• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:上手く翻訳できないので訂正箇所を直してください!)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9784/12191)

以下のとおりお答えします。(大筋は捉えて訳されていると思います。) >He doesn't have a habitual cough, nor does he cough as a mannerism, but when he coughs it’s a spasmodic clumsy gagging (→gaggling) cough. The kind of cough that sometimes is called smokers (→smoker's) cough,. though I cannot tell if he smokes. >彼は習慣性の咳はしません、そして、彼は特徴として咳をしません、ほんの彼が咳をするとき、それは発作的でぎこちない咳です。(gaggingの訳がさる ぐつわだったので訳に困ってます) 喫煙者と時々呼ばれている一種の咳は、咳をします。(?)しかし、私は、彼が煙草を吸うかどうかわかりません。 ★he cough as a mannerism:「癖として咳をする」とは、「咳をする癖がある」。 ★gagging:gaggling「ガァガァいう」の誤植と思います。 ⇒彼は習慣的に咳をするわけでも、咳をする癖があるわけでもありませんが、彼が咳をするときのそれは発作的で、ぎこちないガァガァ咳です。時に喫煙者の咳と呼ばれるような類の咳です。ただし、私は彼が煙草を吸うかどうかはわかりません。 >He coughs more or worse at night than in the mornings. His laughter is of two sorts, one like a guffawing laugh, short and loud, but then becoming soundless or snickering, this is genuine, the other laughter that punctuates his speak is a quacking laugh like a duck. >彼は、夜より、または、朝にひどく咳をします。 彼の笑いは2種類です ― 高笑いするように1人で笑って ― 短くて、大きい、だが、音がしないか、くすくす笑っているのは、本物です、彼の話を中断する他の笑いはカモのようなガーガー鳴いている笑いです。 ★He coughs more or worse at night than in the mornings.:「朝より夜の方が(頻繁に、あるいは、ひどい咳をする)」。(お訳では、「朝」と「夜」が逆ですね)。 ⇒彼は、朝より夜の方が頻繁に、あるいは、ひどい咳をします。彼の笑いは2種類あって、1つは、高笑いのように、大声の短い笑いですが、それから音のしないような、くすくす笑いになります。これは、本心からの笑いですが、もう1つは、談話の途中の笑いで、カモがガーガーいうような笑いです。 >Quack, Quack, Quack, and has less humour in it.. More it is a signal that he is speaking lightly or taking what is said lightly. His breathing seems to come from the stomach, and occasionally he seems short of breath. >クワッ、クワッ、クワッ、そして、その中でより少ないユーモアを持っています.. より、彼が軽く話しているか、軽く言われた内容をしていることは、信号です。彼の呼吸は胃から来るようです、そして、時折、彼は息切れするようです。 ★taking what is said lightly:「言われることを軽く取って」とは、「(彼の)言うこと(内容)を軽く受け止めて」。 ⇒ガー、ガー、ガー(と笑いますが)、その中にユーモアはほとんどありません…。というより、それは彼が軽いノリで話していることか、言うこと(内容)を軽く受け止めていることを表わす印です。彼の息はお腹から出て来るようで、時折、息切れするように見えます。



自分で試行錯誤しながらしたのですが、難しいですね( ;∀;) すっきりと文章を直していただいてありがとうございました。


  • 日本語に訳してください。

    分割した文章の後半部分です。 宜しくお願いします。 As though when he speaks he is left thinking aloud wordlessly, or has abruptly run out of breath, and is left, pausing to think what to say next. Yet he is never too short of words. He gets the wrong words sometimes, or seems to say silly things. There is a wavering tiredness behind his tone, or a lack of robustness of voice, that makes it sink away. He may smile and laugh constantly in conversation, but the laughter can be empty or hollow. Like a habit or like something politely expected a faint attempt at a more jovial nature than he feels, but not wholeheartedly felt. He has genial manners, But is sometimes a person who will let others speak or talk for him, while he sits silent.. This doesn’t mean there is something false or put on about him, just that his mannerisms of speech and sounds are from habit as much as from spontaneity. He has a reasonably good singing voice.

