What Does 'the Conversations Don't Seem to Stick' Mean?

  • The phrase 'the conversations don't seem to stick' means that the speaker's attempts to communicate and make an impact on the other person are not successful.
  • It implies that despite the speaker's efforts to be honest and open in their conversations with their husband's family, the family members do not seem to understand or remember their points.
  • The lack of impact or influence from the conversations is causing frustration and a sense of disconnect in the speaker's relationship with their husband's family.
  • ベストアンサー


My husband's family is full of people who drink too much and then act like fools, slurring their words, stumbling and vomiting. It happens at many gatherings, and it stresses me out. They often pressure me to drink more and/or get drunk. Because I don't do it, I feel ostracized at these gatherings where I'm told I need to loosen up or cheer up by drinking more. No one else in my life thinks I'm uptight. I'm normally very sociable. These days, I avoid those family gatherings as often as possible, but I'm afraid I'm courting more problems by not participating in family activities. My relationship with my husband is fantastic, and he understands and supports me, but I don't feel like his family does. I've tried to be frank with them, but the conversations don't seem to stick. the conversations don't seem to stick.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

the conversations don't seem to stick.はどのような意味でしょうか? ここの stick.は、下記の2自動詞の5「(心に)くっつく」という意味でしょう。もともとこの意味は「(接着剤などで)くっつく」です。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=stick  それから (物が)くっ付く > (物が)離れない > (心から)離れない > 言っても効き目がある > 馬耳東風の反対語 などになります。  (酒は気狂い水よ、と私がいくら口を酸っぱくして)話をしても一向に効き目がない(=馬の耳に念仏な)のです。  





  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I suffer from very severe clinical depression and anxiety disorder. I am under a doctor’s care, but I still have times when these issues overwhelm me. Recently, my life has been more stressful than usual. I have tried to talk to my husband about my depression in the past, but he just tells me that I have a good life and I shouldn’t feel that way. I told him I don’t feel like I can talk to him about what is going on with me because of these responses. He assures me he is my biggest supporter and I can talk to him about anything. This past weekend I told my husband I was feeling very depressed, and his response was to roll his eyes and say, “What’s wrong with you now?” I told him again that these reactions are why I don’t feel like I can actually talk to him. His response was to get angry with me because I refuse to realize how good I have it. how good I have itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の意味を教えてください

    アメリカから来たメールの But it probably won't be a while until I'll get a message and respond to it. の意味を教えていただけないでしょうか。 文法がわからないので意味もよくわからないんです。 区切るところに「/」を入れていただけたら嬉しいです。 この文の前に I don't have my phone anymore and I don't have a cell phone. More or less, the only way you'll be able to contact me is by e-mail. という文があります。

  • 意味を教えてください

    My husband and I are both freelancers in creative fields of work and do well financially. We save a little more now that we’re older and we never want for anything. My husband has always made more money more consistently than I do, and with his salary, we are more than comfortable. I am in a field that pays generously but sporadically. Last night, I picked a fight I probably shouldn’t have—it doesn’t matter what it was about. At one point I said, “My feelings are hurt when you talk to me like this.” And he responded with, “Your feelings don’t matter, because I pay for everything.” I was dumbfounded. We went to bed angry, and, honestly, I’m so shocked these words came out of his mouth that I don’t even think I can look at him. What can I do or say here? Should I just keep my mouth shut? Do I have any ground in which to stand—because, as he said, right now, he is paying for most things. we never want for anythingとDo I have any ground in which to standの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    My best childhood friend married a boy she met through me in high school. I am closer to her but friends with both. He smokes pot. I knew he was hiding it and told him if she asked me outright I wouldn’t lie, but I didn’t see it as my place to “tattle” on him, and I don’t personally think it’s a big deal. I still don’t, except she got busted spending a lot more on a craft hobby than they agreed upon. she got busted spending a lot more on a craft hobby than they agreed uponの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am more of a glass-half-empty kind of woman, so it is difficult for me to express myself otherwise. I always seem to want to talk about the what-ifs and my concerns and my personal outlook on things, which always differs from his. This upsets him very much and usually causes him to lash out at me, saying I need to stop this and start thinking about how it ruins the moment for him. ruins the moment for himとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • acknowledge

    Two decades ago my husband and I merged our families and then had more children together. We were a true Brady Bunch. Fast-forward 20 years. We are now empty nesters. The problem is that my husband's birth children treat me like crap. They don't know when my birthday is and don't acknowledge it. ここでのacknowledgeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I used to be very porn-positive before having children. After giving birth it was like a switch was flipped, and I went from enjoying it to being disgusted by it. So now I just don’t watch it, but it’s bleeding into my feelings about my husband’s relationship with it. It makes me tremble and turns my stomach, and I’m constantly in fear of stumbling upon him while he’s watching it. I know that the problem is mine, that I have to change my own reaction and can’t change his consumption, so how do I begin to do that? it’s bleeding into my feelings about my husband’s relationship with itの和訳を教えてください。あと、ここでのconsumptionはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I found myself extremely upset after reading a friend’s Facebook post recently, in which he admitted to taking a belt to his 2-year-old daughter in the hopes that it’ll teach her to sleep through the night. I find this behavior completely abhorrent. At 2 years old, a child barely knows right from wrong, and if you admit to striking your daughter with an object once, who says you won’t do it again? I’ve since deleted this friend from my Facebook and told my husband (who is also his friend) that I’m refusing to socialize with him. I have two dilemmas now as a result: The first is that my mom is urging me to report him to his local authorities for child abuse. How do I even do this, and am I obligated to? My husband doesn’t want me to because he doesn’t think the authorities will do anything about it, and this guy thinks that what he did was completely acceptable. (He and my husband talked and had to agree to disagree—he told my husband he used a cloth belt and not a leather one, and that’s why it’s OK.) My second dilemma is that this guy is the best friend of my husband’s best friend, and when gatherings are planned, this guy is always invited. I worry that if I’m forced into a social situation with this man, I’m going to tell him exactly what I think, and it won’t be pretty. I also don’t want to make it awkward for my husband and his other friend, and I don’t want to be a witch about things, but this is an absolute zero tolerance for me. it won’t be prettyとwitchはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    My boyfriend loves me, is unfailingly kind, self-identifies as a feminist, and is always interested in and supportive of my academic work. Here’s the weird part: He says “good girl” to me, usually when I’ve done something to take care of myself, like put my glasses on when my eyes are tired, or get to sleep and wake up at a reasonable hour. We live together and I adore him, and honestly, I like the “good girl” thing, at least to some extent. I am an approval-craving person, by nature and even though I don’t need it, I love to be validated. I wouldn’t want him to say it in front of anyone, but I do feel guilty, because liking it makes me feel like I’m some kind of sick, weird throwback or that he is. liking it makes me feel like I’m some kind of sick, weird throwback or that he is. の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Several months ago my family and I pulled into our driveway in my vehicle. We noticed that there were wires pulled down underneath my husband’s vehicle. It turns out that someone cut his brake lines! I was totally freaked out and wanted to call the authorities to make a report. He vehemently refused and said it wouldn’t do any good. He was able to repair the brakes himself and didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to talk about it but didn’t want our kids to hear for fear they may get scared. I asked him repeatedly who could have done this. He said, “Probably neighborhood kids.” I said that neighborhood kids don’t usually try to kill people! He purchased outside motion detector cameras immediately after this incident, and nothing has happened since. My husband is a quiet, mild-mannered guy (who has absolutely NO GAME—I made the first, second, and third moves!). has absolutely NO GAMEはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします