• ベストアンサー


VIII Corps and II Corps conducted a larger operation on the night of 1/2 December and the British tried to cross the danger zone without artillery support to forestall the German artillery. Because of the moonlight, the infantry had to form up well behind their outpost line and many of the troops got stuck in the mud and some were caught by German machine-gun fire. The slow advance left some troops in the German barrage zone when the German artillery opened fire a minute after the start of the British barrage but the German outpost zone was overrun and the main line of defence breached at one point. After a local truce to recover wounded, a German counter-attack forced the 32nd Division back to the start line and the 8th Division dug-in about 100 yards (91 m) forward on the left and 200 yards (180 m) on the right. More British attacks were easily stopped by the Germans and at 4:10 p.m. a German counter-attack was easily repulsed by the British. The attack failed to gain much ground but the German 25th Division had to be relieved on 3 December. On 3 December, two battalions of the New Zealand Division attacked the Polderhoek Spur to shield the area north of the Reutelbeek stream from German observers at Gheluvelt further south. The attack was made in daylight as a ruse, in the hope that the unusual time would surprise the German defenders, who would be under cover sheltering from the bombardments being fired at the same time each day. The ruse failed, some British artillery-fire dropped short on the New Zealanders, the Germans engaged the attackers with small-arms fire from Polderhoek Spur and Gheluvelt ridge and winds ruined a smoke screen. The New Zealanders suffered many casualties and were forced under cover 150 yards (140 m) short of the first objective; another attempt after dark was cancelled because of the full moon and sight of German reinforcements reaching Polderhoek Château. German counter-attacks were repulsed over the next few days and the New Zealanders handed over to troops of IX Corps. The Germans used an observation balloon accurately to direct artillery-fire and on 14 December, the ground was re-captured by a German counter-attack.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10024/12548)

>VIII Corps and II Corps conducted a larger operation on the night of 1/2 December and the British tried to cross the danger zone without artillery support to forestall the German artillery. Because of the moonlight, the infantry had to form up well behind their outpost line and many of the troops got stuck in the mud and some were caught by German machine-gun fire. The slow advance left some troops in the German barrage zone when the German artillery opened fire a minute after the start of the British barrage but the German outpost zone was overrun and the main line of defence breached at one point. ⇒第VIII軍団と第II軍団は12月1/2日の夜に、より大きな作戦行動を行い、英国軍はドイツ軍砲兵隊に前もって対処するために砲兵隊の支持なしで危険地帯を横断しようとした。月光(だけ)のため、歩兵連隊は彼らの最先端列の後に整列行進しなければならなかったが、軍隊の多くが泥にはまったり、ドイツ軍の機関銃砲火に見舞われたりする者もあった。遅い前進のせいで、一部の軍隊がドイツ軍の集中砲火地帯に残された。そのころの、英国軍の集中砲火開始の1分後にドイツ軍砲兵隊が銃撃したが、ドイツ軍の最先端地帯は蹂躙されて、防御本線の1地点が突破された。 >After a local truce to recover wounded, a German counter-attack forced the 32nd Division back to the start line and the 8th Division dug-in about 100 yards (91 m) forward on the left and 200 yards (180 m) on the right. More British attacks were easily stopped by the Germans and at 4:10 p.m. a German counter-attack was easily repulsed by the British. The attack failed to gain much ground but the German 25th Division had to be relieved on 3 December. ⇒負傷者の回復のための局地的休戦の後、ドイツ軍の反撃によって第32師団はスタート線に押し戻され、第8師団の左翼は100ヤード(91m)前方で、右翼は200ヤード(180m)前方でそれぞれ塹壕にこもった。それ以上の英国軍の攻撃はドイツ軍によって簡単に食い止められたが、午後4時10分のドイツ軍の反撃も英国軍によって簡単に撃退された。この攻撃で、多くの地面を得ることはできなかったが、ドイツ軍第25師団は、12月3日に救援を求めなければならないことになった。 >On 3 December, two battalions of the New Zealand Division attacked the Polderhoek Spur to shield the area north of the Reutelbeek stream from German observers at Gheluvelt further south. The attack was made in daylight as a ruse, in the hope that the unusual time would surprise the German defenders, who would be under cover sheltering from the bombardments being fired at the same time each day. The ruse failed, some British artillery-fire dropped short on the New Zealanders, the Germans engaged the attackers with small-arms fire from Polderhoek Spur and Gheluvelt ridge and winds ruined a smoke screen. ⇒12月3日に、ニュージーランド軍師団の2個大隊が、更に南のゲルヴェルトのドイツ軍監視隊からリューテルベーク川の北地域を保護するために、ポルダーホーク山脚を攻撃した。攻撃は、変わった時間でドイツ軍守備隊を急襲できることを望んで、計略として昼間になされたが、彼らは毎日同時刻に砲火される爆撃を避けて避難壕に隠れていたようであった。計略は失敗し、英国軍の大砲の射程が不足してニュージーランド兵の頭上に着弾するものもあった。そして、ドイツ軍は小火器をもって攻撃者と交戦した。ポルダーホーク山脚やゲルヴェルト峰から発砲して、風が煙幕を吹き払った。 >The New Zealanders suffered many casualties and were forced under cover 150 yards (140 m) short of the first objective; another attempt after dark was cancelled because of the full moon and sight of German reinforcements reaching Polderhoek Château. German counter-attacks were repulsed over the next few days and the New Zealanders handed over to troops of IX Corps. The Germans used an observation balloon accurately to direct artillery-fire and on 14 December, the ground was re-captured by a German counter-attack. ⇒ニュージーランド兵は多くの犠牲者を被って、最初の標的まで150ヤード(140m)足りないところで隠れることを余儀なくされていた。日暮後のもう一つの試みは中止されたが、それは満月のためとポルダーホーク城に着くドイツ増援隊が視認されたためであった。数日間にわたったドイツ軍の反撃は撃退され、ニュージーランド兵は第IX軍団の軍隊に手渡された。ドイツ軍は大砲砲火を正確に指示するために観測気球を利用するなどして、12月14日に、この地面はドイツ軍の反撃によって奪還された。



