• 締切済み


"The dollar shrugged off early modest losses in holiday-thinned Asian trading on Monday, while solid European inflation data underpinned the euro." early modest losses holiday-thinned の意味がわからないので、文章の意味がわかりません(>_<)


  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

early modest losses earlyは、ここには書かれていない、何かの期間の初期かある出来事の後の早い時期と言う意味でしょう。modestは、日本語訳すると「適切な」「適当な」とすることが多いですが、他にも「控えめな」「わずかな」「少量の」と言う意味でも結構使えます。losses は、ここではドルの話をしているようなので、為替のことと思います。そうすると、円やユーロに対する値下がりでしょう。つまり、 The dollar shrugged off early modest losses は、「ドルは当初見られたわずかな為替安の状態を脱した」。 holiday-thinned は、その後Asian trading on Mondayとあるので、この時期日本だけでなくアジアの国で休みに入るところが多いことを考えると、thinnedは「弱まる」「薄まる」とあわせて、 「月曜日にアジアの取引が休日の影響で少なくなる中で」と言う意味でしょう。 質問のどちらの言葉も、単語だけ訳そうとしても無理があって、文全体でどう言うテーマで何を言いたいかとあわせて判断する必要があリマス。 ついでに全文訳すと、 「月曜日にアジアの取引が休日の影響で少なくなる中、ヨーロッパのインフレを示す確かなデータがユーロを下支えする状にあって、ドルは初期の少しの為替安の状態を脱した。」



  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    先日ガーディアン誌の過去の記事をチェックしていた時に、解らない単語がありました。 それは"City bonus"と言う単語なのですが、どなたかこの単語の意味をご存知でしたら是非教えてください。 ちなみに、この単語が含まれていた前後の文章は “Consumers tightened their belts in the face of job losses, pay cuts or freezes and sharply reduced City bonuses. The figures showed employees' compensation falling by 1.1% in the quarter, the largest fall since records began in 1955. Wages and salaries declined, with lower bonus payments in the financial sector than normal, while employment also fell” です。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章です。 It is, of course, true that the emancipation of Asia and Africa and the development of the European crisis went hand in hand. Among the factors which facilitated the rise of independence movements in Asia and Africa, we must include the weakening of the grip of the European powers, Iargely as a consequence of their own discords and rivalries and of the wastage of resources in which their wars resulted. From the time of the First World War the incipient nationalist movements in the non-European world profited and the sudden collapse of the European empires after 1947 was to a large extent a consequence of external pressures and of the impact of world politics. In Asia neither the British nor the French nor the Dutch ever recovered from the blows inflicted by japan between 1941 and 1945; while in Africa and the Middle East they were checked and forced into retreat by pressures from the United States-acting directly and through the United Nations-which had a strong anti-colonial tradition of its own and was unwilling to stand aside while colonialism drove the peoples of Asia and Africa over to the side of the Soviet Union. Nationalism came to Asia a century later than it came to Europe and to black Africa fifty years later than to Asia. Two external events in the early years of the twentieth century were a powerful stimulus in its rise. The first was the victory of Japan over Russia in the war of 1904-5ー a victory hailed by dependent peoples everywhere as a blow to European ascendancy and proof that European arms were not invincible. Its impact was redoubled when, ten years later,the Japanese defeated the Germans in Shantung; and the successful campaigns of Kemal Ataturk against France in 1920 and Greece in 1922 were greeted in the same way as Asian victories over western military power. The second event was the Russian revolution of 1905ーa revolution which produced scarcely an echo in Europe but which, seen as a struggle for liberation from despotism, had an electrifying effect throughout Asia. The wave of unrest extended as far as Vietnam, and its impact, in sparking off the Persian revolution of 1906, the Turkish revolution of 1908 and the Chinese revolution of 1911, and in the new impetus it gave to the Indian Congress movement in 1907, was such that its consequences in Asia have been compared with those of the French revolution of 1789 in Europe.

  • 英文の下線部分に入る英単語なのですが

    1.________to the left, you will find the office of the Net Audio Company next to the New Port Hotel. (A)Turn (B)Turns (C)Turning (D)Turned 2.Inflation_______high, many people are worried about the increase in the price of gas during the holiday season. (A)being (B)is (C)are (D)has 3.________we believe in the quality of our products, all of our merchandise is completely guaranteed. (A)Although (B)Because (C)If (D)While 4.The research found__________demand for frozen food products differed considerably from season to season. (A)when (B)which (C)that (D)while という問題があるのですが、実線部分に入るものは 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C で合っていますか?

