでしょいうか? ⇒あなた方の「そういうセックス」という限定がつくことを示すための定冠詞だと思います。 ☆出産後、夫がポルノに頼ってあなたとのセックスを避けるようになったという、「そういうセックス」も一つの問題ですが、夫が感情的に離れたことや、頻繁に細かなことでぶつぶつ言うとか、あなたが話しかけてもその質問を逸らすというようなことがこの際大きな問題なのです。





  • よろしくお願いします

    I used to be very porn-positive before having children. After giving birth it was like a switch was flipped, and I went from enjoying it to being disgusted by it. So now I just don’t watch it, but it’s bleeding into my feelings about my husband’s relationship with it. It makes me tremble and turns my stomach, and I’m constantly in fear of stumbling upon him while he’s watching it. I know that the problem is mine, that I have to change my own reaction and can’t change his consumption, so how do I begin to do that? it’s bleeding into my feelings about my husband’s relationship with itの和訳を教えてください。あと、ここでのconsumptionはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語が話せる方にお願いがあります。

    英語が話せる方にお願いがあります。 下の日本語の文を英文にしたのですが、これであってるか見ていただけないでしょうか? 長文で申し訳ないです。 間違いがあれば教えていただきたいです。 自信ないので間違いだらけだと思います。 どうか宜しくお願い致します。 この4年半"あなたと仲が悪いし嫌いあってる"と聞かされてました。 For the past four and a half years, I've been told that I don't get along with you and hate you. ○からあなたとの話しを聞くとひどい内容だったので、私もずっと○の言う事を信じてきました。 When I heard the story with you from ○, it was terrible, so I've always believed what ○ said. 付き合ってと言ったのも彼からでした。 既婚者とは知っていたのですが、あなたと愛し合ってないし別居していると聞いていたので、私もそれを信じてOKしてしまいました。 It was also from him that I told him to go out with him. I knew you were married, but I heard that I didn't love you and you were separated, so I also believed that and I was OK. 子供をとられないために、他の男と仲良くしないでとヤキモチ妬いたり、他の男を接近させないようにしていたと言ってました。 子供がいなかったら、あなたが他の男と仲良くしてようが気にならないし、あなたとは即離婚してると言ってました。 He said that he was jealous that he didn't get along with other men in order not to take care of his children, and that he tried not to get close to other men. If you don't have children, I don't care if you get along with other men, and I'm getting divorced from you right away. 私と出会ってから、あなたとセックスもキスもした事無いと言ってました。 He said he had never had sex or kissed you since he met me. あなたとセックスしたのは12日に認めて、今まで嘘ついてたことを謝ってきました。 あなたから誘ってきて、断れなかったと言ってます。 I admitted that I had sex with you on December 12th, and I apologized for lying until now. He invited me and said he couldn't refuse. ○は、セックスは義務でしていたと言ってます。 あなたはこの4年半、○と頻繁にセックスしていましたか? ○ says that sex was compulsory. Have you had frequent sex with ○ in the past four and a half years? あなたに"あんたは性欲処理の道具"と言われたと言ってました。 He said that you said, "You are a tool to deal with sexual desire." いつもあなたがオナニーして終わることが多くて、挿入までいくことはほとんど無かったと言ってますがそれは事実ですか? You always say that you often masturbate and end up masturbating, and you rarely go to insert it. Is that true? △は、知らないアジア人の精子ドナーで授かった子と聞いてるのですが、本当ですか? I heard that △ was a child who was given to an Asian sperm donor I don't know. Is that true? お父さんとお母さんにも"◆が、知らないアジア人と人工授精した"そう話していましたよ。 お母さんはそれを聞いて"あなたの子供じゃないの?!"と言って驚いてました。 I was also talking to my father and mother that "◆ had artificial insemination with an Asian I don't know." My mother heard that and said, "Isn't it your child?" I was surprised to say. あなたが○を愛していると知っていたら、私は○と付き合いませんでした。 ○の言うことをずっと信じ続けて、付き合い続けて本当にごめんなさい。 If I knew you loved ○, I wouldn't have dated ○. I'm really sorry for continuing to believe what ○ says and keep dating. 私は旦那と離婚して、別々の道を歩むことになりました。 旦那はひどく落ち込んで、仕事もできません。 I divorced my husband and ended up going on a different path. My husband is so depressed that he can't even work. これ以上、旦那を傷付けたり落ち込ませたりしたくありません。 あなたや妹達、□や◎が旦那に関わらないことをお願いしたいです。 I don't want to hurt or depressed my husband any more. I would like to ask you, your sisters, ◽︎ and ◎ not to get involved with your husband. 旦那はもう十分傷付きました。 あなたと同じで旦那は被害者です。 どうか、宜しくお願いします。 My husband has already been hurt enough. Like you, my husband is a victim. Thank you very much. 妹達や◽︎、◎は、私が○と別れて旦那とも別れて、私の家庭を壊すことを望んでいたみたいなので、もう皆の願ってた通りになったから、これ以上私の家族と関わらないでと伝えてもらえますか? My sisters, ◽︎, and ◎ seem to want me to break up with ○, break up with my husband, and destroy my family, so can you tell them not to get involved with my family anymore? 一昨日警察署へ行って、今回の件で嫌がらせされてることを報告してきました。 妹達と◽︎、◎の名前や住所、送られてきた脅迫メールも全部警察に写真撮ってもらってます。 I went to the police station the day before yesterday and reported that I was being harassed for this matter. My sisters and ◎, ◽︎'s name and address, and all the threatening emails sent me are also taken by the police. 私の家庭を壊してまで、まだ何か旦那に嫌がらせのメールや何か送るなど行動したら、どうなるか分かりませんとあの4人に伝えといてもらえますか? Can you tell those four that you don't know what will happen if you still send a harassing email or something to your husband even after destroying my family?

