The Spotlight Hog: How a Friend Takes All the Attention

  • In a group of friends, there is always one person who constantly seeks attention and dominates the conversation. This person is commonly known as a 'spotlight hog'.
  • A spotlight hog is someone who consistently makes the conversation about themselves and fails to listen or engage with others. They often interject irrelevant topics that shift the focus back to them, ignoring the needs and interests of others.
  • In the case of this longtime friend, she not only dominates the conversation but also takes charge of the group's activities. While she is generous and kind, she is unyielding when it comes to others' suggestions and preferences. This behavior can be frustrating for the rest of the group who want to have a more inclusive and participatory dynamic.
  • ベストアンサー

spotlight hog

I have a longtime friend, since high school. We’re in our 60s. A group of seven of us from high school get together several times a month. This friend is generous and kind. She hosts or coordinates most of the events. However, she is pretty unyielding when others make suggestions about activities and doesn’t participate. The group frequently communicates in group texts and on Facebook. Whenever there’s a group conversation or a one-on-one conversation, she always brings the conversation around to her. Recently, we were chatting with a friend in the hospital following surgery. The spotlight hog interjected about how her Christmas decorations looked and, as an afterthought, asked the hospitalized friend how she’s doing. The spotlight hog interjecteはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • skydaddy
  • ベストアンサー率51% (388/748)






  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    英語の日本語訳で困っています。誰か教えてください。お願いします。 (1)The writer clearly remembers how she was saved when she was two. (2)The writer's mother always watched her children carefully. (3)The writer's father wasn't at home when the writer had a near-death experience. (4)When the writer fell into the pool, her sister and her friend noticed but ignored her.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    She never looked at him. How could she not see him? He ran through a group of boys, and he fell at her feet. She turned away with her nose in the air. トムソーヤからの一説です。質問は、How could she not see him?の文です。「どうやってみることができなかったのか。」変な訳だと思いますので、解説お願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Sometimes a person‘s whole life can be changed in an instant.Elizabeth Blackwell‘s life changed one afternoon in 1844 when she went to visit a friend who was dying.As Blackwell later described the scene, the dying woman asked her why she did not think of studying medicine, since she was smart and healthy.When Elizabeth reminded her friend that there were no women doctors,the woman sighed and said that if she had been treated by a ‘lady doctor,‘ she might not be dying.At that time, it was not considered proper for women to talk about or know anything about the human body. Elizabeth‘s sick friend had been so ashamed to mention her internal problems to a man that she hid her pain for too long.When she finally sought treatment, it came too late to save her life. Elizabeth couldn‘t get the dying woman‘s suggestion out of her mind. She decided to devote her life to medicine. To earn money for her medical training, Elizabeth took a teaching job in North Carolina.It happened that the principal of the school where she worked was a medical doctor.He had lots of medical books,and Elizabeth  to read them was free when her teaching work was done.She wrote to twentyーnine medical schools asking for admission.Most didn‘t even reply, and the ones that did were very rude.Friends suggested that she dress up as a man to attend medical school, but Elizabeth wanted to be accepted for what she was.A small medical college in NewYork finally said ‘yes.‘ Elizabeth graduated in 1849 at the head of her class,the first woman in the United States to receive a medical degree. 

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・As a child, the writer wanted her mother to be at home rather than her father. ・When the writer entered high school, she started to prepare her own lunch and her father made the lunch bag. ・At high school, the writer did not want her friends to see the napkin because it was too precious to her. ・The writer`s father kept on putting a napkin inside the lunch bag to show his love. ・Because of cancer, the writer`s father wasn`t able to write to her every week.

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    高校英語の和訳 Mary and Jane have been good friends and rivals since childhood.They went to the same high school. Mary always took first place in mathematics and science. Meanwhite, Jane got poor grades in those subjects. Instead,she got all A's in history and language. After high school, Mary attended medical school. Now she is a docter. In contrast,Jane got her law degree; she has just opened her office. In Japan everybody knows both baseball and football(known here as soccer). The modern version of baseball developed in North America in the nineteenth century. On the other hand, the modern version of football originated in public schools in England in the same century. Japan, Cuba, Korea, Taiwan, as well as USA are famous for baseball, However, football is very popular all over the world. 和訳お願いします><

  • grow absent

    I had my daughter about six months ago. In my circle of friends I’m the only to have a baby, so needless to say she gets a lot of attention. One friend in particular seems to be a little obsessed with her, and it kind of freaks me and my husband out. She’s constantly buying things for her, referring to herself as her godmother (she’s not, my sister is, and she knows it). She asks for pictures of her throughout the day to help get her through work, and mentions that while she’s looking for a new job she would never relocate because she wants to be near my daughter. And recently when she comes over, she asks if she can wear her in my baby carrier so people will think she’s her child! I appreciate that she is so supportive of us, and I know most people find their childless friends grow absent once they have a baby, but this is just a little over the top. grow absentはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • neglectful

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  • acknowledge her

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  • 「~時代の」の英訳

    英辞朗に (1)The newlyweds were classmates in junior high school (2) friend from college days (3)fit back into one's old jeans from high school (4)you don't have any of your friends from high school というような例文があります。 ~時代のクラスメート/友人/ジーンズというような時、inであったり、fromであったりするのですが、何か違いがあるのですか。 「大学時代の友達に会った」は I came across with a friend of mine in/from collage. どちらでもよいのですか。 よろしくお願いします。