  • NHK WORLD Central Banks

    Six central banks from Europe, North America and Japan have agreed to take steps to secure an ample supply of currencies, including US dollars and euros, for financial markets. The coordinated measures aim to help financial institutes raise dollar and euro funds smoothly amid the European credit crisis. The Bank of Japan, the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada and the Swiss National Bank on Wednesday announced plans to take additional measures to stabilize financial markets. The central banks will borrow dollars from the US Fed to allow banks to secure dollar liquidity at low interest rates. They will also be able to secure other currencies including euros, British pounds and Japanese yen should the need arise. 分からないのは最後の文です。 should the need arise の部分、shouldはなんでしょう? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文で出品説明をしたいのですが・・・

    こんにちは、いつも困った時にお世話になっています。 オークションなどで、説明文を載せたいと思うのですが、 文章がこれで説明できるかが不安です。 お忙しいところ、申し訳ございませんが・・・ アドバイス頂けたら幸いです。 もう少し良い表現がありましたらお願いいたしますm(__)m。 ■和文■ タイトル ・オラウータンの赤ちゃん人形。   彼は、モデルを使用しないポリマークレイを彫刻しました。 テディベアと同様に手足は、ジョイントで動く。 ニットの帽子・靴下がセットされている。 コンディション・新しいもの。 サイズ・8インチ 一点もの・型をつかわない。 見てくれてありがとう。 私は、日本で暮らします。 英語の勉学を常に始めたこと。 質問にはしばらくの間時間かかります..心に留めておいて置いてください。 質問はオークションおよび初期の時に望まれます。 ■英文■ ===Pongo pygmaeus Baby Doll.==== He sculptured the poly marklei which does not use a model. Hand and foot run by joint like a teddy bear. The hat and socks of knitting are set. Condition: New Size : 8 inches. OOAK : One of a Kind. Ships to: Worldwide Thank you for seeing. I live in Japan. Always having begun English study. A question takes time for a while.. Please keep in mind and place. A question is desired at an auction and early time. shipping cost-------------------- United States, Canada, Australia EMS(with Insurance 4days-7days) US$15.00 European Countries EMS(with Insurance 4days-7days) US$18.00 Asian Countries EMS(with Insurance 2days-7days) US$11.00 Payment------------------------ Paypal only

  • in order toについて

    The dollar dropped enough last week, so in order for it to slip further, players need new trading factors, such as another sharp drop in stock prices. そのまま通り過ぎてしまいそうなところなのですが、このin order for…to~を目的として訳すとどうも変です。 まともにやると ドルが更に下落するために新しい要素を必要とする。 となりますし、 ドルが更に下落させるには新しい要素を必要とする。 ドルが更に下落するには新しい要素を必要とする。 ドルの更なる下落には新しい要素を必要とする。 というのも「目的」という本来の意味をぼかした逃げの翻訳という気がします。

  • “In demanding times of significant market correction

    “In demanding times of significant market correction and turbulences, it is the responsibility of the central bank to solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility in already highly volatile markets,” Mr. Trichet told the European parliament, according to Reuters. 1)to solidly anchor inflation expectations これが代不定詞it is the responsibilityの内容で、 to avoid additional volatility in already highly volatile markets これが文全体の副詞節とも考えたのですが、やはり to solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility in already highly volatile markets これが全部で代不定詞の内容でしょうか。市場(景気?)とインフレの関係がつかめていないので教えていただけるとありがたいです。 2) この文の前にはGlobal stocks remained highly volatile a day after the Fed’s emergency interest rate cut on Tuesday. Asian shares gained sharply after a two-day mauling, and many European markets opened with modest gains, in part on hopes for a rate cut in Europe. But the chief European central banker, Jean-Claude Trichet, indicated in Brussels that no monetary easing was in the cards. この文の後ろには“The E.C.B. had a tightening bias previously,” Mr. Chaney said, but “Trichet left open the possibility of a move toward a neutral bias.” があります。 「景気対策を考えFedは金利下げを行い株価上昇、一方ECBはインフレ対策のため金利上げ(a tightening bias)を考えていた。Fedの動きを受けECBも金融緩和(monetary easing)を行うと株投資家は期待し、銀行もそう考えたが、ECBは特に動いていない(a neutral bias)」で背景は正しいでしょうか。 「金利下げで株の買い(株が欲しい)が入り株価上昇、金利上げで株の売りが入り株価下落の可能性大で、投資家たちもECBの金利下げを望んでいるというのが一般的」でよろしかったでしょうか。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On 11 January 1915, the commander of the British Mediterranean Squadron, Vice Admiral S. H. Carden proposed a plan for forcing the Dardanelles using battleships, submarines and minesweepers. On 13 February, the British War Council approved the plan and Carden was given more pre-dreadnought battleships, the modern battleship HMS Queen Elizabeth and the battlecruiser HMS Inflexible. France contributed a squadron including four pre-dreadnoughts and the Russian navy provided the light cruiser Askold. In early February 1915, the naval forces were supplemented by contingents of Royal Marines and the 29th Division, the last uncommitted regular division, which joined Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (Anzac) divisions training in Egypt. The infantry were intended for the occupation of Constantinople after the straits had been taken by the Entente navies. In August 1914, the Outer Defences were two fortresses at the end of the Gallipoli peninsula and two on the Asiatic shore. The forts had 19 guns, four with a range of 9 mi (14 km) and the remainder with ranges of 3.4–4.5 mi (5.5–7.2 km). Four field howitzers were dug in at Tekke Burnu (Cape Tekke) on the European side, then for the next 10 mi (16 km), there was a gap until the Intermediate Defences at Kephez Point, with four defensive works on the south shore and one on the north shore. The fortresses had been built to cover a minefield, which in August 1914 was a line of mines across the strait from Kephez Point to the European shore. Fort Dardanos was the main work which had two new 6-inch naval guns and the rest contained ten small Quick-firing guns with shields. At the Narrows, the Inner Defences had the heaviest guns and some mobile light howitzers and field guns. Five forts had been built on the European side and six on the Asian side with 72 heavy and medium guns. Most of the artillery was obsolescent but there were five long-range 14 in (360 mm) guns with a range of 9.7 mi (15.6 km) and three 9.4 in (240 mm) guns with a 8.5 mi (13.7 km) range. The remainder of the guns in the Inner Defences were mostly obsolete and unable to shoot beyond 5.7 mi (9.2 km). Of the 100 guns in the pre-war defences, only 14 were modern long-range pieces, the rest being old-fashioned breech loaders on fixed carriages. The gunners were poorly trained, there was little ammunition and scant prospect of replacement. Night illumination consisted of a searchlight at entrance to the Straits and one at the Narrows. The forts were easily visible, there were few gun shields and other protective features for the gun-crews and range-finding, artillery observation and fire-control depended on an telephones linked by wire on telephone poles, vulnerable to artillery-fire. The Ottoman official historian wrote, On mobilisation, the fortification and armament of the Dardanelles was very inadequate. Not only were the majority of the guns of old pattern, with a slow rate of fire and short range, but their ammunition supply was also limited. — Ottoman Official History