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I suffer from very severe clinical depression and anxiety disorder. I am under a doctor’s care, but I still have times when these issues overwhelm me. Recently, my life has been more stressful than usual. I have tried to talk to my husband about my depression in the past, but he just tells me that I have a good life and I shouldn’t feel that way. I told him I don’t feel like I can talk to him about what is going on with me because of these responses. He assures me he is my biggest supporter and I can talk to him about anything. This past weekend I told my husband I was feeling very depressed, and his response was to roll his eyes and say, “What’s wrong with you now?” I told him again that these reactions are why I don’t feel like I can actually talk to him. His response was to get angry with me because I refuse to realize how good I have it. how good I have itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I consider myself a rather open-minded person. My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 years, and it was never a big deal to me that he watches porn. to meはfor meではなくtoが使われているのはなぜでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Four years ago, my sweet and loving husband, the awesome father of our three children, was struck down by brain cancer and suffered brain trauma following emergency surgery. I’ve cared for him at home, dealing with the hassles of hospitals, insurance, family drama (his parents blame me for his health issues). He will never recover and he is declining. It is like being married to a 41-year-old Alzheimer’s patient. He does not remember me, our long marriage, or our kids. I’m trying to place him in a nursing home, but there are waiting lists. About a year ago, I met a man who was genuine and kind. As the friendship grew, he began helping with my kids, even helping my husband by playing music and visiting with him. My boyfriend knows I am committed to giving my husband the care he deserves and respects that this is a package deal. that this is a package dealはthatの後に完全な文がきていて変な感じがするのですが、どのような役割のthatでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I found myself extremely upset after reading a friend’s Facebook post recently, in which he admitted to taking a belt to his 2-year-old daughter in the hopes that it’ll teach her to sleep through the night. I find this behavior completely abhorrent. At 2 years old, a child barely knows right from wrong, and if you admit to striking your daughter with an object once, who says you won’t do it again? I’ve since deleted this friend from my Facebook and told my husband (who is also his friend) that I’m refusing to socialize with him. I have two dilemmas now as a result: The first is that my mom is urging me to report him to his local authorities for child abuse. How do I even do this, and am I obligated to? My husband doesn’t want me to because he doesn’t think the authorities will do anything about it, and this guy thinks that what he did was completely acceptable. (He and my husband talked and had to agree to disagree—he told my husband he used a cloth belt and not a leather one, and that’s why it’s OK.) My second dilemma is that this guy is the best friend of my husband’s best friend, and when gatherings are planned, this guy is always invited. I worry that if I’m forced into a social situation with this man, I’m going to tell him exactly what I think, and it won’t be pretty. I also don’t want to make it awkward for my husband and his other friend, and I don’t want to be a witch about things, but this is an absolute zero tolerance for me. it won’t be prettyとwitchはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am a mother of three children, but it's the oldest my husband and I worry about. When "John" went to college, he started drinking a lot. I asked him about it then, and he admitted that he might have a problem, but he did nothing about it. That was 10 years ago. He has had two DWIs since, and he drinks every day. I found out from his girlfriend that he actually gets into the shower with a beer in his hand. I recently noticed that the whites of his eyes are yellow, which I'm told is a sign of liver damage. We've tried talking with John, but he denies he has a problem. My daughter and her friends have gone out socially with John, and she says he is fun to be with, and then suddenly a switch flips and he yells and curses. gone out socially with Johnはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have been married for 15 years. My husband and I still live under the same roof (for convenience), but we have drifted our separate ways. The problem is, our teenage son cannot stand to be in the same room with his father. All they do is argue, and my husband pouts like a baby, bottom lip and all. I have asked our son to try to ignore Dad in order to keep the peace, but it is getting worse. This man, who wanted to have a child, has spent little time with our son over the years. When I was working and he had to watch our son, he would have his parents come over, and then he and his father would leave, letting my mother-in-law babysit. On weekends, he managed never to be home. he managed never to be homeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have been with my husband for 20 years. I'm 43, and he's 63. Our sex life has died. He is no longer attracted to me, and he has let me know it. His love is physical, not emotional. I am not the size 4 I was when he met me. As long as my body looks like he wants it to look, he's into me. If I'm a size 8 or more, he is not at all into me. I have a hard time understanding how he can love me for how I look. Long story short, my first love has popped back into my life. I have tested the waters with him, and I'm in over my head with the way he makes me feel. I haven't slept with him yet, but I have done everything but. I have tested the waters with him, and I'm in over my head with the way he makes me feel. の和訳を教えてください。あと、everything butはどのような意味でしょうか?後に何か省略されているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    A few months ago, my husband uncovered an affair I was having with an old flame. He moved out and initiated divorce proceedings, but in the time since, I was able to convince him that I am truly repentant and to give our marriage another chance for the sake of our children. The problem I have now is that he says that if we are to stay married, he wants it to be an open marriage. I’ve tried to tell him that I’ve gotten that out of my system and I don’t want to be with anybody other than him, but he says there just isn’t any way he can ever trust me again, he doesn’t feel an obligation to be faithful to me anymore, and at least this way we’re being honest about it. ここでのgotten that out of my systemはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします