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The Battle of Hill 70: A Crucial Canadian Victory

  • On August 15, the Canadian forces launched an assault on Hill 70 and the suburbs of Cité St. Édouard, St. Laurent, and St. Émile.
  • With the support of artillery and strategic maneuvers, the Canadian divisions quickly overwhelmed the German defenses, reaching their objectives within twenty minutes.
  • The battle proved to be a crucial victory for the Canadian forces, as they successfully captured and held Hill 70, consolidating their position at the intermediate objective line.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10023/12546)

>The 1st Canadian Division's 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade would attack north of Hill 70 while the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade would attack the summit. The 2nd Canadian Division's 4th and 5th Canadian Infantry Brigades would attack the rubble remains of the suburbs of Cité St. Édouard, St. Laurent and St. Émile directly south of Hill 70. The assault began at 4:25 a.m. on the morning of 15 August, just as dawn was breaking. ⇒カナダ軍第1師団の第3歩兵旅団が70番ヒルの北側を攻撃し、その間にカナダ第2歩兵旅団が頂上を攻撃する。カナダ第2師団の第4、第5歩兵旅団は、直接70番ヒルの南側でシテ・サン・エドワール、サン・ローランおよびサン・エミール郊外の瓦礫残骸(地域)を攻撃することとなった。攻撃は、8月15日の朝午前4時25分、ちょうど夜が明けかかった時に始まった。 >Special companies of the Royal Engineers fired drums of burning oil into the suburb of Cité St. Élisabeth and at other selected targets to supplement the artillery creeping barrage and build up a smoke-screen. Divisional field artillery positions executed a creeping barrage directly in advance of the assaulting troops while field howitzers shelled German positions 400 m (440 yd) in advance of the creeping barrage and heavy howitzers shelled all other known German strong-points. ⇒英国陸軍工兵隊の特任中隊は、燃える油のドラム缶をシテ・サン・エリザベスの郊外に打ち込み、別の標的を選んで纏いつく集中砲火を補い、煙幕を立ちのぼらせた。師団の野戦砲兵隊陣地からは襲撃隊の進軍に先立って直接纏いつく集中砲火を実行するが、一方その纏いつく集中砲火の前に野戦榴弾砲隊がドイツ軍陣地400m(440ヤード)を砲撃し、大型榴弾砲隊が他の全ての既知のドイツ軍の強化地点を砲撃した。 >Artillery Forward Observation Officers moved forward with the infantry and artillery observation aircraft flew overhead and sent 240 calls for artillery fire by wireless. The Germans had moved up their reserve units on the previous night in anticipation of an attack and the main assembly of Canadian troops was detected by 3:00 a.m. and within three minutes of the attack commencing, the German artillery brought down defensive fire at widely scattered points. The affected forward positions of the German 7th Division and 11th Reserve Division were quickly overwhelmed. ⇒「砲兵隊先導観察将校団」は、歩兵連隊とともに前進して、砲兵隊観察航空隊が頭上を飛んで、無線によって大砲砲火の240番要請を送信した。ドイツ軍は、攻撃を予想して前夜に彼らの予備部隊を前線へ送り出していた。そして、カナダ軍隊の主要な集結が午前3時までに見破られた。それで、攻撃開始の3分以内に、ドイツ軍砲兵隊は防御のための砲火地点を広域に散らした。(しかし)ドイツ軍の第7師団と第11予備師団の被弾した前線基地は、速やかに蹂躙された。 >Within twenty minutes of the attack beginning, both Canadian divisions had reached their first objective. By 6:00 a.m. the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade had reached the second objective line, while units of the three other brigades had in some cases already reached their final objective. Only the flanking companies of the two battalions attacking Hill 70 managed to reach their objectives. The remainder of the both units were forced to retreat up the slope and consolidate their position at the intermediate objective line. ⇒攻撃開始の20分以内に、両方のカナダ軍師団が、彼らの最初の標的に到達した。午前6時までには、カナダ第2歩兵旅団が第2標的の戦線に到達し、一方他の3個旅団の部隊のうちには最終標的に到達したものもあった。70番ヒルを攻撃している2個大隊のうち側面を接している数個中隊だけは、何とか彼らの標的に達することができた。残りの両方の部隊は、斜面の上に撤退して、標的戦線への中間で陣地を強化することを余儀なくされた。



