• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。g98)

Expanded Corporate Menu for Outdoor Events



所有格というのは単にその人の持ち物というだけでなく、 特定された一つを表します。 my father なら当たり前ですが、 my friend というと 誰か特定の人を意識しています。 今回も our がついており、 それによって、それ以上限定しようのない、 menu を表していますので、 継続用法がふさわしいのです。 休みの日は家にいるお父さん 日本語でこう言ったとしても英語では継続用法。 限定用法にすると何人もお父さんがいて その中で休みの日は家にいる方のお父さん のようになります。 my がついている時点でそういう限定用法には無理があります。





  • 浴衣の説明文

    浴衣の説明文を頼まれました。 重要なので、文法的に間違っていないかチェックお願いできますか。 Yukata is a casual type of Japanese Kimono, which is made of cotton, with traditional patterns and printings on. People wear it when they go to firework festivals or other outdoor events in the hot summer months. もしこれぐらいの長さでもっと良い説明文を思いついたら、是非教えてください。 お願いします!^^

  • 以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。「~と思って」

    ~と思ってもらって/考えてもらって結構ですという表現なのですが、以下の3例文で表現して頂けないでしょうか? 1瀕死の重傷を負った人の周りにいる人に「彼がこの状態で生きているのは奇跡だと思ってもらって/考えてもらって結構です。」 2「もうこの携帯電話は直らないと思ってもらって/考えてもらって結構です。」 3取引会社に対して「今後あなたとの取引はしないと思って/考えてもらって結構です。」 宜しくお願いします。

  • 以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。 怖がる

    A;Why don't we got to the haunted huse next? B;No I don't. A;Why not? B;To be honest,I'm not good wit it becauseI have a terrible memory of scary things like this. Actually I tried it with my friends once before.We went to a hauntted house like this and as we walked deep inside the building,I got horified at the sight of a bloody woman so much that I wetted my pants. 「~見て(怖くて)驚く」という表現で、horifiedを使用していますがfrightened等たの表し方もあると思うのですが、幽霊など怖いもので驚くと表す場合どの形容詞が良いでしょうか? また、文中で「見て、ものすごく驚いて~」としているのですがここではget horifiedよりbe~/ or feel horifiedとした方が良いでしょうか?いまいちget/be/ feel 過去分詞の形容詞の使い分けがあやふやなので教えて頂ければ幸いです。 そして,have a bad /terible memoryはネイティブには「覚えるのが苦手」という意味で使われる方が多いとの事で「嫌な思い出」っと徒らるのには文脈から判断すると英文サイトで見たのですが、本文では後者を示していますでしょうか? 最後にas we walked~「建物の奥深くに進むにつれ」としているのですが、単に「奥に進むにつれ/先に進むにつれ」と表す簡易な表現も教えて頂け幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。「するから」

    1「ガソリン代払うから車貸してくれない?」 2「この部屋を掃除するから浴室を掃除してくれない?」 ~するからさしてくれない又はしてくれない?このような表現方法を何通りか教えて頂ければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の表現を英語にするとどうなるでしょうか

    100万ユーロの絵が、たったの100ユーロで手に入るチャンスです。 あなたの家の壁に、本物のピカソの絵が飾られる日が来るかもしれません。 という文章を英語で表すと どのような表現になるでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英語表現についてお尋ねします。選ぶ

    1「確かに中国人は汚い言葉を使います。但し原則があります。人を選んで話します!」 これは、中国人が言った外国人の批判に対しての発言場面です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英語表現を教えてください。

    教室などで「~の人はいますか?」というときは、 Is there any one who has a red pen? Are there any one who has a red pen? などの表現でいいのでしょうか? どっちが正しいですか?教えてください。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    'The second verse may describe the condition of the earth on the evening of this first day(for in the Jewish mode of computation used by Moses each day is reckoned from the beginning of one evening to the beginning of another evening). This first evening may be considered as the termination of the indefinite time which followed the primeval creation announced in the first verse, and[may be considered]as the commencement of the first of the six succeeding days in which the earth was to be filled up and peopled in a manner fit the reception of mankind. .We have in this second verse a distinct mention of earth and waters as already existing and involved in darkness ;their condition also is described as a state of confusion and emptiness (tofu bofu), words which are usually interpreted by the vague and indefinite Greek term 'chaos',and which may world. At this intermediate point of time the preceding undefined geological periods had terminated, a new series of events commenced, and the work of the first morning of this new creation was the calling forth of light from a temporary darkness which had overspread the ruins of the ancient earth'.