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The main attack was made by X Corps and the 1st Anzac Corps, on a 4,000 yd (3,700 m) front on the Gheluvelt plateau. Steady pressure in early September from the 47th Division, had advanced the British front line near Inverness Copse for a considerable distance, which made better jumping-off positions for the attack by the Australians. The four divisions advanced behind a creeping barrage of unprecedented weight. The increased amount of artillery allowed the heavy guns to place two belts of fire beyond the two from the field artillery; a machine-gun barrage in the middle made five belts, each 200 yd (180 m) deep. The creeping barrage started quickly, lifting 100 yd (91 m) every four minutes and this allowed the British infantry to surprise the German outpost garrisons while the Germans were still in their shelters, by looming out of the mist. After four lifts, the barrage slowed to 100 yd (91 m) every six minutes. Most German troops encountered were so stunned by the bombardment, that they were incapable of resistance and surrendered immediately, despite few of the concrete pillboxes and Mebu shelters being destroyed by the British artillery. In the few areas where the German defenders were capable of resisting, they inflicted many losses but were quickly outflanked in the mist. The new system of local reserves allowed the British to maintain momentum, despite local checks. The 41st Division had to advance across the Bassevillebeek valley, against the right of the German 9th Division and the left of the Bavarian Ersatz Division, to capture Tower Hamlets spur. The advance was hampered by overnight rain, which affected the valley more than the plateau to the north. Fire from camouflaged German machine-gun nests in the valley caused confusion and delay to the infantry, who lost the barrage. The Bassevillebeek stream in the valley was eventually crossed, with the 122nd Brigade struggling forward and the 124th Brigade being held up near the British front line, by numerous machine-guns in the Quadrilateral, three ruined cottages that had been fortified behind a digging 400 yd × 100 yd (366 m × 91 m) at the south end of the spur.

  • この英文は日本語で何と書いてあるのでしょうか?

    この文の全体の意味が良く分かりません。 和訳できる方、教えて下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。 グーグル翻訳やエキサイト翻訳、辞書を使ってみたのですが、この文章の明確な意味が分かりませんでした。 英語の分かる方、申し訳ないのですが教えて頂きたいです。 Premium fabrics are used thoughout the range, luxury wool flannels, Egyptian cotton shirting in exclusive jacquard design, Italian printed nylons, Cashmere, silk blends and Merino. Fabrics are a mix of melange, printed and dyed options. An important element of the collection is the use of lambskin shearling on the collars as well as the karakul hat, a nod to the Eastern theme and one of the starting points of inspiration the season. The exclusive prints of the season were gathered from the early section of the Liberty archive. The new ''Marble'' print for example is a link to East Asian marbelling technique, started around 10th century, it was a popular handicraft in Great Britain in the 19th century. Colours in the collecton range from melange greys and navy, paired with neutrals such as sage, beige and khaki greens, Hifhlight include reds and bright blues

  • キヤノン製品において、上部トレイを使用したコピーをする際に、真ん中に縦線が入る現象が発生しています。
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  • この現象の原因や解決策について、キヤノン公式のサポートページなどから確認することができます。