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    どなたか翻訳をしていただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 He is patient, dedicated, methodical in all he does. Very excellent in his work and ways, and will gain renown in his own field of life Likes to feel he has a purpose He has strong forebodings which do not materialize. However he does seem ambitious to advance himself, to get a better life, or to become free of difficulties. He is interested in the attaining of intellectual knowledge and while he uses it to help others he is idle or impractical or unassertive in using it to help himself, and advances very little in life, He could be parasitic, wasteful or carried by others. For he doesn’t seem to get personal power or position despite his high intelligence. Ends up doing what others want him to, or else evading and shipping out. He has a sense of duty but doesn't like responsibility. A passive dreamy nature. He is a clever and spiritual man. He is sympathetic and imaginative. Kind and generous. But escapist, never satisfied with life and prefers to retreat or escape from the realities of it in one way or another. Thus he has a weak side to his character that may need strengthening if he is to make the most of his opportunities in life. He is mildly mediumistic and may be interested in psychic and occult subjects. An uncommon person, spiritually inclined, mystical and yet well accepted.

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I almost laugh at the convolutions of it all. Alone in a room, trying not to laugh, not allowing myself to think of the girl showering just behind the wall, filling my head with her casually piled suitcases instead. Mad Alex, Jamie would have said.(前回の終わりの部分です) I like him the moment I see him: the way he is staring at the distance, the way he is alone in the garden, the way his face seems to be looking out and at the same time lost in something inside him. Physically we are quite different. Jamie is a year older than me, and taller. While I have my father’s straight fair hair, Jamie’s hair is dark and a little wavy. He is shaped differently, too: where I am rather stocky, he is slender, and he is never as clumsy or awkward as I am. Even before he sees me, and speaks to me, I like him. In my childhood, all is confusion for a time, and then out of this confusion I begin to make sense of my world. Jamie helps me with this, sees things I don’t, asks the questions I can’t, until between us – eventually – we manage to piece together the whole picture. The focus shifts and sharpens and sense and understanding happen. But most of that is still to come. I am six, and Jamie’s parents move into the house at the other end of the row from ours. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。(この英文は回想シーンだと思われます) the way he is staring at the distance, the way he is alone in the garden, the way his face seems to be looking out and at the same time lost in something inside him.の個所は、the way~のフレーズが続きますが、 the way he is staring at the distance(彼が彼方を凝視している仕方?)とthe way his face seems to be looking out のbe looking out の部分が進行形になっているのはなぜなのでしょうか? the way his face seems to be looking out and at the same time lost in something inside him・・・・・彼の顔が外を見ているようで、同時に何か彼の内に夢中になっているように見える仕方(様子)? lostは形容詞ですか? he is never as clumsy or awkward as I amの、clumsyとawkwardの違いがよくわかりません。どちらも不器用な、というような意味だと思うのですが、どういう違いがあって二つの単語をわざわざ使っているのでしょうか? Even before he sees me, and speaks to me, I like him. 彼が私に会う前、そして私に会う前でさえ、私は彼が好きです?ちょっと意味が掴みにくいのですが、どういう事を言っているのでしょうか? Jamie helps me with this, sees things I don’t, asks the questions I can’t, until between us – eventually – we manage to piece together the whole picture. のuntil between us はどう訳すのでしょうか?私たちの間になるまで?? we manage to piece together the whole picture.私たちはなんとかすべての絵をつなぎ合わせます?とは、どうことを言っているのでしょうか?なんとなく、見た世界のものを理解していく、というような感じでしょうか? But most of that is still to come.について、still to comeで、まだ来ない、という意味になるのでしょうか?否定形になる? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    But what about Stockton? How is he doing? Well, his chances of becoming a detector dog look very good. He is progressing faster than some of the other dogs at the training center. He also seems to have the right kind of nature and character since he is a meek, or gentle,dog. Heldt explains why the beagle may be doing so well: “His demeanor is really meek; he just rolls along kind of like a tortoise.” According to Heldt, Stockton is also good at his job because he is so calm and he likes what he is doing. “Nothing fazes him,”says Heldt, “He loves working. It's a game to him, which is really important.” As stockton finishes a training exercise in which he has performed particularky well, Heldt picks stockton up into his arms and continues to encourage him. “Good job! Good job, very good!”he says as he rubs the dog's head and smiles. When the two partners are working together, it is easy to see that it is not only stockton who loves his work! 訳してみてもあまりうまく訳せなかったのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳を宜しくお願いします。 He has the ability to rise from the ashes of the past and makes use of the hard times in the strength of his character. He is loyal and faithfulness. H is capable of great devotion, whether it is to love, or to some enduring interest, cause, faith or lifework. He has the subconscious desire to build up in his life the things he feels were missing in his childhood. Thus if he had a poor childhood and a grim home, he will build wealth and luxury into his house. If he was lonely, he will seek to populate his life with acquaintances and call them friends. This, underlying desire to have what he never had in childhood and this will dictate many of his unconscious motives though he cannot see it. He is intuitive, with a need to express his feelings to someone special. If he allows his intuition to guide him he can do well. Works best under stress, or demand, when he doesn’t have time to think or plan, as his impulsive and quick intuitive decisions are better than his carefully thought out ones. t H His weakness is he allows unrealistic dreams to blunt his perception of the reality he faces.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下の英文を翻訳お願いしたいです。 His body movements are always angular, just a little stiff, or restrained looking. He makes very few gestures, but jerks the hands the head, the arms when he makes a gesture, always angular motion. There is no excess nervous energy or unnecessary movements. He doesn’t see fit to fidget, When he remains still for example, he is absolutely statuesquely. Not a languid wilting stillness. More a poised placid and dramatic strong stillness,. His postures are often effectuated or like one acting a part in a play. He likes to sit on the edge of his chair and lean or bend forwards, his arms on his knees when paying attention. Though when he relaxes he slumps back and downward in his seat, yet even his slump looks effectuated, dramatic, and a kind of glazed trance like look sinks over him like a blanket and he becomes lost in a haze of thought. A kind of beatitude passers over him, and he seems as if to have two existences, conscious of two states.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 One of the things that can be important in a relationship are the kind of hobby and social life that the other person is used to and likes. If he is a stay at home character, contented to potter round the house in his free time, or if he is wild extravagant and always socializing and wants an independent life outside the relationship to do so. If he will shut you out of his leisure. Or if you’ll socialize and become in involved in thing together as a couple. These things can be important within the structure of a relationship and can help draw the bond closer, or change it. So this is what I will come to now.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下の文章を訳していただける方、お願いします He is a person who is not easily discouraged or deterred. He can disregard the insults and unpleasantness or plane spoken ness and arrogance of others, if it is to his purpose to do so. He may seem easy going and tolerant an to make enemies into friends but he is not, it is a superficial mask, a tool he uses to advance him self or serve his own purpose.

