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German work on the Siegfriedstellung/Hindenburg Line continued
- German work on the Siegfriedstellung/Hindenburg Line continued but the first line, built along reverse-slopes was complete and from which flanking-fire could be brought to bear on any attack.
- The British Fourth Army was unable to assist the French with an attack, due to a lack of divisions after transfers north to the British Third Army but was able to assist with artillery-fire from the north and kept a cavalry division in readiness to join a pursuit.
- On 13 April at 5:00 a.m., XIII Corps attacked with two divisions; the 26th Division on the right took the German first line and then defeated two German counter-attacks but the 25th Division on the left was repulsed almost immediately by uncut wire and machine-gun fire, despite French field artillery being advanced into no man's land at the last minute to cut the wire. Casualties in the thirteen attacking battalions were severe.
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>German work on the Siegfriedstellung/Hindenburg Line continued but the first line, built along reverse-slopes was complete and from which flanking-fire could be brought to bear on any attack. Concrete machine-gun emplacements proved immune to all but the heaviest and most accurate howitzer-fire and the main position was protected by an observation line along the crest in front, which commanded no man's land, which was 800–1,200 yards (730–1,100 m) deep. ⇒ジークフリート陣地/ヒンデンブルク戦線でのドイツ軍の作業は第1戦線以外を続け、いかなる攻撃にも耐えられる側面発射のできる逆傾斜沿いの建造が完了した。コンクリートの機関銃砲床は、最も激しく最も正確な榴弾砲火以外なら使用に耐えられることが分かった。そして主要陣地は、奥行き800–1,200ヤード(730–1,100m)の中間地帯を見渡せる前線の頂上に沿った観察線で保護されていた。 >The British Fourth Army was unable to assist the French with an attack, due to a lack of divisions after transfers north to the British Third Army but was able to assist with artillery-fire from the north and kept a cavalry division in readiness to join a pursuit. The French artillery had been reduced to c. 250 guns by transfers south to GAR, which was insufficient to bombard the German defences and conduct counter-batter fire simultaneously. ⇒英国第4方面軍は、数個師団を英国第3方面軍へ移籍した後で、師団数の不足によってフランス軍を援助することができなかったが、北からの大砲砲火によって援助することはできたし、騎兵隊師団を(敵軍の)追跡に加えるための準備は整えていた。フランス砲兵隊は、銃砲をGARに移譲して250門に減少したので、ドイツ防衛軍に対する攻撃と反放火砲撃とを同時に行うには不十分であった。 >On 13 April at 5:00 a.m., XIII Corps attacked with two divisions; the 26th Division on the right took the German first line and then defeated two German counter-attacks but the 25th Division on the left was repulsed almost immediately by uncut wire and machine-gun fire, despite French field artillery being advanced into no man's land at the last minute to cut the wire. Casualties in the thirteen attacking battalions were severe. ⇒4月13日午前5時に、第XIII軍団が2個師団をもって攻撃し、右翼の第26師団はドイツ軍の第1戦線を奪取してそれからドイツ軍の2回の反撃を破ったが、左翼の第25師団は、鉄線切断のためにフランス野戦砲兵隊が中間地帯にぎりぎり進軍したにもかかわらず、未切断の鉄線と機関銃砲火によってほとんど直ちに撃退された。第13攻撃大隊の犠牲者は甚大であった。