  • 英語表現について質問です!どなたか以下を上手く表現できないでしょうか?

    英語表現について質問です!どなたか以下を上手く表現できないでしょうか?? 1. 「30分前に着くつもりで行けば丁度いい/殺すぐらいの気で(つもりで)やらないと通用しない" 」  →"~のつもりで" や "~するぐらいの気で" の表現 2. 「あいつは少しでも批判されるとすぐ開き直る」  →"ひらきなおる" の表現 3. 「昨日のパーティーは何やら内輪で盛り上がっていて、俺らは完全にアウェイだったよ」  →"内輪" と "アウェイ" 可能性として複数訳例を挙げてもらえると尚助かります!

  • 英語の問題について

    古い英文学なのですが、この物語の中の父親の人物像について、どのようなものだと書かれていますか? 書かれている部分とその意味を教えてください。 Father made a great point of our getting down to breakfast on time. I meant to be prompt, but it never occurred to me that I had better try to be early. My idea was to slide into the room at the last moment. Consequently, I often was late. My brothers were often late, too, with the exception of George. He was the only thoroughly reliable son Father had. George got down so early, Father pointed out to me, that he even had time to practise a few minutes on the piano. The reason George was so prompt was that he was in a hurry to see the sporting page before Father got hold of the newspaper, and the reason he then played the piano was to signal to the rest of us, as we dressed, which team had won yesterday’s ball game. He had made up a code for this purpose, and we leaned over the banisters, pulling on our stockings and shoes, to hear him announce the results. I don’t remember now what the titles were of the airs he selected, but the general idea was that if he played a gay, lively air it meant that the Giants had won, and when the strains of a dirge or lament floated up to us, it meant that Pop Anson had beaten them. As Father didn’t approve of professional baseball, we said nothing to him about this arrangement. He led his life and we led ours, under his nose. He took the newspaper away from George the moment he entered the room, and George said good morning to him and stepped innocently into the parlour. Then, while Father watched him through the broad doorway and looked over the political headlines, George banged out the baseball news for us on the piano. Father used to admonish him with a chuckle not to thump it so hard, but George felt that he had to. We were at the top of the house, and he wanted to be sure that we’d hear him even if we were brushing our teeth. George always was thorough about things. He not only thumped the piano as hard as he could but he hammered out the tune over and over besides, while Father impatiently muttered to himself, “Trop de zèle.” Upstairs, there was usually some discussion as to what kind of news George was sending. He had not been allowed to learn popular tunes, which it would have been easy for us to recognize, and the few classic selections which were available in his little music-book sounded pretty much alike at a distance. George rendered these with plenty of goodwill and muscle but not a great deal of sympathy. He regarded some of the rules of piano-playing as needlessly complicated. The fact remained that he was the one boy who was always on time, and Father was so pleased by this that he bought a watch for him with “George Parmly Day, Always on Time” engraved on the back. He told me that as I was the eldest he had meant to give me a watch first, and he showed me the one he had bought for me. It was just like George’s except that nothing had been engraved on it yet. Father explained that to his regret he would have to put it away for a while, until I had earned it by getting down early to breakfast. Time went on, without much improvement on my part. Dawdling had got to be a habit with me. Sometimes my lateness was serious. One morning, when breakfast was half over and I had nothing on but a pair of long woollen drawers, Father called up from the front hall, napkin in hand, that he wouldn’t stand it and that I was to come down that instant. When I shouted indignantly that I wasn’t dressed yet, he said he didn’t care. “Come down just as you are, confound it!” he roared. I was tempted to take him at his word, but thought there might be some catch in it and wouldn’t, though I hurried, of course, all I could. Father ate his usual hearty breakfast in a stormy mood, and I ate my usual hearty breakfast in a guilty and nervous one. Come what might, we always ate heartily. I sometimes wished afterward that I hadn’t, but it never seemed to hurt Father.