  • 英文の翻訳

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 まだ少し身体の説明が出てくるのかもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His arms are lean with muscles like snakes, sinewy and flexible. Any scars get old and harden into the flesh. He has long muscular legs that look athletic. His waist is trim, with a small sagging abdomen. He can be entertaining. He is flamboyant and self confident. Gregarious and humorous. and self important, a little unpredictable.. This is the qualities that show in his manner and way of dealing with other people. They may be like a mask he wears. Some people will like him, some wont. He seems to come alive at night, and gain energy. He tends to collect fluid in the body as he gets tired, or as the day winds on, so at night. or if he has not rested he might begin to get a hint of baggy or puffy eyelids, and the ankles and abdomen will be thicker. This excess fluid clears when he is rested.

  • 長文の翻訳

    どなたか翻訳お願いします。長いです。すみません。 He will be of medium height with a Large good frame and sturdy structure. Not tall but much hidden force of personality seems to exude from him. His head is large, and the back of his head is round slightly elongated or bullet shaped or like a coconut on its side. The cerebellum being prominent. He has firm sturdy shoulders, and his head and neck are sometimes held stiffly forwards at a slight angle from the body. His manner is polite, but firm. Not exactly pushy but he doesn't back down. Proud and confident in himself, and a serious, a gentle no nonsense manner. A man whose face and gaze looks ethereal, refined Like someone from better roots or stock than those around him.