• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:grow absent)

My Friend's Obsession with My Baby is Going Too Far

  • I had my daughter about six months ago. In my circle of friends I’m the only one to have a baby, so needless to say she gets a lot of attention.
  • One friend in particular seems to be a little obsessed with her, and it kind of freaks me and my husband out. She’s constantly buying things for her, referring to herself as her godmother, and asks for pictures of her throughout the day.
  • Recently, she even asked if she can wear my baby carrier so people will think she’s her child! While I appreciate her support, this obsession is going too far.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 grow absentはどのような意味でしょうか?  いなくなる。  (子供のいない友達は、自分の子供がいない間は周りにいるが、自分の子供ができると)いなくなる、ということでしょう。






  • facets of my appearance

    “Katie” has been my best friend for five years. I have enjoyed being friends with her, but she tends to be overly critical of people she’s close to. For example, she’s criticized facets of my appearance, my decision to date certain guys, and even my choice of program for a postgraduate degree. ここでのfacetsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My father passed away more than 10 years ago rather suddenly. My mother dated a man for a while a few years ago, but she left him because his drinking was out of control. Her friends are all couples that have been married nearly 40 years, and she loves them, but she often feels like a third wheel (or fifth or seventh). My mom is awesome—she’s funny and intelligent and beautiful and has lots of friends and hobbies, but I know she’s missing consistent companionship (i.e. a man-friend). I keep steering her toward online dating, but she won’t bite. Aside from going to weird over-60 bars, what can I do to help her? weird over-60 barsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)      

    またまた英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます。 Tuesday, March 7, 2006    We had lots of sunshine. Hello, Candy. The other day, my friend of mine had a baby, so I went to a shopping mall to buy her some presents. I bought two t-shirts and two pairs of socks for her baby and baby's brother. I feel a complete taste in clothes, so my friend sure be pleased to see them. Don't you think so? Well, I must be going, see you soon. (日本語) 先日、友達に赤ちゃんが生まれたので、プレゼントを買いに行ったの。ティーシャツ2枚と靴下2足を、赤ちゃんとそのお兄ちゃんに買ったわ。われながら洋服のセンスはいいから、彼女きっと気に入ってくれると思う。そう思わない?

  • double down

    Q. Drunk Driving Prevention Ends Friendship: I threw a Halloween party this weekend, and my good friend Alicia came. During the party Alicia drank a lot and became very drunk. Even so, she wanted to drive home at the end of the night. I took her keys and refused to return them to her. I offered to call a cab or a sober friend to drive her home and offered to let her stay in my spare room. Alicia freaked out at me and demanded I return her keys to her. She said she was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. I still refused to give her the keys to her car, so eventually she called another friend to drive her home. The next day Alicia emailed me to demand the return of her car keys—I told her and her friend, when she left, that she could pick up her car as soon as she sobered up—and to tell me our eight-year friendship was over. She accused me of being controlling, disrespectful, crazy, and totally out of line. I am hurt by Alicia’s decision to end our friendship, but I don’t think I did the wrong thing by preventing her from driving drunk. What should I have done? Should I bother reaching out to Alicia and apologizing? A: An apology is owed here: Alicia to you. It would have been nice when she sobered up if she said she appreciated your saving her from killing herself or someone else. Instead she’s doubling down on her right to break the law and endanger the lives of everyone on the road. doubling down on her rightはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • なぜ進行形ではないか

    Two years ago I moved to a beautiful suburb where there is no social life for someone under 40 without kids. I’ve mostly counted on my friends online. My best friend had also been living somewhere where she didn’t have a big social life, and we were both fairly depressed. I felt we were really close, and we talked almost every day online and a couple of times a month on the phone. A month ago she moved to New York City, where she now lives with an old friend and has many other friends nearby. She got a pet she loves and is doing really well in her field, and her depression is improving. I’m really happy for her. But she hasn’t spontaneously contacted me since she moved. I messaged her once, and her replies were monosyllabic. She hasn’t really engaged with me on social media, although she’s been more active than ever. I miss her, and I feel incredibly alone and depressed. I’ve cried for days about this. Our mutual friend thinks she’s just busy, but I suspect she doesn’t have room for me in her life anymore. I tried to be a supportive friend through all her rough times, but she’s basically gone from my life. How do I get over the hurt? Am I just jealous? 最後のところは「今まさにそのような状態」なのでAm I just being jealous?とはならないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • direct

    My best friend lost her fiancé to brain cancer a month ago. He was 28, she’s 27. They had been together eight years and had planned to marry and have kids. We’re all grieving. However, I’m at a loss of how to help or where to direct my friend. direct my friendはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような違いがあるでしょうか

    I'm a college sophomore. Recently, I baby-sat for a friend of a friend who is a few years older and lives in town with her husband and two kids. One was an infant, and the other was a toddler. It was a relatively easy baby-sitting gig; the little one mostly just slept, and the older one, though a bit of a handful at times, was not too much trouble. I watched them for about three hours while the parents went on a date. At the end of the night, the mom and I chatted for a few minutes. Then she said, "Well, it would be tacky to pay you, so I'll just take you to lunch sometime." I felt awkward and said, "Oh, OK. Sure." I wasn't sure what else to say. I got my things and left. It's not as if she and I were friends; this was my first time meeting her. my first time meeting herはmy first time to meet herとは言えないでしょうか?両者はどのような違いがあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします

    少し長めですが、和訳をお願いいたします。 Now, at the end of this virtual visit, I ask the mother if there’s anything else I can do for her today. She says no, she’s set, she just wanted to know if she should bring her baby to the emergency room, and she’s relieved she doesn’t have to. I say great, that she should feel free to call us back if she has any other questions.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother is in her mid-60s and I think she still looks pretty great for her age. However, I’m beginning to suspect that she doesn’t know how to properly deal with her aging skin. It’s the only explanation I can think of for why she’s begun adding more and more dramatic makeup over the past several years. She applies a thick line of black eyeliner under her eyes, well below where most women apply it. She also pastes on thick foundation and uses very dark lipstick. All of this makeup does nothing for her and I think she looks quite beautiful without it. My husband has noticed how heavy her makeup is as well. I would love to buy her a makeover so that maybe an experienced makeup artist could show her how to apply a softer look that works with her skin. But she’s extremely sensitive and I can’t think of a single way to tell her she needs to dial back the makeup without hurting her feelings. Is there a delicate way I can offer to buy her a makeover? buy her a makeoverとdial back the makeupの意味をおしえてください。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Recently, while visiting my friend “Nancy,” I was chatting with her while she put away dishes from the dishwasher. At one point I noticed that she’d left a cupboard door open, so I helpfully closed it. She then turned around with her arms full of plates, for some reason expected the cabinet door to be open, and clumsily dropped some of the dishes. I honestly thought she was done in that cupboard and helped her clean up the mess. she was done in that cupboardとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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